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The past few Fridays actually seemed to be fairly active. But maybe my memory is off or something. :unsure:

Oh, wait. No NTG or TheEnd. That explains everything.

I think Hatari provided the entertainment the past weeks, but I could be wrong too.

That too.


Aaaand I'll stop spamming random game musics now.

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The past few Fridays actually seemed to be fairly active. But maybe my memory is off or something. :unsure:

Oh, wait. No NTG or TheEnd. That explains everything.

You mean no NTG. I'm almost always here.

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I'm not sure who I'm talking to here. The name says "Marthur", but the videos make me think it's Chalis. :(

You mean no NTG. I'm almost always here.

You don't exist without NTG

Edited by Musashi
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I see the run is progressing smoothly. And that much grinding was had.

I actually progressed more before going to sleep, but I'll post it today instead. Definitely not over with the grinding, especially if I want to fight Spekkio the pink Nu.

Being able to tell when you'll wake up sick in the morning stinks.

A good cup of cherry flavored medicine for now and cough drops to bring with me.

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You don't exist without NTG

You wish.

I actually progressed more before going to sleep, but I'll post it today instead. Definitely not over with the grinding, especially if I want to fight Spekkio the pink Nu.

This reminded me of how Nuzlocke comics usually go.

Game progress: finished

Comic progress: 2nd gym

Edited by TheEnd
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The castle has no monsters. In fact, it seems to be filled with NPCs, some T.E.'s group even recognize. Some not even of this time. Others are even playable characters. "Something sure smells fishy in here" T.E. thought. After looting the chests on the west and east wings of the castle, a mystic light appears in the first room.

As they step into the light, a dark laugh is heard and Ozzie shows up to taunt Mumu. The bat also joins him for some reason. He challenges Mumu with his hundred underlings, as well as Flea the magician and Slash the swordsman. They go east at first, fighting monsters that were notably tricking the party into thinking they are actually friendly.

In the last room, they meet a strange floating monster and defeat it, thinking it is Flea. However, the real Flea, who was taking the form of the bat, shows up in all his androgynousness. While he tried to inflict various status moves to T.E.'s group, in the end he was barely a threat, even missing all three targets with his Rainbow Storm.

Going to the west wing this time, the party meets Slash the swordsman. While he puts up a good fight without a sword, he definitely pick ups the pace with his eponymous sword in hand. He still dies to repeated weapon attacks however, having no regrets of following Zetta. He leaves his sword on the ground in front of T.E., who picks it up and equips it.

Back to the entrance room, a portal awaits them. A corridor filled with enemies awaits them, but they beat them all, only to see Ozzie flee their grasp. A mist robe is in a nearby chest however. Moving on is a room filled with coneyor belts and axes attached with chains. Another chest, another armor, this time a dark mail. After Ozzie flees, Pilot finds a weapon called the doom finger. "Doom to whoever gets this claw where it really hurts" T.E. thought, but they had to catch Ozzie.

After chasing long enough without finding Ozzie, he finally shows up bringing more monsters against T.E. and his allies. During this new wave of enemies, Mumu learns to do a leap attack similar to T.E.'s. "Cocpycat, get your own techniques" T.E. thought. As they reached the end of the room, Ozzie fled yet again.

After yet another wave of enemies and a pair of chests, Ozzie finally decides to fight...inside a block of ice. However, by hitting the four switches, they defeat him without landing a single blow on him.

Only one more staircase. Then, a corridor of blue flames appear. The flames then light on their own to circle the great overlord Zetta as he is chanting an incantation. As the black wind blows, he readies himself for the fight against his nemesis and his comrades. Changing barriers often, sometimes even to Fire which the party does not possess, Zetta is a formidable opponent. As Pilot heals the group and Mumu weakens him with the Masamune, T.E. tries his best to harm him with magic. After a while, Zetta drops his barriers to go on the offensive with his most powerful spell : Dark Matter. It doesn't stop T.E.'s group, even after two casts, as they unite their strengths for a final 3D attack that defeats Zetta.

After Zetta's defeat, a surge of energy flows within the room. It turns out Zetta did not create Lavos, but only summoned his power. It is then creating a gate, which transports the Zetta and the heroes in different eras in time.

After a vision of nightmare that T.E. married Fuuka and isn't having a great career...


T.E. wakes up with his group in Fia's tent. When Mumu wakes up, she says she already wants to do naughty things with him.


That's not even speaking of when Zetta is mentionned.


T.E.'s group rest again a bit to heal off their time skip wounds. When they wake up, they hear about a village burning to the north. When there, they find that Fia wants to finish off the rest of the Reptites at their heart, which is by going to Tyrano's Lair via winged dinosaurs.

