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Yeah, Axel was good for fury+armor breaking bosses since it only costs 10 SP for him, Alfimi was good for tanking bosses (only 10 SP for guard) and supporting. You get to use them for like five times total in the game IIRC also if you're wondering Elzam in OGG spends most of story piloting the Kurogane and slightly nerfed cause they removed alert and replaced it with an expensive strike+alert skill (24 SP for him) and they also removed one of his skills for faith.

So, they brought back Sense from OG1. I assume he has that ability that drops SP cost to 80%? What SP did they remove for Faith btw?

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So, they brought back Sense from OG1. I assume he has that ability that drops SP cost to 80%? What SP did they remove for Faith btw?

Yeah he still has focus, they removed strike for faith and his skills in OGG are:

Accel, Focus, Sense, Faith, Valor, and Fury.

Edited by Generic Operator
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Yeah he still has focus, they removed strike for faith and his skills in OGG are:

Accel, Focus, Sense, Faith, Valor, and Fury.

Oh well, the remove of Strike and Alert makes sense (Strike's 20 + Alert's 10 = 30 then reduced to 24 due to Concentrate/Focus). Faith on him is weird though, they should've given him Assault. or Zeal.

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Oh well, the remove of Strike and Alert makes sense (Strike's 20 + Alert's 10 = 30 then reduced to 24 due to Concentrate/Focus). Faith on him is weird though, they should've given him Assault. or Zeal.

Yeah assault or zeal would make him more offensive but I assume they gave him faith just because for support since the Hagane, Hiryu, and Kurogane crew don't merge for a while in this game (Chapter 14 is when they merge once then chapter 20 is when they finally all merge together.)

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Persona 4...the fighting game?

As developed by...Arc System Works?

...More Shoji Meguro compositions?

...Persona system looks like JJBA?

...P3 crossovers.

My body says oh yes

but my heart says it's not guiltyyyyyyyyyyyyyy

I know right? Should be awesome.

And it will need Demi-Fiend to be the Gold Order-Sol/Unlimited Ragna like boss.

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Persona 4...the fighting game?

As developed by...Arc System Works?

...More Shoji Meguro compositions?

...Persona system looks like JJBA?

...P3 crossovers.

My body says oh yes

but my heart says it's not guiltyyyyyyyyyyyyyy

As developed by...Arc System Works?

Arc System Works?

Arc System Works?

... we're screwed.

Take my money. Just take all of my damn money.

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The first thing I ended up reading this morning was Roxas' log. Two things:

One, thanks for making me read such a gory story before breakfast.

Two, it's a shame your journey was cut short. CONTINUE?

Three, how did you get devoured by a wild pokemon? Zigzagoon and Poochyena. Neither of those which could be considered a "wild pokemon" could devour you alone, I think.

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...More Shoji Meguro compositions?


Roxas, you suck.



The first thing I ended up reading this morning was Roxas' log. Two things:

One, thanks for making me read such a gory story before breakfast.

Two, it's a shame your journey was cut short. CONTINUE?

Three, how did you get devoured by a wild pokemon? Zigzagoon and Poochyena. Neither of those which could be considered a "wild pokemon" could devour you alone, I think.

1. You're very welcome, my dear Lux.

2. Inorite. ;-; Maybe non-Nuzlocke

3. There are Pidgeys and Spearows out there too man. And Sentrets. SENTRETS.

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In most games, you don't have to worry about lucky crits because you can revive.

Also, the basic rules are just "catch the first mon in an area" and "if a mon faints, it's dead." If you decided to make it even harder on yourself with extra restrictions, it's your own damn fault.

Edited by TheEnd
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In most games, you don't have to worry about lucky crits because you can use revive.

Also, the basic rules are just "catch the first mon in an area" and "if a mon faints, it's dead." If you decided to make it even harder on yourself with extra restrictions, it's your own damn fault.





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Oh, he did? I didn't notice... :S

Yeah. Seemed important too, since he's helping out with filming stuff (he broke the camera!! or something). Although when I talked to him later he was all like "Oh it's okay I've forgotten all that!" so what a kind boy.

[spoiler=Sure, why not?]6091894_m.jpg


[spoiler=This one is what my avatar is based on.]upfe0615.jpg

^_^ mmmmmmmmm~ (That chibi/podgy Lara makes me think of PW!Maya.)


This is amazing

Good thing you can back out of it

Whoa what is that even possible...

Rank 5 and 6s? I thought you only just started the game recently? :o

hello fe4 thread


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Yeah. Seemed important too, since he's helping out with filming stuff (he broke the camera!! or something). Although when I talked to him later he was all like "Oh it's okay I've forgotten all that!" so what a kind boy.

Oh, maybe that's why he got angry. But yes, he does redeem himself later on.

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Rei, SRW3 and 4 will have to be delayed. I sort of fixed my DS screen and got the other GBA and DS games to play.

No problem. You were almost finishing W, amirite?

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