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Yay, it's a Saturday with no classes. Time to go play some tennis and watch my internet shut off at midnight. 8D

Best part of it all, huh?


I'll dropkick you too.

...you wouldn't. ;_;



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[spoiler=chapter 8 changes]Scene 5 (Yuria->Celice)

Celes is doing some maintenance. Cleaning skills increase.

Scene 6 (Finn->Leaf)

Finn is trying to find a suitor for his daughter and asks Leaf if he is interested.

Finn: Leaf, I am your father.

Leaf: !!!

Finn: And as your father, I order you to go and bang your half-sister.

Scene 12

An alternate Celes reunites with Rana-oh. They kiss each other before teleporting. Their plan is to... conquer this world, OF COURSE!

Scene 14

Conote is conquered. Celes is shocked by what she saw. This girl was kissing another girl! And she looked just like her too. Levin tells her it is probably an AU version of herself. This revelation shakes Celes. What if she became like her AU self?

Scene 17 (Celice->Tinny)

Celes is asking Tinny if she saw those two girls and explains her worries. "I couldn't possibly become like her!" "You never know. Have you ever tried it? You might love it." And then she proceeds to kiss Celes. OH GOD.

[spoiler=Extrememly boring chapter 9]Chapter 9


Progress into Thracia.

Scene 1

Altenna comes back to Thacia she is reprimanded by Satan and sent back to the battlefield.

Scene 2

Satan visits Cyas and tells him to fight. After having tapped a hundred nuns, he is now doing Corpul. Satan is confiscating his new toy.

Scene 3

Pahn is charged to babysit Corpul.

Scene 4

Satan then goes to Grutia where lives Dio's lover, Mumu.

Satan : "Dio told me he will reward you if you survive...with his whip!"

Mumu : "<3"

Satan : "..."

Scene 5

Celes thinks the Thracian will be a piece of cake. Musashi and Holsety disagree.

Kanatz = FE5!Coen

Scene 6

Corpul wonders if Pahn can adopt him. A part of him doesn't want to go back.

Scene 7 (Faval->Patty)

More trolling from Joey

Scene 8 (Leaf->Altenna)

Leaf tells Altenna he is her half-brother. She goes back to Thacia. He hits her and she faints.

Satan believes he'll make short work of Celes' army ang goes out without the Gungnir.

Scene 9

Luthecia captured. Corpul can't resist Cyas' charisma and decides to go and talk to him.

Scene 10

Satan is dead. Dio tells her to leave him alone. He'll chase after her later.

Scene 11 (Patty->Corpul)


Scene 12 (Altenna<->Celice)

Joining convo. Nothing special.

Scene 13 (Corpul->Cyas)

So, his toy is in Celes' army? Time to switch side.

Scene 14

Mumu fortifies his defenses. Robert comes from the North to troll the thread.

Scene 15 (Celice->Hannibal)


Scene 16 (Lynn->Corpul)


Scene 17

Grutia is captured. Mumu is dead which makes Dio completely mad. He seznds all his troops against Celes.

Scene 18 (Finn->Altenna)


Scene 19 (Hannibal->Altenna)


Scene 20 (Yuria->Celice)

Celes starts to think of Mecha-Yuria as her sister.

Scene 21

Dio is beaten. The AU!Celes makes a pact with the devil and they both leave.

Scene 22

Celes noticed her doppelganger. She is wondering what she wanted with Dio. But anyway, Holsety thinks they lost enough time here and so they depart for Miletos.

FE4THREAD patch, now packed with incest, polygamy, lolicon, shotacon, yuri, yaoi, bestiality, male pregnancy, and deaths. Lot of deaths.

Edited by Marthur
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Probably for both, since one-time use TMs meant most TMs weren't used in a normal playthrough.

[spoiler=One day, Vincent woke up with tits and a ponytail. He could not foresee the potentially exciting adventure that lied ahead of him. 0:00-1:45]Today, I woke up in somebody's room. My body was strange - not that I'm complaining, but it wasn't my usual one - and two unknown people were near me. I don't know for how long they were there, and what they were doing.

In front of us, a present box. Inside of it, three pokéballs. I picked the one with Smugleaf; the girl got Wotter and the boy, Charpig. Then the girl assaulted me, and then the boy, and the room became a mess. The two persuaded me to go to the local professor and thank her. In the way, I decided to call my quiet Smugleaf Sirius.

The professor gave me a dex and some balls. Now I was able to recruit new allies, whom I would treat with respect and a healthy distance.

The first of these new friends in my quest to cure my boredom was a small, naive and insomniac rodent. I called him Ninji. After that, I made Sirius and Ninji eat some rodents and dogs near town, until they learned new attacks. Then I moved to the next town, and caught a glimpse of some cosplay presentation. After it, a weird gentleman asked me if I were able to listen to the voices of my pokémon, and attacked me with a cat. Sirius promptly whipped his pet into submission, so he fled. Then, I decided to proceed to the next route. Then, an older version of my current self teleported near me and taught me how to run!

After that, I found my third ally: a rash dog I named Pride. Curiously, while Ninji is the one who looked like he needed a good night of sleep, Pride was the actually insomniac one. Satisfied with this fateful encounter, I dashed through the bushes and trainers towards the next town. Then, when Sirius, Pride and Ninji were tired, that girl assaulted me from behind!

