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I'm doing my second playthrough of FE9, and I am using some more Palllies than I already did (I only used Oscar basically), and I was wondering, is Mak any good?

FYI, I'm only up to the chapter where ya first get Soren, I'm planning ahead.

Also, this is a little off-topic, but is having Oscar, Kieran, Astrid and (possibly) Mak too many? I know that's a lot of Paladins, but Pallies are awesome.

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Don't worry about using too many Paladins, they're easily the best class in the game, and every single one is good (even Geoffrey, though he joins too late to be very good). Makalov just requires the Knight Ward to be traded to him as often as possible whenever he levels up, and it helps his defenses as well. Obviously easy to do when giving BEXP.

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Ah, can I just ask, I don't like trading stuff around constantly, would it be alright to have him just keep the Knight Ward permanently?

Also, should Astrid take the place of an Archer for using Bows?

Edited by CrashGordon94
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You can do that, too, but I personally don't see a problem with making a minor effort anyone uses the Knight Ward when they can. At least when doing BEXP.

I personally don't see a reason to assign a special place in your team for Archers. Bow users are usually crap, but even if they weren't, they don't do anything but being a combat unit, just like anything. Just use units because they're good. In this case, use Astrid because she's good.

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I don't particuarly like Astrid, but she's good; Paragon really helps her level situation. She always ends up being underleveled for me because I try and use too many characters and say, "She'll catch up. She has Paragon." Then, suddenly, it's chapter 27 and she's level 20/3 with an E in Axes.

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You can do that, too, but I personally don't see a problem with making a minor effort anyone uses the Knight Ward when they can. At least when doing BEXP.

Well, okay, I came up with a compromise.

When doing BEXP, any Pally I level with it gets the Ward (before I pump it into them of course).

In battle, Astrid gets it until I get Mak, who will then take ownership.

I personally don't see a reason to assign a special place in your team for Archers. Bow users are usually crap, but even if they weren't, they don't do anything but being a combat unit, just like anything. Just use units because they're good. In this case, use Astrid because she's good.

I just gave them a place because of how they're meant to be used.

And Astrid it is then!

Edited by CrashGordon94
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You can use Astrid if you want, she is really good, but her problem is that she starts with bows, you can BEXP her and promote her then make her have Axes and only uses Axes on her.

You can forge Hand Axes for her, until she level up on Axes. Though that is your choise.

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You can use Astrid if you want, she is really good, but her problem is that she starts with bows, you can BEXP her and promote her then make her have Axes and only uses Axes on her.

You can forge Hand Axes for her, until she level up on Axes. Though that is your choise.

Yeah, I'm gonna use Astrid, but I'm actually gonna have her use Bows, she will be my Bow user.

However, after becoming a Pallie, she will use Axes when appropriate. (i.e. in Range of a horde of people with Melee weapons)

Frankly, in PoR you might as well use all the Paladins. They are all awesome.

Yeah, I will.

Except Titania and Geoffery.

I'll dump Titania after a while because she's a Jeigan.

And I'm not gonna bother with Geoff.

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I'm doing a cavaliers and Ike only playthrough right now (so I can do an all cavalier Endgame in RD). Makalov is easily one of the better units I have. His strength is second highest (after Kieran) and his defense is the highest (on fixed mode) and he's on the same level with Kieran now (about Lvl. 7 paladin). His speed and skill aren't exactly great, however, but he takes hits well.

His biggest downside is having swords as a primary and coming later in the game. He's weak when you first get him so you have to baby him to make him useful. But when he promoted I gave him axes and he's been tearing up people ever since. His join time makes him one of the harder cavs to use, but his stats are none too shabby. This was my first time using him and I'm pleasantly surprised.

But don't use him if you're not going to take the time to build him up.

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Best thing to do with Pallies that promote: toss them all Axes. That'll make them much better offensively too (like Makalov who's stuck with crummy Swords). I'd use Titania and Geoffrey though since they're both pretty good as well and Geoffrey levels well due to Paragon.

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Ive used all six paladins in that game multiple times. its kinda funny to see them all lined up and spamming the hell out of everything. Makalov does kinda suffer in strength growth in that game though.

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There's nothing wrong with giving them all axes. WTA against the most common weapon type, most mt, and they all have a secondary weapon if hit issues arise. Also, they can use Steel even at rank E, which is better than getting stuck with Iron for a while.

Makalov is pretty good, although he might need some early KW to fix Spd issues. If you're using Astrid, I give him a solid recommendation.

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I was going to give Kieran, Oscar and Mak all Bows, since I don't see much of a point to two types of Melee weapon, but I see the logic of Axes, and I like them, and I gave Astrid them. Also, they tend to just stick to their Primary weapon anyway.

Makalov is pretty good, although he might need some early KW to fix Spd issues. If you're using Astrid, I give him a solid recommendation.

Yeah, I gave him the Knight Ward, he still has it.

And yes, I AM using Astrid, she pwns, and is my 3rd promote! :)

(Zihark was first, Mia was second)

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