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Hey Balcerzak you avatar reminds me of Lilina unless if that is her.

It is not Lilina, but I can easily see the resemblance. The character is actually Hatano Kanna.

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He's not creepy with that pink shirt and no pants.

He is a bit too much of a zealot though.

I dunno, his fixation for "Him" is a bit uncomfortable for my my tastes;

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Enrico Pucci was FAR worse in that aspect.

I dunno, Blackmore saw Him and was almost getting a boner. IIRC Pucci was full of bullshit

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I dunno, Blackmore saw Him and was almost getting a boner. IIRC Pucci was full of bullshit

Eh, I read that scene as more of being in sheer awe of seeing, you know, The ghost of Jesus Christ.

Pucci was a bastard. I'm glad he died as humiliatingly as he did.

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Eh, I read that scene as more of being in sheer awe of seeing, you know, The ghost of Jesus Christ.

Pucci was a bastard. I'm glad he died as humiliatingly as he did.

I would crap my pants, actually.


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People in JJBA tend to be too awesome to crap themselves over, well, anything. At least after the first three parts... Ha ha, D'Arby.

Part 3 was full of gross moments.

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[spoiler=Happy Halloween/Birthday, Barnaby!]2liixz8.jpg






Pretty! What a present (Tiger) to give Bunny.

Hey Balcerzak you avatar reminds me of Lilina unless if that is her.

I thought of Lilina too! But yes they are actually a bit different...


So, how did your exam go, Jenni?


My exam today was alright! It's hard to tell if I wrote down exactly what was required though... since you gotta be really careful in using the logic. It doesn't matter so much in the other modules but the language is very important in Sets, Numbers and Functions. Wahhh! (And supposedly it's going to take a few weeks to mark them all, but yesterday's will be quick because that was done with data capture sheets.)

I bet you're bored... don't proc too much!

Hmmm lunchtime. Bye~

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My exam today was alright! It's hard to tell if I wrote down exactly what was required though... since you gotta be really careful in using the logic. It doesn't matter so much in the other modules but the language is very important in Sets, Numbers and Functions. Wahhh! (And supposedly it's going to take a few weeks to mark them all, but yesterday's will be quick because that was done with data capture sheets.)

I bet you're bored... don't proc too much!

Hmmm lunchtime. Bye~

Good for you.

I'm always bored and procrastinating.

Have fun.

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Oh. So, Sara was actually a ghost all along... That's why she vanished so easily. Ugh.

^nobody cares. Should have posted this yesterday.

Couldn't say, but for some odd reason it makes me think of penguins.

Clearly, "closed eyes = blind" for this lowlife who will never amount to anything.

Edited by Marthur
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Her first post is proof:

A normal mortal would never say something like that. My logic is flawless, etc.

gush. I mean gosh.

Maybe she's one of those creepy people that like to hide.

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Not everybody is like TheEnd. I'm sure my conclusion is the right one.

I'm probably going to get a beating for that comment.

I mean hiding in the shadows etc, not some Damon Gant like stalking.

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