... luckly, she was the type of person who would use a combination of defense-lowering moves and special-based attacks.

Looking around in the next town, I found that boy. He seemed smarter, but did the same as her friend. At least I should be thankful for his precious experience. I also found a nice lady willing to give me an impish blue monkey. I accepted her offer, naming him Enjo. Since he was already at the same level of my other partners, I decided to go to the local gym right away.

As soon as I got there, however, a succession of weird events took place. First, the supposed gym leader asked who was my starter; then, the gym guide gave me a bottle of mineral water as present. Then it dawned on me... the gym as a restaurant. One where we were supposed to kill the food we were going to eat.

The first dish was a dog, who almost managed to bring Ninji together with him to the menu with a fierce tackle.

Next, a waitress brought a cat and a mouse to me - I guess this is a Chinese restaurant after all. This time, Sirius's vine whip came in handy to soften the meat, but he couldn't do it without resistance.



The redhead waiter was clearly to violate my now feminine self with what was supposed to be my meal. And indeed, Ninji, Sirius and Pride almost fell to the vicious fangs of his bulky canine.

Then he served me a fire monkey. Enjo was delighted with the possibility of mating, so I considered not eating monkey meat. He was too violent, though.

Victorious, I received a CD as reward. It seemed somewhat useful, and didn't break upon use, either.

It was a good day.


¿ o_O ?

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Wow. This Chinese kid across the hall from me got Super Paper Mario working on his Mac using his own compiled Dolphin port and his iPad AS A FUCKING CONTROLLER.

These kids are insane.

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[spoiler=Chapter 10]Chapter 10


They've arrived at Peruluke. Upon arriving, they learn that Alvis was booted out from Barhara by a person that looks exactly like Celes. (After saving Arion, she had him help conquering the capital. Arion having completed his task, he quickly broke ties with the AU!Celes)

Only Barhara was captured though. Alvis retreated south and still had troops defending the north from the invaders, and south from Celes.

Scene 1

Rana-oh and the AU-Celes are tryng to convince CFHilda to join their ranks. They promise her whatever she wants.

Hilda then learns that some of her Solunas escaped. A fate worse than deaths awaits them.

Scene 2

The Solunas are in PANIC PANIC PANIC.

Scene 3

Enjulius and Soul are in Rados. Soul desrts Enjulius to try and save the Solunas.

Scene 4

At Peruluke, Manfroy finds Mecha->Yuria, the robot he lost. He controls her with his remote controller and takes her back with him.

Levin notices her disappearance.

Scene 5 (Leaf->Altenna)

Talking about Dio.

Scene 6 (Shannan->Celice)


Scene 7 (Nanna->Leaf)

idk. Insert bits of the meme I posted here. Nanna's inheritance is showing up.

Scene 8 (Faval->Rana)


Scene 9 (Lester->Patty)

Roxas x Lux. Do I need to say more?

Scene 10 (Celice->Fee/Lynn/Tinny Levin is the father)


Scene 11

After having conquered both Chronos and Rados, they still go north looking for Alvis.

Scene 12

Rana-oh and AU!Celes are meeting Alvis personnally to make fun of him. Manfroy also tells Alvis he has now joined the side of AU!Celes. Alvis is powerless and retreats to Chalphy. Rana-oh and AU!Celes also leaves the castle. They start making out on the battlefield to mock the Miletos troops (commanded by the real Yurius), but no gI0s dare to stop them, unsurprisingly.

Scene 13

Interrupting them will piss them off, and death will probably ensue.

Scene 14 (Oifaye->Celice)


Scene 15

Miletos captured. Next step: Chalphy.

Scene 16

Alvis is investing Chalphy. An old servitor of Sigurd walled Aeterna flees with the Tylfing has he learns Celes is approaching.

Alvis is also noticing Mecha-Yuria, the robot which was built using his defunct daughter's - Yuria- blood. He gives it a memento.

Scene 17

Whoops! Wrong direction. Aeterna is pretty bad with geography and directions after all. And now Alvis has sent his troops out.

Scene 18 (Corpul->Altenna)


Scene 19 (Celice->Palmark)

Celes receives the Tylfing

Scene 20 (Celice's event)

Celes meets the ghosts of her parents. Diadora hasn't changed one bit and still is a sadist toward Sigurd, wherever they are.

Sigurd can't believe his child is a girl. He was definitely sure it was a boy!

Scene 21

Chalphy is conquered. Now it's all about stopping the invasion.

Now name me some people from tier land. I need 6 of them. :<

Robert -> ?

Boyce -> ?

Rodan -> ?

Yuphee -> ?

Fisher -> ?

Brian -> MonoBrian

Dagon -> ?

Scorpio -> Vykan

Hilda -> CF Hilda

Baran -> DLV

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Shit, you're right behind me. >.>

It's okay, I'm pretty sure this run's going to come to a forced end soon unless I get another free unique and good pokemon that's around the next leader's level or at least some sort of flying/fire type around their level. And even this second battle consisted of me spamming Harden/Sand attack with Dongaro until both pokemon were at their lowest possible accuracy (due to not getting any freebies and having to work with level 12 pokemon against level 18 and 20 Tier 2) and then Bruce Lee Dageki would switch in and use his manly rock smash to rape without worry due to enemy having piss poor accuracy now, rinse and repeat for pokemon #2.

Edited by Joey
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