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We know why. Hopefully your parents will realize it as well.

I barely browse this site when you compare my activity to last year. ):

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I'm leaving.



He truly does. High school is easy mode.

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I'm reading my entries in the folder again.

What happened to the good old days when everybody loved me?

You made fun of me every day. You abused my cheeks. You milked my tears. You tossed me off of bridges.

Where have those days gone?

I know the answer to this Roxas.

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A lot of memories surged back in my mind. Like how Soluna was the first Pokémon I ever caught, how she brought me victory in Nacrene city as well as the day she evolved into a Herdier, and also how she would bite me every morning in order to be fed...

.............. ~_~

I put an end to my mourning, and decided to go meet with Elesa on route 5. However, Tier showed up in order to test his strength. Well, he did not progress much.

We followed Elesa but were interrupted by a guy whose hair was on fire. ゚□゚! His name was Alder and he was the Pokémon champion. In other words, my target.

Surprisingly, he made me and Tier battle two young children. We won, but I’m not sure what that proved. Tier didn’t get it either.

After that, Lychees evolved into a Krokorok.

I decided to go look for a new Pokémon on route 5, and noticed a patch of grass moving. It was a male Audino! I caught him and named him Enjo. He doesn’t look very strong though, so I didn’t bother bringing him with me.

After that, I caught up with Tier and Elesa, and she lowered Driftveil Drawbridge for us, allowing us to proceed to the next town.

While walking on the bridge, I noticed wings falling from the sky. Frigging wings!? Seriously, that was sick... D: I tried my best to avoid them... except for one -_- which resulted in me being assaulted by a male Ducklett. Geez. I caught him and called him Lux.

When I arrived in Driftveil City, the leader, Clay was waiting for us. He told us he had caught some Plasma grunts but that they escaped because of us, which was obvious bullshit. Then, he forced us to look for them or he wouldn’t let us face him. What an asshole.

I decided to go to the Pokémon center in order to make my preparations.

F.E. 'Vier' THREAD


I started looking around town at night. First I went to the market to buy some milk. It had been a long time since I hadn’t had any. *^-^*

I then had my first triple battle. It was a bit difficult but I managed.

After that, I decided to check the town’s storage. There were some trainers there as well as hiding places for small rodents. I found a female Minccino, but Pilot was hungry and decided to make food of her... >:[

Tier and I found a suspicious building. We went inside and found ourselves inside a cold room... I should really stop wearing shorts altogether... Too bad I can’t help showing off my beautiful legs to everyone. \(≧∇≦)/

The Plasma guys were inside a container, huddling together from the cold like real penguins, ha ha! It was quite a sight.

The cavalry arrived after(/i] we finished the job. Great timing, sheesh. At least, Clay was willing to face us now.

Everyone left. I was so cold that I ran as fast as I could, back to the Pokémon center. The warm shower I took there was the best I had in my life.

I’m going to take a break for the rest of the day, and challenge Clay tomorrow.

F.E. 'Vier' THREAD

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Roxas and Soluna were annoying as hell as a couple. Their ridiculous antics made us rage many times.

Then they broke up and we decided to forgive Soluna because she has tits.

Or something like that.

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Roxas and Soluna were annoying as hell as a couple. Their ridiculous antics made us rage many times.

Then they broke up and we decided to forgive Soluna because she has tits.

Or something like that.

Sounds accurate.

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