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I never played Emerald so yeah.

Knows that Tate is actually a boy. @_@

Oh... Then you don't know that they're hell in Emerald. Just read this:

Tate and Liza in Emerald, which doubles as a very nasty shock to anyone who played Ruby or Sapphire. In Ruby/Sapphire, the only Pokémon the pair had were Solrock and Lunatone, easily taken out with a few good Dark-, Grass-, or Water-type attacks. In Emerald, you first need to fight through a Xatu (which can either use Confuse Ray on your fighters or Calm Mind to jack up its stats, aside from flat-out attacking with Psychic) and a Claydol (which spams Earthquake and Ancientpower). If you do manage to get through those two, you'd think Solrock and Lunatone would be pieces of cake, right? NOPE. It's not uncommon for Xatu to use Sunny Day before biting the dust, so Solrock can either hit with a powered-up Flamethrower (in case anyone would try to use Shiftry or Cacturne) or skip the charging turn to attack with SolarBeam (say goodbye to Sharpedo and Crawdaunt). For those not keeping track, the only Dark-types (the ideal choice, being immune to Psychic attacks) left at that point in the game are Absol, Mightyena and Sableye. Did I mention Claydol uses Earthquake, which hits every other Pokémon on the field and which the other three Pokémon on the Leaders' team are all immune to? None of the three aforementioned Dark-types have stellar Defense stats.

Knows that Juan is Sootopolis's Gym Leader.

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Knows I wouldn't have trouble with Emerald other than level grinding because level grinding sucked in 3rd generation.

Ehh, it's not as bad as grinding in GSC, if you ask me.

Knows that Seedot are REALLY hard to find in Emerald. And by that, I mean harder-to-find-than-Ralts-level rare - and Ralts are very very uncommon in Hoenn. Which sucks for me since Ralts evolves into my favorite Psychic type. (Or one of them at least.)

Edited by Metal King Slime
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