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The Obama Administration Mascot


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Now now, remember the golden rule. If someone is half-black and robs you, they are black. If someone is half-black and president, they are whatever the other half is.

Obama is half-white and that's the only way he won the election.

Also, black people are socialists. Esp. the ones living in ghettos. They demand the government to give them free money once a month on the 1st of the month and they're always looking for a free handout.

Now, if you excuses me, I think I might get flame, attacked, and lynched.

Edited by Proud_Black_Man
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Obama is half-white and that's the only way he won the election.

Also, black people are socialists. Esp. the ones living in ghettos. They demand the government to give them free money once a month on the 1st of the month and they're always looking for a free handout.

Now, if you excuses me, I think I might get flame, attacked, and lynched.

Is it too far fetched that America could actually be open minded enough to elect someone that is colored to lead it? Your stereotypes are pathetic, not all black people are socialists. The ones in ghettos work their asses off only to be discriminated against by the rich. If that were my life I'd want a little compensation too. Your stereotypes are idiotic have no place in a debate.

Edited by Arch
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Irrelevant. The congress spent most of its time during the Bush years on its back, pissing all over itself.

You do realize that congress passes all the descisions that are made, right? Checks and Balances? Any of that ringing a bell?

And still, 2006 was the year suggested that socialist policies were coming into play as said by Black Knight, and the congress was taken over by the Democratic party that year. Is it all their fault? No. Of course Bush should take some of the blame, but no one suggests he shouldn't. However, Congress should share some of that blame as well, and people should be able to see the holes in the words of the left wingers. They are the ones that pushed the banks to make all the bad loans that the people couldn't pay off, which resulted in the current bank failures today.

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Is it too far fetched that America could actually be open minded enough to elect someone that is colored to lead it? Your stereotypes are pathetic, not all black people are socialists. The ones in ghettos work their asses off only to be discriminated against by the rich. If that were my life I'd want a little compensation too. Your stereotypes are idiotic have no place in a debate.

Is it so far fetched that some people who disagree with Obama are not racist? Race shouldn't be the issue here. That's the point. Don't vote for Obama because he's black, vote for him because he'll do a good job as president. Which, I don't think he's doing a good job at all.

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Is it so far fetched that some people who disagree with Obama are not racist? Race shouldn't be the issue here. That's the point. Don't vote for Obama because he's black, vote for him because he'll do a good job as president. Which, I don't think he's doing a good job at all.

If only we had gotten Palin.

And he never said that people who opposed Obama were racist. Smart man.

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If only we had gotten Palin.

And he never said that people who opposed Obama were racist. Smart man.


Anyway, there have been people that will say that someone is a racist if they try to criticise and prove how Obama's plans are terrible.

What Obama is doing right now is the same thing they did during the great depression. And it made things worse. The only reason we were able to recover from that was because of WWII. And if it follows the same formula, we're looking at most likely, a nuclear holocaust.

Especially since the whole world is in an economic crisis.

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Is it too far fetched that America could actually be open minded enough to elect someone that is colored to lead it? Your stereotypes are pathetic, not all black people are socialists. The ones in ghettos work their asses off only to be discriminated against by the rich. If that were my life I'd want a little compensation too. Your stereotypes are idiotic have no place in a debate.

American only elected a black man outta of racist guilt and to shut up the blacks who think "The Man" is always trying to put 'em down. I been through the ghetto many times and I see some people having a good time with flashy cars and flashing their stacks of 20s to people. And since we're talking about compensation, I think every white family in America should give all blacks some money over what happen 400 years ago despite the large generation gaps between the 1600s to today.

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If you guys are going to discuss politics, I suggest you do it in a place other than FftF.

You know, hun, I do believe that trolling is completely against the rules now, no matter how lighthearted it may be.

Indeed, it is. Thus the suspension. It's going to get boring around here if I have to keep suspending people.

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I will look forward to seeing you in hell then, I suppose.

Well it's not like I want to be right here. If Obama can fix the economy with his super magic powers, then I'm all for that. I just don't see the logic behind what he's doing.

American only elected a black man outta of racist guilt and to shut up the blacks who think "The Man" is always trying to put 'em down. I been through the ghetto many times and I see some people having a good time with flashy cars and flashing their stacks of 20s to people. And since we're talking about compensation, I think every white family in America should give all blacks some money over what happen 400 years ago despite the large generation gaps between the 1600s to today.

An interesting concept, but wouldn't giving money to the black families just be the same thing as electing a black man to be president? It doesn't show that they're sorry for it. It's just them trying "To break even."

It may not exactly sound sincere coming from me, a white guy, but I think the only way to get past all that is to stop looking at people as "Black" or "White". They're just individual people. The color of their skin is just a characteristic of that. Yes there is still racial tension in the world, but getting worked up over it and claiming that the white man needs to make up for what they did, is only hindering the eventual end of racism.

And besides. Why should white people today have to make amends for what white people did back then? They aren't the same people, and most of the white guys I know aren't racist at all. As insenitive as it sounds, a black kid my age was never a slave. So why should they bitch about it? I understand that they deal with some racist jackasses around today, but they have no idea about what their ancestors really went though.

Something that really pissed me off about the past election was how there were white people at Obama's inaugeration that were in tears because of "the progress that has been made." My line of thinking was: "You have no idea how they suffered. You have no clue about the real significance, you fuck."

Edit: Gah. Jyosua, don't dictate that the thread is over while I'm still posting. Then it looks like I was disobeying your mandate.

Edited by Mifune
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I'll just lock this. But like I said, if you want to discuss it, do it in a different board.

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