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Let's post our bad characters.

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Lott- That lot is +2 Hp, -2 Str, +1 skl, -2 spd, -1 luck, +1 def.

Sophia- +2 hp (OMG) -5 skl, -11 speed (!!!!!!) -1 luk (OMG) -2 def.

Sophia is our winner.

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RNG Blessed/Abuse. lol

Nice that he got nerfed in a stat that he is supposed to grow good in which is Speed, but that's all he'll be good in is dodge.

Blessed Lilina. (though I like lugh much more)


Nice! It has a higher chance of happening with her than with Lugh.

Edited by Ursula
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Nice! It has a higher chance of happening with her than with Lugh.

Please stop confusing your experience for everyone else's. >_>

Seriously. There's no higher "chance" of Lilina getting RNG blessed/screwed than there is for Lugh.

On topic: I ought to dig for my cartridge. Maybe I've got some screwed beings to post here.

Edited by NoNameAtAll
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I truly forgot he was in this game O-o.

because like no one takes that route

no one

RNG Blessed/Abuse. lol

I think I gave him an Angel Robe but thats it

Edited by Jedor
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