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I tried to learn Order Sol but his charge attacks left me befuddled.

What about em'? The charge cancels, the AC FRC, Charge Keep...?

Yeah can't use the 360 controller for it.

Then here's hoping you can mooch a PS3 controller off an unwitting pal of yours.

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I took a photo and some of the green from the boarder from the trainer card showed up if that's what you mean.


How about?


I'm talking about this homebrew actually: http://colors.collectingsmiles.com/about.php

But maybe you're using Phidias?

I think it fits the whole 'birds are dying and falling on you' athmosphere.

I prefered the first bridge theme.

>_> If you're asking what I think you're asking. That's none of your damn business. >_>.

It's alright Hatari, I already told you I was flat, and I'm not embarrassed about it. So you shouldn't be either. ^_^




Wow. You guys are so slow. I posted about it like, two months ago.

So strange journey is pretty cool, first "real" SMT game I ever done and I'm diggin' it.

Alignments are gonna make me do more than one playthrough though.

Heard that, Nightmare?

Edited by Marthur
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Charge cancels and keeps mostly. I'd rather play Badguy and May though.

They ain't exactly tough to manage, but I can see why it would discourage you.

Keep still gives me trouble from time but that's more to do with playing on pad.

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At the End of Time, Zetta, Pilot and Fia meet up with the old man and tell them about the recent events and about T.E.'s death. He gives them a song and they leave, thinking they could find the Gaspar elsewhere, the old man gives them a strange egg called the Chrono Trigger. As it turns out, the old man was Gaspar, transported from the Dark Ages. He also told them that Belthasar should know how to hatch the egg...if it decides to hatch.

In the future, the memories of Belthasar tell the group that they will find the power to hatch the egg on Death Peak, which is near the Keeper's Dome they are in. However, a clone of T.E. was needed. One was already won at the fair long ago and was still in T.E.'s house in 1000. Inside the house, T.E.'s mother was in his room and asked news about her son. Pilot lied and said he was well, while Fia took the liberty of borrowing the clone.

Back in the future, the group was ready to climb Death Peak. However, the harsh winds are too much for the group to handle. Seeking Belthasar's memories, he sends three dolls to climb Death Peak and help them. The first doll helped them by creating trees to block the wind. The winds soon stopped their intensity, but enemies appeared as blood yolks and manifestations of the dead began to attack them. However, those were nothing next to the spawn of Lavos, which inhabited this region. About a quarter of their mother's size, these creatures were extremely deadly should their rocky thorns be attacked. They did give great amounts of experience and some elixir upon death however.

The first of these spawns was guarding a chest which gave Pilot a new weapon as his arm was getting bigger and bigger. Deeper in the cavern also rested a chest with a sword that would strike twice in another game series, but not in this one. Too bad Mumu. A secret entrance also housed another chest. Inside was a scythe of heavenly beauty. Behind this secret entrance was a second spawn of Lavos who was easily defeated. At the same time, Zetta began to regain some of his lost magic by relearning to cast a dark explosion on the battlefield.

Continuing on, they meet a second of the dolls. It told them to be very careful was the road was slippery and the winds were harsh. A new chest was found with a long straight sword inside. The last doll was saw in a calm area. It told them to push and climb a shell. Walking a bit further revealed that the shell would actually be the third Lavos spawn's thorned hide. A chest containing a cap of knowledge was present after the climb.

This was the end of the line, the summit of Death Peak. Using the Chrono Trigger and the pendant's radiation, the egg hatched, revealing nothing initially. When it was thought they worked for nothing, a solar eclipse occurred. It was actually a portal that led them to moments before T.E.'s annihilation, except that the time was frozen, which not even Zetta thought possible. Inside the time freeze, the group concluded they had to switch T.E. with the clone and leave at once. The operation was a success and T.E. was brought back in the world of the living, his clone left to dust.

Back at the End of Time, Gaspar congratulated the group on their success in reviving T.E., but asked no thanks unless they wanted to make him a member of the team. He did however tell them that before fighting Lavos, several people could help them across the eras. In the Middle Ages, a woman wants to bring a forest back to life again. Still in the Middle Ages, Ozzie was the new leader of the Mystics and was scheming a nasty plot. An unknown task has to be done in the future, where the robots originated. A mysterious stone that gives light could help them if they are able to find it. A ghost of a knight slain by Zetta in the Middle Ages haunts the Present. Back in the Middle Ages, an object that shines like a rainbow could be found and be of use to the group. Finally, someone among the group is close to someone who seeks great help. Gaspar would stay there and offer advice should the group still need some.

