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They are your favorite food in my playthrough.


Added to the smiley list. Credit goes to to whoever created the original Hugh one and Marthur.

That would be Tent.

Edited by Marthur
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lol...he might consider including me X Ether tongue.gif

still on episode 33

I knew it. So you want to be in the folder even if all your files are about homolust.

I see.

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I knew it. So you want to be in the folder even if all your files are about homolust.

I see.

As long as it is a joke I don't mind...

I am resuming now...

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Weather: sunny

Dear diary,

My body was stiff when I woke up. I blame that bridge... Bridge that I had to cross again in order to train Bianchi who I had swapped with Fia. Twice. >__< She’ll surely prove useful against Burgh.

In front of the gym doors, I met Tier who claimed he wanted to be recognized as a strong trainer. Well I regret to inform you that you’ll never be as strong as me. :P

Tier was shortly followed by Burgh. He told me that Team Plasma was at the pier and asked me to help him. That guy is such a slave driver. >_>

Once again, Team Plasma had stolen a Pokémon from... Fold. Did I really want to help her? No... But I guess I wanted to make us even for the other day. I’m way too nice. \(≧∇≦)/

I searched the town along with Burgh and found the Plasma grunts in front of a black building. We decided to go in there and kick some ass. Except that we didn’t, and had to listen to a boring lecture from Ghetsis instead. :[

Fold got her Pokémon back, so everything ended well. ^__^ ...Wait, what the heck am I writing.

F.E. 'Vier' THREAD


After this detour, I went back to the gym. And the interior was amazing. It looked like a big pastry! \o/ I was going to help myself, but then I noticed the walls were actually covered in paint rather than real honey... LAAAAME. ゚ペ

I battled a few trainers and Chalis evolved again! Now she’s a Leavanny.

At last, I found Burgh, and so our battle began.

His first Pokémon was Whirlipede, against which I sent Pilot. Pilot won without any trouble. He then sent Dwebble and I switched Pilot with ReiRei. That was a poor choice, but ReiRei had no problem either.

His last Pokémon was a Leavanny. And I sent Bianchi against it. The Bianchi Punch was so strong that Leavanny fell with one hit.

That was the easiest gym leader I had to face so far. And I got the Insect Badge (how uninspired) as well as TM76 Struggle Bug.

I left and received a phone call from Fold... Way to ruin my good mood.

We decided to have a rematch... Good. Tears will be shed. è_é

F.E. 'Vier' THREAD


I decided to go back to the masseur and have a good time while she would be pointlessly waiting for me for an hour or so.

It is only after my body was fully refreshed that I decided to go and meet her. Our battle went like this:

ReiRei VS Herdier: ReiRei struggled a little but he won thanks to a critical hit.

Soluna VS Munna: Earlier, Soluna learnt how to bite harder. I already knew from experience that her Bite was painful, but her Crunch was terrifying. I feel bad for that Munna.

Etel VS Pignite: Absolutely no challenge whatsoever. Also Pignite is even uglier now.

Pilot VS Pansage: Poor Pansage got a new haircut. Pilot was merciless and landed a critical hit.

After the battle was over, Fold told me that having her Pokémon stolen was really hard on her... That joke wasn’t funny and I felt like murdering her for a second, but then she left quickly because I assume she couldn’t hold her tears anymore. >:]

There’s nothing left for me to do in Castelia, so I bid my farewells to the city and decided to brave the desert.

F.E. 'Vier' THREAD

Edited by Marthur
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It was good while it lasted, but there are other fish in the sea.

I would prefer the first though...


You won't be able to walk the path of forever loneliness with that mindset.


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I know


Detective Runge is a dick

That's true. But he's also awesome in some ways.

It was good while it lasted, but there are other fish in the sea.

...... wait, already?



This man knows what he's talking about.

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