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Didn't like the fact that one of his posts got nulled because it was a minute too early.

(Regardless, I have to agree with BLS on that one; The rules are the rules, and I would've done the same thing if I was in his position.)

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Wow did I read that wrong.

Not something that probably won't leave his head for a while.

Will know that I am not wearing my glasses at the moment since they are bothering me.

Edited by Ein Silver Rose
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But first I have to find titles that interest me that aren't JP only...

Wasn't watching some BB matches to get a feel as to how Hazama normal attacks should be used.

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Might laugh at this Youtube comment:

*ArkSys meeting*

"So guys, I've looked over the statistics and we're not reaching the otakus. How many fetishes can we fit into this game?"

"Let's strip the squirrel chick."

"Agreed. Now we need a decent loli."

"*Strip Rachel?*"

"Umm... she's 72.500 years old."

"*draws quick scetch of magical girl*"

"Yeaaaaah, that's more like it. Let's make Noel's Murakumo-unit turn her naked too. Daisuke, we need music that is awesome enough for the normal fanbase to accept all this, you ready?"

"Born ready."

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