With their new tasks in mind, the group left to perform them...


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In the Middle Ages, a woman named Fiona on the western continent wanted the forest to grow back again, but a strange burrowing creature was complicating the task. Marco, Fiona's fiancé, told them that the creatures down there were weak to Wate, so a party of Zetta, Fuuka and Fia was formed to defeat the monsters below. Zetta soon relearned to shield him or his allies inside a dark veil absorbing magic. Fuuka then learned to revive allies to full health and she was replaced by Mumu.

Going into the lower level of the desert hole revealed the toughest culprit of this underground den. The creature was in fact a Mystic inside a gigantic skeleton. Said skeleton would highly dislike water attacks. The core could be quickly destroyed, but the rest of the monster would go berserk and attack them in various ways. Eliminating the upper half was then the top priority, followed by the legs. After a while, the monster returned to dust.

After looting all the chests, the group returned to the surface. Fiona congratulated their efforts, but told them the forest would take centuries to revive. The group had an idea by leaving Pilot behind to help the forest grow back. He worked the land, planted the seeds, even acted as a scarecrow. Zetta, Fia and Fuuka then boarded the Dio to go four hundred years in the future. There, the forest was back to life again and a shrine was built to Fiona where nuns prayed. One of the nuns even sold hats with protective powers against statuses. On a pedestal at the end of the shrine lied Pilot, completely rusted and inactive. As Zetta pulled him from his pedestal, Pilot asked where he was. He told everyone that he spent four centuries to grow the forest back. He then offered to have a small party during the night, where he told the others about the knowledge he learned in those four hundred years.

He came to think that Lavos was not responsible for the gates, but that something, or someone, wanted history changed. The others thought it was possible, but as Zetta asked who this could possibly be, Pilot could offer no answer. It was nighttime and everyone wanted some sleep.

At this point, Masaa woke up. Earlier with the others, Fuuka asked her if she wanted to change something of her past. She was rather troubled at the question and gave no answer. However as she woke up, she felt unease. She walked a bit and noticed a very odd gate nearby. She took it and returned ten years in the past, back to her own room. A note on the ground said that at the time, she hated science, much unlike the Masaa we know now. Going down to the main room of the house, she relived the day where her mother lost her legs. Back then, she had no idea what to do and ran in every direction trying to help her mother, but now, she knew what she had to do and saved her mother. After this small event, adult Masaa collapsed in her room. When she woke up, a new note was written, saying she learned something and would learn machines so that no accidents would happen ever again. She then took the gate, feeling satisfied.

To her surprise, Pilot was awake and waiting for her return. He told her that she had a kind heart and was always so caring about others. He also gave her a piece of amber made of tree sap that he held within himself for so long. This charm would revive people once they would fall in combat.

Masaa felt like going back home. Her father gave her a new protective suit, better than the last one, along with a new helmet. She was also very pleased to see her mother walk again and hugged her. Meanwhile, T.E. showed Zetta to his mother, who thought he was menacing at first, but turned out to be a rather quiet fellow. She also said something very strange about the Black Omen sparkling in the sun, making this a good day for laundry. "Mothers..." T.E. thought.

Still in 1000, the group decided to go north of Medina to the forest ruins. When they entered the area for the first time, a giant crystal pyramid was blocking them, but now the pendant reacted to the pyramid. The seal was broken and a Nu appeared along with two chests, telling they are the treasures of the Guru of Reason. On the right was a sword increasing speed, while on the left was a helm that protected against physical damage. Not hesitating a single second, Zetta went to the left and grabbed a safe helm. When visiting Medina itself, the town changed considerably as the people were no longer worshipping Zetta, but Ozzie. Zetta decided it was time to clean the past a little bit.

Warping back 400 years, the group noticed a castle where Medina stood in the future. It was indeed Ozzie's castle. When Zetta entered the castle with his new comrades, Ozzie was most shocked of his change of heart.


Zetta applauded Ozzie's work, but Ozzie nevertheless called him a traitor to the Mystics and fled inside his castle. He first summoned Flea who was quite a bit into BDSM now, especially since Zetta was on the other side.



