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Wow, more swine flu news

Phoenix Wright

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well, ok you got a point, i dont know a whole lot about the s. flu, just from what i hear from others, but what i do know is that the media is making it worse, i just hope that none of us get it
Very true. The media is going overboard.
True, we don't want this website to get a virus


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Oh my gosh, swine flu which is less dangerous than the regular flu, run!
Have you been reading on it? Recent discoveries completely disprove this post.
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Certainly not in the UK. Lol1fatality.

It's not only the amount of deaths that measure a disease's strength. It's much more complex. There are many factors that must be taken into account. For example: how well it survives.

Death toll is just a measure of how lethal the virus is. The reason why the toll is so low is because most people are now aware of how dangerous the flu virus can be, so they take necessary precautions.

Swine Flu is for wimps. But seriously, my uncle had it and he recovered within 2 weeks with no medical attention.
Pretty common. As for me, I got the flu (few years back) and after three days, I needed to be hospitalized. It seems that the flu irritates peoples' asthma, making the flu more lethal.
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I am actually pretty sure that the Influenza Type A, B, and C are all more potent than H1N1 based on my knowledge of a couple weeks past. Even though it has no cure, neither does the cold. So would you say that the common cold is just as an epidemic as H1N1, no. But H1N1 is quite the surviver.

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I am actually pretty sure that the Influenza Type A, B, and C are all more potent than H1N1 based on my knowledge of a couple weeks past. Even though it has no cure, neither does the cold. So would you say that the common cold is just as an epidemic as H1N1, no. But H1N1 is quite the surviver.
Well, you're right in a way. Type A in history shows the most amount of epidemics by far. Though, H1N1 is a Type A flu, according to Wikipedia. It's commonly referred to as A(H1N1).

* Influenza Type A is the most common and also the scariest of the three influenzas, causing the most serious epidemics in history.

* Influenza Type B flu outbreaks also can cause epidemics, but the disease it produces generally is milder than that caused by type A.

* Influenza Type C flu viruses, on the other hand, have never been connected with a large epidemic, usually just causing mild respiratory infections similar to the common cold.


Just to help you with remembering a little. :D

In order for it to be an epidemic, people need to die. People need to have fear. I can confidently say that the common cold is the weakest disease in existence as we know it.

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