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We all have our good days and we all have our bad days. You just had a bad day.

Now, I must say FE6 is better than FE4, The Dark Knight and Watchmen where shit, WCW was better than WWF during the 90s, and Kayne West was right.

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We all have our good days and we all have our bad days. You just had a bad day.

Now, I must say FE6 is better than FE4, The Dark Knight and Watchmen where shit, WCW was better than WWF during the 90s, and Kayne West was right.

I concur entirely good sir! You are an amazingly correct person!

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Hey Revan, like, about your avatar uhh...

I have no idea what that is but it looks cool.

Edited by Destiny Bundle of Sticks
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Revan did something that was only half clarified in the rules. Revan got suspended. Revan apologized.

Half clarified? It really depends on what he got suspended for. There is a rule against double posting, and multiposting isn't any better.

Now, you could get around that rule with a bit of teamwork, but the rules for not spamming a picture were there.

I mean, I could care less if he's sorry or what he got in trouble for, but saying the rule he broke wasn't clear is like saying Bush being a bad president wasn't clear.

But if you want to be an asshole, you shouldn't pussy foot around when asked if you did it.

That's why gang members are pathetic. Willing to kill for their 'boys' but never willing to admit it.

Edited by bunny: Now with Pancakes
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But only in the gang. If that's going to be your only source of pride in what you've done, it'll lead to inflation and your pride will be worth less in general.

That's just how the economy works.

But if the Judge, the cops, the other gang, and your gang know you're a bad mother fucker, well, you've got it made.

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Half clarified? It really depends on what he got suspended for. There is a rule against double posting, and multiposting isn't any better.

Now, you could get around that rule with a bit of teamwork, but the rules for not spamming a picture were there.

I mean, I could care less if he's sorry or what he got in trouble for, but saying the rule he broke wasn't clear is like saying Bush being a bad president wasn't clear.

But if you want to be an asshole, you shouldn't pussy foot around when asked if you did it.

That's why gang members are pathetic. Willing to kill for their 'boys' but never willing to admit it.

Except it said that most of those rules where irrelevant in FFtF. :P


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I was Warned and it got removed for being "Not PG-13". :P

I have no idea why that would happen. :(

That was fucking awesome though.

I don't think it should have been removed. It could have indicated something else.


Edited by Vegeta
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That was fucking awesome though.

I don't think it should have been removed. It could have indicated something else.


I'm fighting to get it back, and to get my Warn removed. :D

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