However the magician turned out to be on the receiving side of the beating. After defeating Flea, Zetta relearned to summon a dark mist to engulf his enemies. After comically failing to stop Zetta with reinforcements, Ozzie just called Slash to do the dirty work while he'd flee. The swordsman offered little resistance before being beaten however, attacking only once.

After another pointless sequence from Ozzie, he decided to team up with his subordinates to take on Zetta's own group. Ozzie's group claimed they had items that made them invincible, but Fia used her sex appeal to obtain them. The enemy trio would often use triple attacks as counters, but Zetta and his friends got them one after another, starting by Flea, then Slash and finally Ozzie, who retreated in the back yet again.

After being cornered in the last room of his own fort, Ozzie decided to fight one last time in a block of ice. With switches on the wall. However, the first switch was actually a trap that sent them a room back. When they got back however, a cat came in and pushed the right switch, much to the poor Ozzie's dismay.

After this whole mess, Zetta found a hidden room containing three chests. As he opened them, the shape of his mouth turned into a wicked grin as he found his ultimate set. Now, cloaked in a dark cape, protected by a horned helmet a bone and wielding the weapon of ultimate vengeance, Zetta would be a force to be reckoned with in the final conflict against Lavos as the new king of doom and gloom! A small visit in the future showed the new Medina as very easy-going around humans now, even lowering the prices of their items for trade. Groovin' on life indeed…


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The next sidequest is about the origin of the machines in the future. With Pilot in the lead, the group entered the Geno Dome, which they never accessed before as it is on a remote island away from the main continent. In there, Pilot was referred first by his code name, but then by the name of Prometheus. The computer told them to enter and would teach Pilot a lesson for teaming up with humans. As Pilot was able to open the door however, the exit was sealed shut. Just his luck, eh?

After a conveyer belt swarmed with robots, the group roamed around the room, trying to find anything interesting. They found out that Pilot had to conduct electricity from a door to another to open locked doors. Dolls should also be collected to fight the Mother Brain.

Using a bit of creativity, Pilot and his friends managed to clear the first floor and obtain both dolls. When walking around the second floor however, someone familiar to Pilot greeted him. It was his old girlfriend Atropos who referred him by his old name Prometheus. She reminded him of his task where he had to study humans and now was the time for Pilot to eliminate those who were following him. As Atropos approached his friends however, Pilot delivered a mighty blow. Atropos then judged Pilot as defective and would kill his friends before fixing him, but Pilot thought otherwise. Before his friends could be hurt, he decided to take the matters in his own hands.

Atropos would fight with the same techniques that Pilot would use, but her Area Bomb would be absorbed completely by Pilot while he would use his electric attacks to slay his old flame. Before dying, Atropos revealed that she was reprogrammed by "Mother" to kill humans more efficiently, but that she may also have forgotten old memories that were brought back as Pilot defeated her. She also gave Pilot her Ribbon that would boost Pilot's speed and resistance to magic. It was no time to shed oil tears for loved ones however, as the Mother Brain was awaiting.

Leaving the two dolls, Pilot's group entered the room of the Mother Brain. She told Pilot that she would reprogram him, but Pilot insisted that he liked his new way of life with his new friends. It was then that the Mother Brain decided to finish these puny humans once and for all, but she was quickly defeated. A blue plate mail was also stolen from her. After defeating Mother Brain, Pilot picked up two arms that he could equip and the whole factory was abandoned.

Next was the Sun Stone quest. The party found the Sun Palace to the west, still in the future. It looked similar to the Ocean Palace and was protected by a strange creature known as the Son of Sun. This creature would harm anyone attacking him directly by creating a flare, so the group had to hit the flames around the monster to kill him. He also had his black plate mail stolen by Fia.

After its defeat, the Son of Sun fled to the back of the palace. When reached, it became a dark and dull stone known as a Moon Stone. To be activated again, the group went back to the prehistoric times. Zetta put the stone on an isolated island where the sun always hits the stone, which would power it up after millions of years.

However, it seems that it was removed from its area in the Present. A house in Porre was emitting a bright light, but the man inside denied he had the stone. His family told him however that he was very greedy. In a store nearby, they were selling Jerky for a very high price. Zetta thought of something and decided to buy some. He then returned in time and gave it to the woman living in the elder's house for free, which made her think that generosity should be taught to her children. Going back to the present, the man gave them the stone for free. Zetta then went back to the Sun Keep and left the Moon Stone there. Going to the future revealed the Sun Stone at full power. Masaa grabbed it and decided to go home experiment on it. She crafted herself a new weapon, the Wondershot, while her dad made sun shades. Zetta tried this new fashion item with great success.


