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ITT: Pride mistakes Shirley for Roxas.

be careful about exposing all your fetishes

But they're not fetishes!

I think...

this guy


neal buying valkyria chronicles in 3... 2...

Next sale.

He seems to have forgotten he wasn't in this thread when he posted that.


what kind of member is that

Oh you, senpai.

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yay spoilers

why are you playing the 3ds on a table

or is it because of your thumbs, TE.

of course it's because of my thumb

Oldman needs the 3DS stand

it's true


te's facepalm avi feels wrong now


do you mean mittermayer

But we all know Neal is really Roxas 2.0.

it's true
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Thanks for the games Iceman

You have shown me

that I need to actually play this game to stand a chance

ITT: Pride mistakes Shirley for Roxas.

I saw blonde animu avatar and ASSUMED

shirleys fault for changing her name all the time

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Thanks for the games Iceman

You have shown me

that I need to actually play this game to stand a chance

I saw blonde animu avatar and ASSUMED

shirleys fault for changing her name all the time

you did good!

I think i got a lot better after playing all these sf tourneys haha

also playing with PKL since he's been playing competitive smash for like 6 years lol

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The only question is who to focus on

I feel like I did best with dorf and zss buuuuuut

well its no matter

ill settle on a groove with a bit more playtime
just like I did with ye olde brawl tourneys we had back in 09'

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The only question is who to focus on

I feel like I did best with dorf and zss buuuuuut

well its no matter

ill settle on a groove with a bit more playtime

just like I did with ye olde brawl tourneys we had back in 09'

use whoever you like the most

megaman really clicks with me in this game

lucina and sonic too

sonic got a big buff

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yes sonic is shockingly legit this time

i cant say i care for how good blocking is in this game though

gotta be more surgical with those dash/lunging type moves


Marth is great

my main since melee, and even though he's been nerfed somewhat, i still enjoy using him here

Marth is cool. better than lucina if you ask me

i'm just not good with the tipper

and you gotta space around with him

lucina fits my playstyle more lol

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it's true

gotta go fast


tip feels really buff, killing at around 60 with fsmash

the range nerf though is most grody

anyways im gonna go


so adios amigos

yeah, marth is one of the few people that can kill early thanks to the tip

that nerf range tho ;_;

later bro

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