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It all started on a cold, rainy, evening in 1979. I was in a crummy hotel overlooking washington square when the waitress arrived with the menu. When asked what I wanted to drink, I replied "Water, carbonated not bubbly." She gave me kind of a funny look and walked off to the kitchen. Looking at the menu, I see that these people have very little in the way of dishes covered in onions or garlic, and I'm disappointed. I stare out the window for a few minutes, watching the rain fall. The waitress comes back with a glass, but as I turn my head from the window, I immediately see something's wrong.

The water is as flat as my ex-wife.

She asks me what I want to order, but I can't focus. This is some grade-a ridiculous shit right here. See, I asked for carbonated water, very specifically, but I got normal water. It might be tap water, or or or or or or or or maybe ocean water or maybe

she might be trying to kill me.

Now that I think about, she's been acting weird since the moment I set foot in here. Even now she's giving me a blank stare and

I can almost smell her murderous intent.

It smells like...french fries.

"Uh, sir, your order please...?"

That tone. That sinister tone. But it's okay, see, I read a book on this once and I know how to handle this and all I have to do is stay calm and not give off any sign that I know there's a problem.

"I'll have the filet mignon, medium rare, please."

She gives me that look again.

"Sir, that isn't even on the menu..."

And so my boy, that's the day I tried fried chicken.

Just for the record everyone who was there is dead now, and the only people who know what happened are me

and you.

Note to self: Don't act strangely/polite around Pride.

Not eating some lettuce.

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Well you know that might not be entirely true.

Maybe he'd rather you have a glass eye over an eyepatch, one with a lil' gold eagle on it so you could pull some gangs of new york shenanigans or something.

I mean, I know I would.

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Shall know that I am having second thoughts about what to cosplay next -_-'

I mean, having a ragna sword would be pretty epic. Or a Nu Patch, cloak, and ponytail with a blade at the end.

I mean, if I can get a costume done, I can go to the blazblue cosplay meet at AX. (Looks around warily)

But then, there is the procractination and laziness factors.

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