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Going to Choras in the southeastern part of the world, Zetta hears about haunted ruins to the north of town. Inside, the building is crumbling and a giant guards the staircase. Even in the past, the building is in ruins and mysterious phantom guards haunt the area. Asking a local carpenter if the ruins could be repaired, he says his tools are missing. The team goes in the future to get him new tools and he goes to repair them right away.

Entering the ruins again, the group meets the carpenter and his apprentices at the entrance. He tells them that they can't work more as monsters guard the area. After some house cleaning where Zetta burned the bones of skeletons to dust, the group returned to see the carpenter who would repair more for 2000G. After some more repairing, the carpenters leave due to the monsters again, but Zetta's group notice that the basement got repaired instead.

Visiting the basement revealed it was there that Cyrus, Mumu's old friend, was buried. When they saw the grave, Mumu with the Masamune in hand talked to the ghost of Cyrus, who thanked him for traveling this far to meet him. Cyrus also said that with his dying breath, he thought deeply about his liege, but also his most trusted friend. Knowing that the royal family was now in good hands thanks to Mumu, Cyrus' ghost vanished and wished Mumu good bye, much to Mumu's chagrin. Cyrus' last words were to take good care of the queen, after which Mumu burst into tears.

At this moment, the Masamune was levitating above the tombstone. It rotated and shined deeply, only to be divided into Masa and Mune. They told Mumu that the true power of the hero comes from within. After fusing back again, Mumu noticed his blade was stronger than before. He bid a last farewell to his old friend and left the tomb. On the grave, it was said that Mumu avenged his old friend.

The exploration in the tomb was not over yet, Zetta's group found a trio of sealed chests within. Knowing that those chests would be giving better items in the future, they went to the future and took the chests there. The fort was now named Hero's grave in honor of the great Cyrus. In the future, they obtained a lunar armor, a blade of destructive power and a heavenly crossbow. In the past, an astral armor, a demonic blade and a freezing crossbow were found.

Back in town, Zetta went to see Toma in the café. Toma gave them a soda that Zetta should pour on his grave should Toma not return from his next quest, which involved a prismatic shell. They knew the grave was still intact in the future, so they traveled there and Zetta spilled the Coca cola all over the grave. Toma's ghost appeared and told them that the shell was located in an island to the northwest back in the Middle Ages.

Travelling there, Fia noticed something strange. The odor in the air seemed familiar somehow. It is only when they entered the first room that Fia knew she was right : this cave is in the Middle Ages what the Tyrano's Lair was in the prehistory. The dinosaurs inside even evolved to become much stronger than before. Early inside the cave, Zetta learned to create a black hole to suck enemies in.

Many items were found in the decrepit dungeon, including a mysterious blue rock. At the end of the cavern, Zetta remastered his most powerful technique, the Dark Matter. Knowing the cave was ending soon, he was more than ecstatic to show off his powers against whoever would be the poor target at the end of the cave.

At the very bottom of the cave, behind a door made out of bones, the prison remained intact, though a large opening was found. Inside it, they heard the roar of a terrifying, but familiar creature. It was the Black Tyrano, still very well alive and with a reddish coloring. It was carrying a red plate mail on its back, but Fia showed that interspecies affair could not be forgotten even after sixty five million years. After repeated assaults from Zetta's magic, Fia's triple kicks and Pilot's explosive fists, the beast was finally killed for eternity.

Behind the beast was the rainbow shell. One could wonder how it got there, or even if the ancient dinosaur they just fell was the one who "made" it, but nevertheless it was too heavy for three people to carry. Going back to Guardia Castle, the king accepted to guard the shell within its walls for a few centuries.

Four hundred years in the future, it's time to reclaim the shell. However, most of the castle is guarded by soldiers who claim the king is on trial for selling a national treasure, which is the shell the castle was supposed to guard. The king says he is being framed. The chancellor will only accept the king's innocence if a fragment of the shell is brought before his eyes. Since the shell was moved to the basement of the castle ages back, it should still be there now.

After witnessing a guard's utter incompetence...


They come across a pair of snakes named after characters played by Jeff Daniels and Jim Carrey who talk about their boss wanting revenge for generations. That sounds pretty familiar, doesn't it?

