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Hi everyone!

I'm Taho, a French bloke who discovered FE about a year ago. It has been quite hurtful to my studies, but what a fun I've had. I started my FE spree with Path of Radiance (completed once in hard mode, currently finishing it a second time, hard mode again), then Radiant dawn (finished twice in normal and hard mode), and Shadow Dragon (once in normal mode, dunno if I'll do it again, I found this one a lot less fun). In parallel with my second Path of Radiance game, I started playing the Genealogy of the Holy War and so far it seems pretty good.

Well, i'm looking forward to getting to know everyone aroune here and talke about FE stuff with you guys!

All the best,


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I started playing the Genealogy of the Holy War and so far it seems pretty good.

Keep up the good work. : D

And welcome.

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Salutations, Comrade Taho, and welcome to Serene's Forest.

Your next logical steps after finishing FE4 are the GBA games, or FE5 if you're feeling particularly audacious. All of them are well worth your time, and essential if you ever want to be considered FE-literate.

It's nice to see someone here who's gotten into the fandom relatively recently, sometimes it seems like everyone's been around forever.

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Thanks everyone!

I do intend to play the GBA games (since they can run on my DS, it would be a shame not to play them :P ), but I have to complete my second shot at PoR and to finish FE4 first. :lol:

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Welcome to the site, have fun, enjoy your stay.

Thank you :lol: I am already enjoying it seeing how it's hard to speak about FE with your real-life friends, and seeing how much you have to speak about FE when you like it... cause it's so great :P

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