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Favorite (non-FE) Strategy RPGs

The AI

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Shut up and play Fallout Tactics.

You'll thank me for suggesting something out of the gutter.


I need to find a way to play that... and the original 2 Fallouts. I loved 3, but the earlier games look even better. I love RPGs even more than FPS-type games.

Edited by The AI
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By the way, I started playing Ogre Battle: March of the Black Queen (emulators ftw?), and holy shit. It's pretty daunting at first, but a lot of fun once you get into it. It's like... FE4 for eggheads.

You are currently playing the best SNES game ever, and you are now amazing. <3

I absolutely adore Ogre Battle: The March of the Black Queen. Also, the first two Langrisser games are fantastic.

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FE is the only SRPG I've found interesting at all... Tearring saga sounds a little fun but I'm too lazy.

On second thought, the heroes of might and magic series includes leveling up so maybe it can be called strategy rpg. Is so, they're all great (except what Ubisoft made after 3do went down), 3 and 4 are the best.

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HoMM4 was rushed because 3DO was going bankrupt at that time and it shows.

So I suggest to get HoMM3 as well as its expansions and a few friends to play with.

I'd also like to suggest Yggdra Union. It's a neat game for the GBA where you can somewhat control the battles and combination attacks are a vital part of the gameplay.

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HoMM4 was rushed because 3DO was going bankrupt at that time and it shows.

So I suggest to get HoMM3 as well as its expansions and a few friends to play with.

I second this suggestion.

Heroes 3 was damn awesome.

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HoMM4 was rushed because 3DO was going bankrupt at that time and it shows.

So I suggest to get HoMM3 as well as its expansions and a few friends to play with.

I'd also like to suggest Yggdra Union. It's a neat game for the GBA where you can somewhat control the battles and combination attacks are a vital part of the gameplay.

I still consider 4 better than 3 in many ways. It had some great things like heroes in combat, more interesting skills, daily reinforcements, the caravan, choosing troops in the towns for more variation...

They're still both great games though, probably available for little money.

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Dragon Force (sega saturn, not the band) wasn't the smartest thing out there, but my chibi dragon legions kicked some hard ass.

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Easily Warcraft III. Considering the way the campain is set up, it should easily hit all the requirements for a strategic RPG.
No it doesn't.

Well, it does have atlast as much RPG elements as Fire Emblem, probably even more. The addon even has it's one fullblooded RPG-campain, which has however on the other side not much to do with strategie.

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It is strategy, but not a RPG
No. No, it is not. It is a game of massing shit and sending it in blobs toward the opponent. That is not strategy, that is a fastest-clicks-per-second contest. You are wrong.
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No. No, it is not. It is a game of massing shit and sending it in blobs toward the opponent. That is not strategy, that is a fastest-clicks-per-second contest. You are wrong.

Strategy on paper is still strategy, on a way :D

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RPG? Seriously?

It would technically be an RPG considering you have three species to choose from :P

Protoss, Zerg, and Terran, yay.

And there is a strategy element to StarCraft, lol. People just don't realize it. Certain units from one species are weak to certain units from another.

Hurrr, I used to watch my brother and friends play this game all the time.

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