At the end of the basement, the shell is still there, but a letter from Fuuka's mother is also present. The letter said that nothing could break bonds between family members and that she would understand that when she would have her own children. Grabbing a shard of the shell, Fuuka and her friends then dashed to the court room to save the king.

After being denied to enter the courtroom by the soldiers, Fuuka decided it was time to throw conventions away. As the guilty verdict was about to fall on the king, Fuuka jumped into the room from behind the tapestry of the courtroom and accused the chancellor of trying to take over the kingdom. It was at this point that the chancellor revealed himself as Yakra XIII. Holding a white plate mail, Fia had no difficulty to seduce him into giving it to her. The descendant started the fight weakly, but turned out to be dealing great amounts of damage as the fight went on. He still succumbed to physical attacks.

The fight was over and the king had an emotional talk with Fuuka in the courtroom. The king also said that Fuuka should be free to leave the castle as long as her friends took care of her. Then Melchior barged in the throne room, happier than ever to craft some weapons with the Rainbow Shell.


Silly old men and their weapons.

Before going to see Melchior, Pilot went to the courtroom and grabbed the key Yakra XIII left behind. He could open a chest that contained, you guessed it, the real chancellor. How is he even fitting into those is anyone's guess.

Melchior was standing in front of the shell, looking at it carefully. It was one of the strongest materials he saw in his life and offered to craft either a dress or three helms out of it. The helms were chosen. He also noticed the Sun Stone that the group was carrying. With both the Rainbow Shell and the Sun Stone, Melchior crafted a pair of prismatic sunglasses and a sword glowing in the seven colors of the rainbow.

As all sidequests were completed, the group decided to practice against Spekkio before getting inside the Black Omen. He had now taken the form of a periwinkle Masamune creature and said that Zetta could teach him a thing or two in the arts of magic. The battle was tough, but Zetta, Pilot and Mumu united their strengths to get Spekkio's graceful set of items.

With nothing left to accomplish but to erase the presence of the Black Omen, our heroes, united despite their different timelines, march together towards this timeless dungeon...


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Now was the time to infiltrate the Black Omen. Inside the structure, Queen Zeal was awaiting for them , telling them their efforts are not worth it. She opened a portal, from which a gigantic mutant appeared, holding an elixir and a wooden hat, the last one being notably difficult to Charm off for Fia. It didn't last very long however, despite trying to harm them with an attack named after a legendary Internet whiz kid.


The monsters inside the facility were extremely varied. They first met shadows wielding shields, then turrets and obese flying demons. Most of these enemies held very powerful items, so Fia whored herself out with most of them. The next room contained strange panels that held speed tabs. Yes, Fia even had to seduce traps on the walls under the eyes of Zetta and Pilot.

After traveling through a portal, they found an elevator very similar to the one in the Ocean Palace. The similarity was proved further when monsters attacked them, this time being gigantic robotic cats, much like at the fair in 1000. They would sing songs that would drive Zetta's group crazy, but they were easy to beat.

After a while, the group found a room with a few chests and a pair of Nus. One would sell items and the other would kick the team at the entrance of the Black Omen if they wanted to. After a bit of shopping, some looting and a shelter save, the group continued through the door.

A strange whirlpool was in the next room. A strange creature looking like a gold Heckran came out of it. It wouldn't attack by itself, but its counters were horribly strong. It also held a power tab. It would also respawn infinitely for more grinding out of it.

After grinding the golden dinosaur gorilla…thing, Zetta and his friends continue through uneventful rooms for a while. After fighting many different enemy combinations, the group finds yet another teleporter.

Later, a rather strange room holds another mutant boss, the giga mutant. It held wall and hit rings in its hands. This mutant would often weaken a character to its maximum, only to spray everyone with poison gas right before the weakened character could be healed. Fucking troll. Still, it went down in mere casts of dark matter. A teleporter was in the room behind the mutant.

After teleporting, another old favorite comes back : elevators! But this one is particular because it goes upwards and doesn't have any enemies. The next section looked like the entrance of the Black Omen. Enemies still came at them in various groups. There was a room at the end of the bridge. Panels were standing guard inside.

At the end of the room, a third mutant appeared, stronger than the other two and also called the tera mutant. It went down faster than its lesser brother since the lower part would not attack on its own. A muscle ring and a power seal were obtained, on top of a mysterious white rock in one of the chests it guarded.

