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Fire Emblem Awakening


World Map

I buy a Spirit Dust (One time only), Elwind (For sale) (One Time only), Angel Robe (One time only), Concoction (For sale) (One time only), Flux. I then have Saili+Soiree, Lucina+Tiamo, Sumia+Greg, Anna+Libra wander the base an nothing happens. Olivia+Krom (Bond boost). Maybe a support with them will now begin. And didn't. Support now with Krom+Cynthia (B Support) (B Support developed). I now begin the chapter.

Chapter 21

After a cutscene and an FMV, it shows us meeting Inverse and Fauda while some satonic tune plays. After a brief chat the battle begins. I start by using 2 Spirit dusts on Tiamo, so her staff range won't suck so much and giving Cynthia the Manual to up her Axe level again right after it reaches D level at the start of this battle. The boss here is nothing to write home about that you shouldn't take likely with his high critical rates (high skill) along with that Tomahawk of his. I pick off the stragglers that are headed my way and Anna's Sword level increased. Using her again as this is another indoor map. Sumia learned a new skill. Krom's spear rank increased. Freddie learned a new skill. Liz learns a new skill renewal. I defeat the boss and pick the Bolt Axe off of his corpse to end the chapter.


-Treasure Keyx2


-Bolt Axe



-Nopulu Rapier

-Secret Book


-Large Gold Bar (Worth 10000G)


Turns 10

MVP Krom&Freddie

World Map

They now have a Fortify, Bolgannon, and a Hero Axe for sale which are all one time only buys which I happily get. I've then sold all my uneeded Master and Change Proofs, All 4 of my large gold bars, and a Secret Book. I then buy Physicx3, Barrierx2, Arc Fire, wind, thunder x3, Killer Lances X3, Kill Swords X3, and 5 temporary Speed and Mag boosts. Which I needed to make Mariabel's speed better and for Tiamo's staff range to get better in a couple of chapters. They have these for sale now ONLY starting at this point of the game. And you can buy as many of them as you want. With the exception of Fortify and the Hero Axe. I then initiate a support with Krom+Freddie (A Support) (A Support developed). I then have Olivia wander the base and she finds Leaf's Prizesword. Awesome! Now I go to begin the next chapter.

Chapter 22

After sorting out some weapons and items. I then begin the battle. Another tough battle. Here is what I'm using here to have a chance.



-Goddess Icon


-Short Spear



-Silver Lance



-Silver Sword

-Armor Killer

-Sigurd's Lance




-Iron Sword


-Arc Thunder






-Killer Axe

-Silver Lance


-Short Spear



-Silver Axe

-Bolt Axe





-Leaf's Prizesword

-Sol Sword


-Arc Thunder

-Temp Mag Boost+2






-Arc Thunder


-God Dragonstone

-Divine Dragonstone


-Killer Bow

-Armor Killer

-Thunder Sword

-Kill Sword









-Iron Spear



-Kill Sword



-Killer Axe

-Silver Lance

-Short Axe

-Shibireru Lance

-Silver Axe

It also plays some kind of satonic music in this chapter. During the battle, Miriel learned a new skill. Miriel's staff rank increased. Soiree learned a new skill. After defeating some tough enemies and the boss the chapter ends. This is also one of the chapters to have no reinforcements.

Turns 8

MVP Soiree&Miriel

World Map

Several new wares are now available to buy. I buy 1 time only things again. Which are Hero Sword, Hero Axe, Hero Bow, Hero Lance, Thunder Sword. Take note that whenever you buy these rare weapons/items, make sure they are bought before you leave the store. As Anna will disappear from the map. I've also sold Bronze, Iron, Steel weapons and anything that is close to breaking to get the money to pay for all this. And there was a Secret Book in one of the stores, but didn't need it. Support Viole+Freddie (B Support), Saria+Freddie (C Support) and Soiree+Miriel (B Support). (Support bonuses developed) Base searching with Freddie who gets a temporary boost in Skill and Speed. Serge+Miriel searches and gets a bond boost. I then begin the next chapter.

Chapter 23


-Arc Fire

-Silver Lance

-Silver Sword

-Dragon Killer

-Silver Bow


It starts with some cutscenes with Tiara and Krom. Then the battle begins. Sumia's tome rank increased. Liz's axe rank increased. Saria learned a new skill. Used my second and last Harmain Staff to repair the Thoron tome. As Mariabel is trucking well with this tome. =)

Harmain staves only have one use in this game before the staff breaks and it's gone. So far, I've only found 2 of these in the whole game. So that's only 2 uses. There might be a 3rd one, but that is yet to be confirmed. I rout up the tough enemies with powerful weapons to have a chance at finishing this chapter at a reasonable amount of turns. This is another indoors map and only Krom and My Unit can battle the boss here. So make sure to give them some Elixirs before you begin this battle. It plays some different sinister tune and has some black fog enveloping the insides of the castle. It's rather cool. =)

And Krom learns a new skill as I kill the boss. The battle actually continues. Basilio and Flavia come into the battle and joins us. Better be worth it for their base stats and skills upon their joining time. Especially this late in the game. Some reinforcements show up and battling them, Viole learns a new skill during this heat of combat. During the next turn, I kill the boss getting Cynthia to gut him with a Killer Axe. He drops a Talismen upon killing him.