Before following Fia however, T.E. grabs some new items from the trader. First is a gun firing dreamstone light, then a dreamstone bow, a fist of molten rock, an ancestral sword and several helms made of stone. A small detour to T.E.'s house shows that T.E.'s mom considers Mumu a pet.

Climbing the summit of the Dactyl Nest, T.E. finds Fia calling a flying dinosaur to go to Tyrano's Lair. As they showed their support to her quest, Fia called two more Dactyls so that they could fly too.

Inside Tyrano's Lair, T.E.'s group first head east to free the villagers. When Kino was freed, he opened the western path of the lair.

The dungeon is full of traps like teleporters or pitfalls, but T.E.'s group makes it through the dinosaurs, apes and volcanoes. After enough climbing, they meet a familiar face.

Nizbel is back again, this time stronger after being nursed by...dinosaur nurses. You can even stay in front of him while he flexes his biceps for eternity without harming you. His tactic is slightly different this time. While lightning will lower his defense, attacking him physically will make it rise again. He is defeated by an electrically enhanced Fia and Pilot's Hokuto Hyaretsu Ken.

After defeating Nizbel, they make it to Azala's throne room. A loud roar is heard from behind the throne before Azala flees from the room. As the heroes follow Azala, they notice she is mounted on a huge black dinosaur, summoning a star of fire to crash on the earth. She then goes all out against T.E.'s group, as well as her pet, the Black Tyrano.

Azala takes little damage from weapons, but is weak to magic and goes down rather easily. Her little pet is a fair amount tougher and requires quite a few Volt Fias to kill. Also he chomped on Pilot twice. I'm sure he was tasty.

After beating Azala, T.E.'s group notice that the red star in the sky is none other than Lavos who will be crashing with the planet very soon. Azala refuses to be helped by Fia and decides to remain in the Reptite Lair as Lavos crashes near it.

Examinating the crater Lavos left behind reveals he is already deep down in the surface, but also that he managed to create a gate. When they exited it on the other side, loud wind was heard. Pilot verified his time device and it was said they were in 12000 BC.

Before braving the harsh winds, T.E., Mumu and Pilot decided to train in the Cretaceous. Mumu first learned how to cast a huge tidal wave while T.E. and Pilot learned their ultimate shocking abilities. They also fought Spekkio, who was now a morning star swinging cyclops. Defeating him granted them the healthy choice set.

After all this training, T.E. swapped Pilot for Fia and then decided to brave the fierce winds of the Dark Ages...


Edited by Flying Spaghetti Monster
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Whoa, all? That's some serious seriousity there.

I don't think I ever took him off the field since the time I got him, except for Spekkio fights.

In fact he was 1 tech point ahead of T.E. for their ultimate techs. I owe that to the character starting with two techs and not having to see Spekkio for the next ones.

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I don't think I ever took him off the field since the time I got him, except for Spekkio fights.

In fact he was 1 tech point ahead of T.E. for their ultimate techs. I owe that to the character starting with two techs and not having to see Spekkio for the next ones.

Oh right, Robo laughs at his puny human companions' need of an elemental affinity.

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Oh right, Robo laughs at his puny human companions' need of an elemental affinity.

What's even more fun is that he can have 3 elements.

That and Laser Spin is such a top tier spell. Attacks everyone on the field for 3 MP only, often resulting in OHKOes? Sign me up. Then he gets Heal Beam for added utility.

His only real problem is being slow, but Speed Tabs, a Speed Belt and Atropos' Ribbon help.

Edited by Flying Spaghetti Monster
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Pregnant women are the new cows.*

*This post does not have the intention of mocking women or breastfeeding at all, but rather to poke fun at the dark prospect of women being used as cattle for the pleasure of few. If even then you're offended, you might be a raging feminist, enemy to all men.

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Dr. Rockzo: heh i just saw something weird

Dr. Rockzo: guess what's the new trendy dessert in london

GrafWutzenstein: I don't know

GrafWutzenstein: you tell me

Dr. Rockzo: breast milk ice cream

GrafWutzenstein: oh god

GrafWutzenstein: I'll take three.

Pregnant women are the new cows.*

*This post does not have the intention of mocking women or breastfeeding at all, but rather to poke fun at the dark prospect of women being used as cattle for the pleasure of few. If even then you're offended, you might be a raging feminist, enemy to all men.

Now we need breastmilk cheese.

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Dr. Rockzo: heh i just saw something weird

Dr. Rockzo: guess what's the new trendy dessert in london

GrafWutzenstein: I don't know

GrafWutzenstein: you tell me

Dr. Rockzo: breast milk ice cream

GrafWutzenstein: oh god

GrafWutzenstein: I'll take three.


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