After another bridge, a large enemy appeared before their eyes in a new room. It was none other than a new, stronger spawn of Lavos. Even it could be charmed by Fia for a pair of very nice helms. Perhaps the spawn could file a lawsuit for pedophilia? Maybe it's why it's so hell bent on destruction? At any rate, the head of the spawn was destroyed and so was the entire creature.

A new room contained five panels inside for some easy speed tabs. Since the next room led to the final boss, Zetta reluctantly goes back to grind against cannibal hydras for levels and megaelixirs thanks to Fia.

At full power, the group decided to get some missing items, namely a golden rock in the Middle Ages and a silver rock in the Prehistoric times. A few techniques were also missing, but the group decided to learn them all.

Before the fighting the final boss, the group decided to try the ultimate test by battling Spekkio, now in his final form : a pink Nu. The group laughed at him, but he said not to judge a book by its cover. After tedious battles where Spekkio trolled Zetta, Pilot and Mumu very hard with his techniques, he lost and gave them the cheerful set.

With most tabs in hand, the speed tabs were given so that mostly everyone had maximum speed. Sadly, Fuuka had to settle for fourteen while everyone else had sixteen. Too bad. Pilot also deserved all the magic tabs. As a result, his multi target healing beam was healing of over 85% of his comrades' total health. Not bad for one magic point.

Breezing through the Black Omen as if the monsters were nothing, Zetta, Fia and Pilot meet the queen at the end of it, willing to fight for Lavos. Sadly for her, she was facing overpowered enemies. Zetta sent a blast of dark matter at her before Fia could finish her off with a maximum damage critical.

The queen still had enough strength to toss them in the Mammon Machine. The Machine itself couldn't support more than a few attacks, including another critical from Fia.

After the machine's destruction, the queen decided it was time to take out the trash once and for all so she can live with Lavos for all eternity. At this point, Zetta had enough and called his mother an idiot, a pitiful woman duped by Lavos, and that he would bring an end to this destruction. The queen didn't forget the prophet's change of heart in the Ocean Palace and decided to personally be the one who would take his life.

The queen transformed into a mask complete with a pair of disembodied hands, not unlike the colossus of Mt. Woe. In each hand she was holding a piece of rainbow armor which Fia took care of charming off. Since the hands would counter with tremendous attacks, the group had to focus only on the mask. Zetta's dark explosions made quick work of it until Fia unleashed yet another victorious critical hit.

After the fight, the queen summoned Lavos from the depths of the earth IN ATTACK MODE.


In return, Lavos swallowed the Black Omen and fought Zetta, Fia and Pilot assuming various forms of enemies beaten in the past. All of them were defeated easily, but when Lavos fought as himself, he was defeated with great ease in about five attacks.

After Lavos howled for the last time, its head was destroyed and an opening was made. Without further ado, Zetta, Fia and Pilot entered inside the shell.

The inside of Lavos looked like an odd cave of green stone with water on the floor. The air was warm and the stench was surrounding them. A gate was next to them, leading them to the End of time. They could clearly hear a pulse coming from in front of them. After getting back some energy, the group proceeded forward.

At the core of Lavos was a strange creature that seemed to store data of every living being on the planet. It raised its two arms to fight, but a combined effort of Zetta and Pilot destroyed them. The body would still be alive and cast spells, including spells that would break status immunities, but thanks to Fia's critical and Zetta's dark magic, the creature was annihilated. Or so it was thought...

When the body broke, it was revealed it was only an outer armor for the real Lavos, who used the DNA of every organism to achieve ultimate evolution. It was its very first goal since the impact on the planet as it meticulously altered every being for millions of years. However, the heroes of time would put an end to his destruction. While the main body was attacking the heroes, the true life force of Lavos was its right bit, who would restore the other parts if they would fall in combat. The left bit simply healed the main body. Nevertheless, Lavos was defeated easily but without any critical hits from Fia.

A soldier was waking up T.E. in his bed. The soldier told him he had to go to the castle of the king. The king asked T.E. where he took his daughter. Fuuka came in and said T.E. was innocent. The chancellor also said that T.E.'s deeds had an enormous impact on the kingdom. Fuuka then asked to speak, but as it turns out, the king knew that T.E. had to save the future along with his daughter. In fact, Doan, one of the elders from the future, made the trip to 1000 to say that they saved the future to give the people hope. Then the king Guardia of the past showed up and told about T.E.'s fight against Zetta back in the Middle Ages. Even Kino showed up to comment on how T.E. beat the Reptites.

