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The sad bit

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Well, MIT released their admissions decisions today, 3/14, at 1:59 PM. It takes sheer awesomeness to release decisions on pi, in my opinion. Anyway, yours truly didn't get in.

Oh well. I'm not really disappointed, because I'm not surprised; I really didn't think I was going to get in, I'm not quite that smart or motivated, and it wasn't my top choice, either. What makes me sad is that the crazy awesome people over here didn't get in. These guys were actually audacious, inventive, and talented enough to make a spoof of the actual admissions page and maintain it for a good long while. (Check out the fake site. It's pretty funny.)

...Aaaand that was my day. I have entered FFtF once more; the insanity shall commence.

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*Gets an annoying Message Pop-Up from MSN Saying I have a new E-Mail from SF, causing me to accidentally delete three thousand words of my story...* Hello? Is this Regis?

Edited by Matthew O'Connell
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Lol, no worries. I didn't realize it till now, but I did save it, so I only lost a little over two hundred words. Which I can make up in a matter of minutes. So yeah, no worries.

Edited by Matthew O'Connell
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I was rejected from 8 colleges and wait listed for another 4 before I got accepted to Harvard. Overall, I was turned away by twice as many colleges that accepted me.

Holding your breath to get into any one of these schools is foolish, because even for the most qualified candidates in the world it's a complete crapshoot. You just have to hold out until you've heard back from everyone, and make your decision from there. Sorry about the rejection to MIT, but I'm sure you're going to get good news back from someone.

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