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Probably hates 90% of Ecclesia's enemies.

As to that... I hate Grave Diggers and Cave Trolls. Both are rather strong for the point in time you can find them at. Especially the Cave Troll - you can find one in the Tymeo Mountains. Then there's that goddamned Tin Man that you first see in Minera Prison Island, which, like the Cave Troll, you don't see as a regular enemy intil Dracula's Castle. However, the bosses after the Giant Skeleton were all nasty. (That is, except Wallman, who's piss easy for one of the last few bosses, even if you're going for the medal.) And speaking of Medals... I really hated getting the Gravedo Medal. Also, Blackmore. I never could get his medal. In addition to having powerful attacks, Blackmore also has you practically stuck against the wall for the whole fight.

Still likes Etrian Odyssey.

Edited by Richter Renard
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I find the crab the most annoying to get a medal on.

Likes Norne of the Corn.

Hmm... As to that, yeah. Brachyura's annoying to get a medal on.

There goes that ceiling cling technique I was working on... *thrown off*

Edited by Richter Renard
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Claimed an FE character who recently became a scrappy. (And I'm talking about the half-year ago type of recently.)

(I don't know how much of a scrappy the character became either.)

Edited by Idun and Sephiroth fan
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Axe Armor

Game Castlevania: Dawn of Sorrow

Enemy Number 007

Description An armor-clad soldier that is highly skilled with axes.


Experience 10

Hit Points 18


Attack Power



Timestop affect

Drop Items Axe, Leather Armor

Steal Items

Location The Lost Village

Soul Details Throws axes. 25/use

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