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Atlus and their boobs.

I always thought Trauma Center did a nice job of keeping the fan service down to a minimum.

Although, I guess there's really so much you can do in a nurse's uniform while in a hospital full of GUILT pa--


Fuck you, Trauma Team.

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I think I might have found a reasonable explanation for that.

Carrots are good for eyesight. Kou dislikes carrots so his eyesight is not as good.Thereefore he might not have recognized Gato as an enemy.



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I always thought Trauma Center did a nice job of keeping the fan service down to a minimum.

Although, I guess there's really so much you can do in a nurse's uniform while in a hospital full of GUILT pa--


Fuck you, Trauma Team.

What's with you and your hatred of tits and naked chicks? You gay or somethin'?

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I always thought Trauma Center did a nice job of keeping the fan service down to a minimum.

Although, I guess there's really so much you can do in a nurse's uniform while in a hospital full of GUILT pa--


Fuck you, Trauma Team.


I wouldn't want to see Angie dressed up/down too much anyway, she's kind of a bitch. Valerie or Elena on the other hand...

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Ohoho, already took a look. My my my, that's quite the cast presented there...

Preetty much half of the evil factions are there.

[spoiler=Guess how many of the initial enemies are bosses]29o69md.jpg

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Wait, how is that a good thing?

Well, 2 out of 23 is not that bad. I mean, there's the 1st wave of reinforcements, that comes from the west, which has no W move units.

Then there's the 2nd wave which is pure bullshit. Black Knight having W move, lovely.

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[spoiler=P3P report]

I seem to be having so much fun with P3P. Hmmm, I don't remember what I felt when I played FES. Maybe I am enjoying P3P more because I can relate to a female MC? And also because it is EASY mode. I don't have to worry about equips and battles and stuff. :D It is a bit of a joke sometimes but I'm not too bothered. As long as I'm not having trouble with shadows/bosses... Also I love the pink menus.

ALSO there are much more interesting Social Links for me (MALES). And it's kinda cool to have some girlfriends (Yukari). Aww Junpei can be so cute. It'sa shame you can't date him because he gets Chiddy-chan later. :( Oh well, at least I have AKIHIKO and SHINJI and... Ken? I suppose you need max Courage to start with Ken because you'll be embarking on some pretty serious weird underage stuff... j/k. No seriously, even the person who made the guide that I'm following is uncomfortable with making Ken your lover-boy. Hmmm it does sound interesting though. Hehe he'll be calling me "onee-chan", huh...

Whereas when I was a male I didn't care much for any of the girls. Also is it me or do you only get to date 3 guys but maleMC has 4 girls?! Well at least I have cool peoples like Ryoji and Shinji.

The date is currently May 26 and I have just recently started with Akihiko!! I was so excited. I can't wait to date him. Eh heh heh.

It feels pretty good to be familiar with the game. I can't believe I used to use the weak stat-risers (library etc)!! Now I've learnt to use the Arcade and Movies and Offertory Box (when Great). It's a good thing I'm on easy mode because I've racked up like 60k yen so far and I haven't really bought any new quips (you get some pretty good rewards and Tart-chests). So I have all this spare money to use on rising mah Charm and Academics etc!! No wonder my stats used to rise slow :P

Also is it me or do battles (namely animations) seem to be quicker?!

Also Theodore is pretty dreamy. His Paulownia Mall date wasn't as epic as Liz's though (emptying her infinite purse in the fountain!!!!). Oh... I really wonder what his last date will be like...

Also Akihiko is so hot. Ohgawd Liam O'Brien has such a sexy voice. :(::): Hmm silly Akihiko fangirls. They were glaring at me when I approached Aki but I used my level 4 Charm to ward them off! I also have Academics3 and Courage2. It also felt GREAT to score highest in my class on my first midterm exams! :DDD That studying (AKA Arcade games lol and making donations) sure paid off.

Also I can only use 1 type of weapon- Naginatas! Unlike maleMC... but naginatas are cool!


over and out.

ALSO I love those new Female tracks

Edited by BowKnightGirl
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