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Proposal for change


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I think this is as good time as any to reorganize this forum a bit, if I can be as free. I don't think debate threads and discussions etc in one forum looks very tidy, nor the discussions about a debate in the same thread. It may be the fact that I'm used to how it used to be at FEF, but something I would like to propose (if the site staff is okay with it):

Fire Emblem Debating becomes a "main" subforum (like General Fire Emblem), where all of the discussion and challenges are posted.

- Debates (the actual debates...it'd be nice if they could be locked when forfeited/done)

- Judging (a thread is posted here after a debate finishes where people cast votes and discuss the debate)

Also, I think a new rule thread would be in order.

I don't know if I'm being too out-of-bounds with this proposal...I'd like to hear thoughts about this new "system", especially from Red Fox who moderates the whole deal.

Edited by Mekkah
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I personally like teh discussion being held in the same thread teh debate occured. It helps referance certain points, and makes it easier to review the debate in general as the debate and discussion is on the same thread.

Not to mention a seperate thread would take up more room.

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No, because it concerns only the people who debate often (this means not you). If they don't care for my suggestions, then there's no reason to bring it outside.

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Anyone who debates should comment, since it affects mostly them. But anyone from the SF forum staff who feels like commenting should, as well.

Edited by Mekkah
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Fire Emblem Debating becomes a "main" subforum (like General Fire Emblem), where all of the discussion and challenges are posted.

I don't see this as necessary, but I see no problems with it either.

- Debates (the actual debates...it'd be nice if they could be locked when forfeited/done)

- Judging (a thread is posted here after a debate finishes where people cast votes and discuss the debate)

I'm not so sure about this. The debate itself is still in order on the first page, and the way we have it now allows readers to read the judging right after the debate. A new topic might be "cleaner," but I don't really see the point of it. It might even make it difficult to find the votes for older debates.

Also, I think a new rule thread would be in order.


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I see I'm clearly in the minority with my OCD-ing for judging being done in a separate thread, so I'm just going to drop that. However, in that case, I still think something needs to be done about the enormous amount of unnecessary posts in debate threads. Preferably, the only posts they'd have in an ideal world:

- Debate posts themselves

- Judges voting

Of course, judges aren't perfect, and sometimes people might feel a vote doesn't do justice, so they should be welcome to contest it. Do you all think this should be done in the thread itself, or via some other means? (seperate thread, PM) I have a feeling people would like to keep that the way it is.

However, this means that things I really don't want to see any more are:

- Half-finished posts. Only post when you're done. Minor edits afterwards are fine.

- Posts in between debates with things like "are you going to open?". Just use the challenge thread, profile comments, PM, etc.

- Continuing to debate even though it's over about factual mistakes and stuff. I say leave that to the judges. It's like ninja-ing points: unless someone gets called over it, it's fair game, except for the last post which is up for the judges to do.

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Agreed. I expect a finished debate to have 5-6 posts (5 if the OP had the opener, 6 if not), so I get pretty frustrated when seeing a topic with 7-10+ posts that isn't finished. Posts like "sorry can I switch to NM" or "I'm busy, this'll have to wait", etc can be sent via PM or be contained in the challenges thread, not the actual debates.

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