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Can someone give me their opinion on my Marth's stats?

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I'm planning on using Marth for my first wifi team and these are the stats he ended up with at level 30

HP: 44

Strength: 21

Magic: 0

Skill: 17

Speed: 25

Luck: 30

Defense: 13

Resistance: 2

The RNG doesn't seem to have been very kind to him... I haven't used any stat boosting items yet, so I'll have all of those. The best I can do to make his stats better is to go back to my last save and level up at the arena some more. But I don't know how beneficial that would be because to get him to this point, I made sure all of his level ups were 4 or 5 boosts; but his last level up only boosted 2 stats.

Are there any suggestions besides "not to use him"? I've already forged a maxed out Rapier, so I'm kind of set on using him.

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Don't use Marth on wifi. At all. He doesn't have shit for range, and 25 is rather low considering there are enemies with capped speed at like 30... and, I emphasize again, his lack of a ranged attack.

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and they're named Abel/Frey/Cain/ZagaroSedgar/Merric, who are the best units in the game anyway

Wolf is pretty good too. Anyway, my Marth has similar stats to those at 25, soo...

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Technically Castor outdoes Wolf and Sedgar pretty easily, but nobody ever seems to mention that...

And using three Paladins and a Horseman is just gonna get you slaughtered by Rapiers, Wing Spears and various other anti-cavalry weapons. On multiplayer, that is. Single player they'll do just fine, although three Paladins is a bit overkill. Two is more than enough.

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And using three Paladins and a Horseman is just gonna get you slaughtered by Rapiers, Wing Spears and various other anti-cavalry weapons.

(Asumming top level play) Shiida and Marth aren't fast enough to double Horse units, and if the enemy have forged braves they will get pretty much one rounded. The only thing I have to worry about for my horse units is a berserker with a forged poleax as that's pretty much a death sentence to any horse unit with really high/max defence.

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Wait wait wait. Since when is Shiida not fast enough to get two hits in? She's like... the fastest character in the game. Or near enough, anyway. Then again, Brave weapons are cheap as heck.

If by top-level play you mean dastard RNG and Arena abusers, then fine, fair enough. I claim moral victory over them by not wasting hours and hours of my life, anyway (no real offense to anyone who does do that... but seriously, where do you get the TIME? Just hack the game or something if you really want to cheat).

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My arena abuse save has 20 hours in it. You're exaggerating when it comes to Arena abuse. As for why Shiida's not doubling, do tell how any1 can double a unit with 30 SPD when there's no legitimate way go past that cap? >_>. Shiida sucks for Wi-fi.

Edited by Sirius
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A 15-20 hour playthrough is enough to make a decent team. You can use that playthrough to access the bonus chapters if you want, since you might as well kill all units that aren't any good at L20 or L20/20.

Wait wait wait. Since when is Shiida not fast enough to get two hits in? She's like... the fastest character in the game. Or near enough, anyway. Then again, Brave weapons are cheap as heck.

There are plenty of characters that have little difficulty capping speed and get better def/str/HP to boot.

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I guess I just don't play Fire Emblem games like you do. For me, only one or two characters ever get to 20/20 (depending on the game), simply because it's just not something that happens during normal play. There just isn't enough experience to go around all the units I want to use, and Arena abuse is a big no-no for me (it's grinding, pure and simple, and it ruins the difficulty and destroys any challenge).

Sure, I could probably limit myself to five characters for the whole game and slug through it all just to get a maxed out team, but I don't want to spend 20 hours of my life doing that just so I can play multiplayer.

I really... kinda... don't care about stats much. At all. Stats are the boring part of FE games. Apparently for American gamers that's the main draw of the games... I've always found that odd.

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Because those extra levels give him better stats than Wolf and Sedgar by the time he catches up with them.

He's catching up with them? Ever?


Castor 20/20: 37 HP, 21 str, 22 spd, 14 def

Zagaro 20: 50 HP, 21 str, 23 spd, 22 def

Wolf 20: 49 HP, 23 str, 22 spd, 17 def

....no, not really? Never mind that he's not hitting max level while they are, so these leads are even more lolpwned [Although it's in durability more than anything else]

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