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The land was barren and covered in snow. A massive blizzard was storming outside as no civilzation could be found. "What is this place? Everything is so...dead." T.E. thought, until he noticed a large building to the east. Inside was a portal that sent them up to the heavens.

Outside, it was a completely different world. Greens were covering the vast floating islands, the sun was high in the heavens and a vast lake was in the biggest island, ending in waterfalls. The first city they entered was Enhasa. Inside, the people told them they were in the magical Kingdom of Zeal, where every wish comes true. The group also met a strange boy followed by a purple kitten. He told the group about a howling black wind and that one of the group would perish soon. "Strange kid. But somehow he seems...familiar." T.E. thought. Several elemental tomes were scattered in the room. Opening them in order of Water, Lightning and Fire opened a doorway to a Nu. He called his comrades for a fight, which T.E.'s group won. They were given a few items, like tabs and a mop. Fia also learned to whip up a tornado by spinning around at high speeds.

After taking another teleport, they visited a port containing a strange flying device called the Blackbird. They couldn't enter inside it, so the group went to the neighboring city, Kajar, where they learned people actually live in the harsh conditions below. They are known as the Earthbound ones and cannot use magic like in the kingdom of Zeal. another book puzzle was in Kajar. Inside the hidden room is a doll with a strange black stone. "I sense dark energies within this stone. It's so cold and hot at the same time. Perhaps we'll find its use later." T.E. thought.

At the top of the mountain rests the Zeal Palace. Inside, they learn a mysterious prophet gained the Queen's trust and was her new assistant over Dalton, who seems to be extremely bitter about it. In the northeasternmost room, the strange boy T.E. met earlier, Janus, is talking with his sister Schala until an attendant asks schala that her mother, the Queen, is awaiting her down below in the Ocean Palace.

Talking to other people in the palace reveals that the Queen nce had three Gurus near her : Belthasar, Guru of Reason, Gaspar, Guru of Time and Melchior, the Guru of Life. However, all three seem to have dissapeared. Masa and Mune also seem to be present in the palace and are talking about their sister back in Enhasa.

Following Schala in the northmost corridor, they notice she has a strange pendant very similar to Fuuka's that can open doors they saw back in the future. Intrigued, they decided to see the Mammon Machine to the west, which is the source of power of the pendant. The machine indeed powered up Fuuka's pendant, and they were able to cross the door. "Perhaps this is the same material like the black chests we keep seeing all the time!" T.E thought, but it wasn't the time for this.

Behind the door, Schala was indeed there, talking with the Queen. The prophet and Dalton were also present. Before they could glance more at the prophet, who seems to have warned the queen about their presence, the queen urged Dalton to summon the Golem against them. A strange magical creature, it would absorb the elemnts it was attacked with. The golem was felled thanks to an electrically enhanced Fia, while Mumu healed the party.

Afterwards, T.E.'s group was imprisoned in a magic crystal and left inside the Mammom Machine. Feeling that T.E.'s group could save the Gurus, Schala saved them from their prison, while Janus was voicing his apathy next to her. Schala told T.E. that Melchior was imprisoned in the Mountain of Woe. However, the prophet came in the room and ordered T.E.'s group to leave though where they came from, after Schala's, Janus' and even Alfador's influence made the prophet spare them from a magical death. Schala then sealed the gate shut with a crystal pyramid, asking for forgiveness.

On the other side of the gate, back in the Cretaceous, Mumu, despite having never been in the apocalyptic future, remembered there was a strange gate similar to the one in the royal palace. Perhaps the key to their problems would be there? On the way back to the gate of the dinosaur era, Mumu learns to better heal his allies using water magic.

After a quick trip to 600 AD to see a few chests, T.E. decided to let them stay there for a few centuries. The results were outstanding as the absorbing vests turned into absorbing mails. T.E. also had the time to present Fia to his mom, who thought Fia's clothing was unappropriate for a woman like her. By also cheating with time, T.E. was able to collect both mails and vests to outfit his group. Going back to several domes in the future also outfitted T.E. with powerful artifacts.

Back to the Keeper's dome, T.E.,s group meets a Nu that seems mechanical. However, it proves to be rather useless as it has an error in its programming. "Oh joy." T.E. thought. Inside the sealed room, they are told Belthasar's story since the Mammon Machine was built and how he was warped to the future. He also came to know that Lavos existed long before the Zeal Kingdom and still existed in his time after the apocalypse. They are also told that Belthasar worked on a time machine that could get hime home, but alas he was too frail to use it and decided to give the machine to he who would save the world from Lavos, who seems to be spawning yet more creatures atop a neighboring mountain.

Behind the last sealed door was the last invention of Belthasar, the Wings of Time as he called it. The machine they met earlier then pushed the seats of the machine and revealed itself as being Belthasar's memories. As T.E. decided to give the machine a name, he thought the name of Dio would be fitting for it. His group then took place into the machine and went back in the past, to the Dark Ages...

