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*places a shiny black leather collar on the furry*

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I has claimed him, the furry belongs to me, k? Anyone asks, he's mine! ...but I will not take responsibility for his actions, take it up with my lawyers!

So after we get his vaccinations, I was thinking of a jaunt through the park and then maybe a visit to cousin Fia; *pats his head and gently scratches behind his ears* e's a good boy, yes he is...


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Well I'm glad I'm a samurai now.

:lol: word...and...I think I know that anime there in your sig but I'm not sure...recognize it but not the title...and maybe I'm thinking of a different one is/are there large machines in it??

*tail wags* ^^


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:lol: word...and...I think I know that anime there in your sig but I'm not sure...recognize it but not the title...and maybe I'm thinking of a different one is/are there large machines in it??


Nope. No machines. Though I can give you a link to a site with all the current episodes on it if you want. It has the Lyle Dayek seal of approval. (For whatever THAT'S worth. It might even decrease the value of the original product.)

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Nope. No machines. Though I can give you a link to a site with all the current episodes on it if you want. It has the Lyle Dayek seal of approval. (For whatever THAT'S worth. It might even decrease the value of the original product.)

ah k, the one I was thinking of had...well, there was one samurai who would cleave through a lot of said machines, or something...it was just an AMV I saw of it and thought of watching it; the art style used is similar to that of the sig/av images you have

*licks* <3

*hugs tight* ^^;

awww, that fox is too cute and sad D:...and wouldn't it be more scared of non-furries raping it?? :mellow: *shrugs*

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ah k, the one I was thinking of had...well, there was one samurai who would cleave through a lot of said machines, or something...it was just an AMV I saw of it and thought of watching it; the art style used is similar to that of the sig/av images you have

Perhaps you are thinking of Escaflone? It's the only one that comes to mind.

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Did you find Bugs Bunny attractive as a child?

No, but it's alright if you do, I don't judge.

So, how about that economic bailout?


I see we got a pro on our hands.




You know you want to turn it.

Wtf?...You really are a pro at this.

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...it gets too naughty after this one :mellow: so you'll have to look up the rest ;)

Wellllll, what do we have here? XD

*snickers* I have stuff I could post too, but I'd rather not get banhammered for something I did in Far from the freaking Forest.

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...it gets too naughty after this one :mellow: so you'll have to look up the rest ;)

I like you better already.

I might even forgive your voluntary communication with Yiff Yaff Yoff over here if it's good.

I have stuff I could post too,


Edited by Der Kommissar
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