Fuuka was confused, but Masaa, who was hiding behind the throne, showed her the gate key. She then understood that Masaa brought everyone in 1000. Fuuka's father said that his kinsmen told him about the great mission T.E. was in. While he was fussing with his kingdom and his daughter, T.E. was travelling time, saving past, present and future. He then approached T.E. and told him he had to be celebrated, then told Fuuka to enjoy the last night of the fair, to which she jumped up and down as usual.

At the parade, tons of dancers were around celebrating the cleansing of history. T.E.'s mom complained her son didn't spend enough time around the house while trying to save the world. Lara on the other hand wanted to dance with her husband, but he was too busy drinking. Melchior stated he wouldn't have much business in weapons anymore but said he also liked it that way.

At the gate, T.E.'s comrades were ready to go to their respective eras as the gate grew weaker. First was Kino and Fia, who said she had a lot of fun with T.E. Fuuka wanted them to have tough children as she was their descendant. She then blew a kiss and left through the gate.

Next was Mumu and the Guradia King of the Middle Ages. Mumu stated that long farewells were never needed, but Fuuka still kissed him on the cheek, much to his shock. Masaa was laughing it off, saying it usually ends with a princess kissing a frog. Mumu smiled to them one last time before leaving. Right away, Zetta decided it was time to leave. Fuuka asked him if he would be looking for Schala, but he didn't answer and vanished through the gate.

Finally, Doan came to the gate and was going to the future with Pilot. Pilot said he will deeply miss Masaa. She gave a sad look and lowered her head. Fuuka was wondering why, but Masaa told her that Pilot might not exist in the future since the history was highly altered, which didn't seem to affect him negatively at all. Masaa was feeling very sad despite Pilot's obliviousness, but Pilot thanked her for teaching him about emotions. As he walked to the gate, Pilot crashed into the teleporter and as a joke simulated oil running down from his eyes, to which Fuuka laughed. He then followed Doan inside the gate.

After everyone left, Masaa and Fuuka remembered about a discussion they had when Fuuka disappeared for the first time. Both of them agreed they felt the Entity they mentioned earlier seems to have left. Masaa then thought to dismantle Dio, but something strange happened.

It was T.E.'s four cats, followed by T.E.'s mom. She scolded T.E. because he didn't feed the cats enough and then the cats entered the gate. T.E.'s mom followed them, but the gate closed afterwards before T.E. could grab her out of it. Fuka freaked out since the gate would never open again, but T.E. seemed to be enjoying the possibility of living without his mama. Masaa then suggested the time machine to go after her.

After this odd episode, a soldier asked for princess Fuuka to go see his father. He wanted to give her a gift, which turns out to be a new bell, attached to balloons, named in her honor. T.E. and Masaa then left the scene as the king let the balloons carry the bell...and himself at the top of the arch where the bell should rest. The king asked for help to bring him down, first with Fuuka, who left the scene to board the Dio with her friends in hope to find T.E.'s mom. Then Taban came in with the fireworks and asked to fire one. The king desperately needed help from anyone, but Taban proceeded to start the fireworks show.

As Dio was flying through the heavens across the eras, a tale of past, present and future came to an end. Existence as the people knew it was saved by a group of seven warriors of history, led by a spiky Saiyan mute swordsman empowered by the heavens…


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I hear you're also afraid of FE5 and regretting dumping Soluna.

What's next?



I like Strawberries, and I play the piano.

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That isn't what your posts told me.


Such shamelessness.

I like Strawberries, and I play the piano.

Yeah, we already knew of your strawberry addiction from your profile, and we've very familiar with you going around and shouting "look at me, I'm great at playing the piano!"

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That isn't what your posts told me.

Such shamelessness.

Yeah, we already knew of your strawberry addiction from your profile, and we've very familiar with you going around and shouting "look at me, I'm great at playing the piano!"





I enjoy being the uke and I have an addiction to loli-tsundere girls.

This is fun ^o^

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I'm waiting the reports, then.




I enjoy being the uke

Yeah, I don't suppose there are a lot of seme masochists around.

and I have an addiction to loli-tsundere girls.

Yuuka, etc. I guess Soluna's casual mistreatment of Lux turns you on, huh.

This is fun ^o^


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I'm waiting the reports, then.

Yeah, I don't suppose there are a lot of seme masochists around.

Yuuka, etc. I guess Soluna's casual mistreatment of Lux turns you on, huh.




You know what? Fuck it.

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