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Sothe-Declared SF VIP of 2008


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Was I right or was I right. I only wish you had your delicious dramafest prior to three months ago, so I could have it on record that I predicted you'd eventually come back to SF. Do you expect to be welcomed back into a community which you invited to fuck off? Or were you hoping that, since your little episode has been erased, you could come back pretending it never happened.

Do your integrity a favor: keep your promise. Stay off SF.

Edited by Urist McButcherdwarf
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Someone please explain what this is about. Reveal your secrets to me!

By the way, that dog is scary.

Edited by Silver Lobo
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Someone please explain what this is about. Reveal your secrets to me!

Sothe: Fuck you guys I'm leaving.

Me: You'll be back.


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So that little diatribe totally blew my face off. I though this was just a haze sothe fest, like the good ol' days on FEW, but apparently there's substance to the beratement?

Everyone knows that Ah Puch is the greatest member of this forum.

He's so epicly great that he doesn't even need to join this shit forum.


Even when he has been gone for months I can vividly recall his 6'5", broad and muscular Viking frame strolling through these interwebs as if on the quest to rape and pillage every single last one of its inhabitants. With knowledge and excellent RPing skills.

Edited by Crepe Knight
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