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Knows Lucas has better smashes and Ness better specials (though their recovery is terribly hard to use).

Yeah, I'd imagine that people wouldn't know how to recover with PK Thunder if they weren't tipped off about how to use it.

Knows that PSI Magnet absorbs energy projectiles.

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Wouldn't want to eat May's Purple Surprise. Or for her Pokemon to eat it, for that matter.

Edited by Levant Caprice
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Is correct. And the aforementioned May is one of them - her Purple Surprise, to put it bluntly, is something that only a Munchlax could eat without doubling over in pain. Or Jessie. Hell, just look at this - yes, that's Ash's entire team that it KOed (and it also dropped a few others, including her Combusken).

Edited by Levant Caprice
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