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The ones I hear the most around school:

All Japanese people eat whales

All Chinese people eat cats

If you have red hair you have a smelly vagina

the last one never fails to make me lol.

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The ones I hear the most around school:

All Japanese people eat whales

All Chinese people eat cats

If you have red hair you have a smelly vagina

the last one never fails to make me lol.

Don't Chinese people eat dogs?

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According to everyone at my school it's cats.

Koreans supposedly eat dogs.

Asians, in general, eat dogs. Thankfuly, its a small minority. To put it in the words of a forgien exhange student I had one year, "The people who eat dogs are like the people in Mississippi who eat racoons."

Edited by Dr. Claw
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Don't Chinese people eat dogs?

Some eat both of them, actually. But not all Chinese people do. Trust me, I've heard this from Chinese.

- Trouble makers sit in back of the class.

- People with glasses are geeky and can't fight.

- All Polish are idiots.

- All Irish are drunks.

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Some eat both of them, actually. But not all Chinese people do. Trust me, I've heard this from Chinese.

- Trouble makers sit in back of the class.

- People with glasses are geeky and can't fight.

- All Polish are idiots.

- All Irish are drunks.

Most do if there isn't a seating chart for the students...

Well generally they tend to be bett... never mind.
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All Fat People like fast food (actually this is for the most part true..)

Woman Drivers are a hazard (LOLZ)

Conservatives are assholes (eeh...make your own assessment about that one)

All Heavy Metal is Satanic (ROFL!!!!)

All Arab/Muslims are terrorists (<_<)

People who live in small towns are generally uncultured (ROFL)

All vampires is sparkly and pretty.


HAHAHAHAH what? Sparkly?

Well almost all vampires are pretty but only the twilight ones are sparkly...

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Most do if there isn't a seating chart for the students...

I like sitting in the back of the class, but I am not trouble maker. I more of that silent guy you should pester too much, as he may start a school shooting.

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I mean, wouldn't the blondes be known for it and not the redheads? I thought redhead were stereotyped as nerds/unattractive farmgirls or something.

Edited by Tamara
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Most of these have been directly applied to me at some point.

- Men that wear purple are gay

- Men with long hair are gay

-- Unless they are emo

-- or possibly planning to bomb your school

- Men that are friends with mostly women are gay

- Roleplayers are gay.

- Men who take dance at school are gay.

(Yes, some odd reason most of the world thinks I'm gay, if they talked to me they might learn something)

What's hilarious about that last one is how long it took everyone else to realize I was the only guy in a room full of hot women watching them being highly athletic in sports bras and tank tops. Yup, totally a gay thing to do.

Oh yeah, this one is used toward me, and is true.

- Men who take dance and are openly perverted... are perverts.

Edited by Rakath
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Here's some more that I came up with:

  • Mexicans are illegal immigrants
  • Senior citizens drive only Buicks
  • YouTubers like to complain about every new policy or someone getting suspended/getting his/her videos taken down
  • Parties are loud and full of obnoxious people
  • Tall girls are ugly
  • Disney fans are gay (for old school) or obnoxious (for new school)
  • Teens are rebels

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Wasn't there a stereotype that Muslims are terrorists?

Personally, I can't stand stereotypes. If any seem true to me at all... I realize that it's probably because I don't know many people very well, and I don't assume it to be universally true.

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