Back in the past, they decided to investigate a cave to the northwest. They saw what the people of Zeal called the Earthbound ones. T.E. was slightly reminded of the people they saw back in the future as they seem to live poor lives inside the caves. They did have weapons for sale however, so T.E. bought a demonic sword said to slay magical beings, a megablaster, a comet bow, a shining broadsword and an arm with an explosive might. Other than that, they learn that the only people who treat the Earthbound ones as equals are Schala and the three Gurus. The elder also said that Janus had the highest potential among the royal family, greater than even Schala, who is already thought to be a better magician than her mother. As they decided to leave, T.E.'s group was warned that the next area, the Beast's Nest, housed powerful enemies.

Indeed, the beasts were very strong since attacking them would enrage them and make the stronger, but they also gave rainbow helms that reduced lightning damage if Fia would seduce them. Bring horny bulls, Fia got all the helms she wanted. Back and forth trips allowed T.E.'s group to outfit themselves with more than enough of these helms to protect everyone from the fierce powers of lightning. However, at the back of the cave, they met a pair of beasts that weren't of the same color. A brown imp seemed to be their leader and decided to attack T.E.'s group.

The imp would ride the red and blue beasts for consecutive attacks. He could also command both of his friends to attack someone with him riding both of them at once. However, they were not prepared against T.E.'s nuclear light blast. The den was now cleared of the presence of the bulls and the Earthbound ones could be in peace, but T.E. had a mountain to climb.

The mountain semmed to be attached by a network of chains that could connect different floating islands together. The winds were fierce, but the temperature was notably warmer than on the groud as grass was able to grow. Strange enemies that would negate magic spells were around and would often dodge incoming hits. They gave a very high spell knowledge however, and T.E. decided to give Masaa and Fuuka some playing time. After all, Fuuka was never ever used since she learned to cast blue flames of ice. A few monsters carried weapons with them. Thanks to Fia, T.E. now had a blade of diamond, Pilot had an enormous hand and Mumu had a demonslaying blade.

By the end of the climb, Masaa learned to shield her allies with solidified magma, create magical explosions, throw bombs for a massive explosion and create a nuclear reaction for a...gigantic explosion. "Wow, she sure likes to blow stuff" T.E. thought with a sly grin on his face. Fuuka on her side learned to cure allies with healing water, make people just as impatient as she is, summon icy comets from thin air and cure her allies to full health.

As T.E.'s group climbed the final chain, they saw the sky was getting dark. They then saw a prison of ice, but then a strange creature with disembodied hands appeared. It had the head of a gigantic vampire bat and its body was covered in a colossal suit of armor. Holding a speed tab, Fia gave him a sexy look and the guardian gave it to her. To repay him, she decided to hurl T.E. as often as she could to cut his magical hands. Mumu kept sending waves of water ot the foe while healing on occasion. After repeated assaults, the creature vanished, freeing Melchior.

Melchior told the heroes about how the Mammon Machine's energy absorption was taking a toll on the queen's sanity as she was slowly being corrupted by Lavos. However, before they could continue their chat at the summit of the mountain, a quake shook the entire mountain. Melchior said that defeating the guardian of the seal, who has the cute little name of Giga Gaia, would make the entire network of islands collapse. Before the chain relying the mountain to the continent would break, they escaped to the cave of the Earthbound ones.

Inside, T.E.'s group was told if the the Mammon Machine was moved closer to Lavos in the Ocean Palace, the creature would wake up and cause a massive catastrophy. It was then that Schala showed up with her little brother Janus, thinking she could find Melchior there after the mountain of Woe collapsed. It turns out that Schala is the key to activate the Mammon Machine, but she refused to be part of the project anymore, sensing her mother's corruption, and urged T.E.'s group to stop her. It was then that another presence showed up in the room, as Dalton appeared. Casting a fireball at Melchior and stopping Janus in his tracks, he stunned Schala so that he could bring her by force to the Ocean Palace by means of teleportation.

As Melchior gets back up, he says that without an interference, life would be doomed. T.E. then decided he would take the matters in his own hands. Melchior, standing proud and given full of hope again, decided to give Crono a blade made of the same matter as the mammon Machine. Glowing red like the dreamstone it is made of, only this blade could break the machine and save the planet. After a well deserved rest, T.E. and his companions now had the destiny of the entire future in their own hands...


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Man! thanks for reminding me.....I had so many things to do this weekend I almost forgot it....

Haven't started yet, then? I see.

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human life is not equal

I'd post the Emperor of Britannia here but I'm too lazy to take or find a proper screenshot.

T-there was... activity? Everything surprising seems to happen while I'm not here.

You've refused your call and basically took Lux with you, but we've found replacements.



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T-there was... activity? Everything surprising seems to happen while I'm not here.

Activity actually isn't all that uncommon these days. You just aren't around enough to see.

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You've refused your call and basically took Lux with you, but we've found replacements.Pipirupirupirupipirupiiiii

I've been busy, though. :<

Activity actually isn't all that uncommon these days. You just aren't around enough to see.

But it was 100 pages or so of activity! I don't think there's been that much in a long time... then again, it was over the span of almost 4 days... >_>;;

Mumu misses you, Sillyna.

He'll deny it.

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Mumu misses you, Sillyna.

Maybe... a little.

He'll deny it.

But I just said it.


Oh my, it looks like someone took a bite out of you. You might want to work on that.

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How could I possibly work on something like that :o?!

Plant a seed and regrow yourself?

Before, you'd claim you had no feelings to let out. This is a large improvement.

How so?

Hm... I'm thirsty.

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