Turns 5

MVP Liz&Viole

World Map

An encounter is finally available. Only use for this one is to train any characters that have not yet reached LV15 to learn their skill. But that's tommorrow. =)

Time to post their stats.

Krom LV 20/15 EXP19

Class: Master Lord


HP 54/54

Power 27

Mag Pwr 5

Skill 25

Speed 27

Luck 31

Def 27

Res 15

Sword A Spear B

Skills:dualattack.pngDual Attack,charismae.pngCharisma,005sp.pngRefresh,aether.pngAether, royalweapon.pngRoyal Weapon

Tiara LV 20/10 EXP58

Class: Grandmaster

HP 58/58

Power 22

Mag Pwr 15

Skill 23

Speed 25

Luck 21

Def 22

Res 12

Sword B Tome B

Skills: War Knowledge, Magic Square, Magnificent Flame

Liz LV 20/16 EXP83

Class: Battle Monk


HP 54/54(Gave her an Angel Robe)

Power 17

Mag Pwr 24

Skill 22

Speed 22

Luck 32

Def 18

Res 15

Axe A Staff A

Skills:017me.pngMiracle,018id.pngHealing Heart,luckcry.pngLuck Cry, renewal.pngRenewal

Viole LV16/15 EXP16

Class: Bowknight


HP 51/51

Power 25

Mag Pwr 9

Skill 29+2

Speed 26

Luck 15

Def 13

Res 14

Sword C Bow A

Skills: Skill+2, Early Initiative, Skill Cry, bowslayer.pngBow Slayer

Miriel LV20/16 EXP66

Class: Sage


HP 48/48

Power 5

Mag Pwr 26+7

Skill 24

Speed 31

Luck 22

Def 19

Res 25

Tome A Staff B

Skills:magic2x.pngMagic+2,concentrationv.pngConcentration,019pk.pngMagic Cry, 020nw.pngMagic Expert

Sumia LV20/16 EXP41

Class: Dark Peg


HP 47/47

Power 15

Mag Pwr 20

Skill 38

Speed 41+2

Luck 26

Def 18

Res 21

Lance A Tome A

Skills:speed2n.pngSpeed+2,005sp.pngRefresh, Movement Cry, 009mw.pngLightening Speed

Mariabel LV20/19 EXP22

Class: Valkyrie


HP 45/45

Power 4

Mag Pwr 24

Skill 26

Speed 24

Luck 32

Def 10

Res 26+2

Tome B Staff A

Skills: resistance2.pngRes+2,004oj.pngSeduced Lady,resistcry.pngResistence Cry, dualsupport.pngDuel Support

Soiree LV 20/16 EXP22

Class: Paladin


HP 51/51

Power 29

Mag Pwr 11

Skill 28

Speed 33

Luck 26

Def 23

Res 19

Sword A Lance A

Skills:discipline.pngDiscipline, outdoorbattle.pngOutdoor Battle,007rn.pngDefender, holyshield.pngHoly Shield

Tiamo LV20/17 EXP7

Class: Falcoknight


HP 52/52

Power 26+5

Mag Pwr 13 (Gave her 2 Spirit Dusts)

Skill 30

Speed 36+2

Luck 25

Def 21

Res 24

Lance A Staff B

Skills:speed2n.pngSpeed+2,005sp.pngRefresh, speedcry.pngSpeed Cry, lanceexpert.pngLance Expert

Fredrick LV9/12/6 EXP

Class: Draco Master


HP 52/52

Power 35+2

Mag Pwr 6

Skill 25

Speed 23

Luck 17

Def 19

Res 13

Lance A Axe A

Skills: Dicipline, Luna, Str+2, Ride Fast,015yh.pngHot Start

No-No LV24 EXP65

Class: Manakete


HP 47/47

Power 20+8 18+11

Mag Pwr 8+5 7+6

Skill 14+3 11+5

Speed 18+2 15+4

Luck 21 18

Def 17+10 14+13

Res 11+7 11+9

Skills: Odd Biorhythem, Dragon Buster

This is her stats with the Divinestone. Her actual stats are without the pluses. The other stats (2nd one) are with the God Dragon Stone.

Saria LV20/15 EXP81

Class: Sorcerer


HP 48/48

Power 10

Mag Pwr 29

Skill 14

Speed 29

Luck 16

Def 25

Res 19

Tome A

Skills: Curse, Crimson Curse, Vengence, tomeslayer.pngMagic Slayer

Olivia LV18 EXP54

Class: Dancer


HP 36/36

Power 11

Mag Pwr 7

Skill 21

Speed 24

Luck 17+4

Def 7

Res 8

Sword D

Skills: Luck+4, Special Dance

Lucina LV20/10 EXP6


Class: Master Lord

HP 50/50

Power 22

Mag Pwr 10

Skill 32

Speed 36

Luck 27

Def 23

Res 17

Sword B Spear D

Skills:dualattack.pngDual Attack,charismae.pngCharisma,005sp.pngRefresh,aether.pngAether

Anna LV7 EXP73


Class: Trickster

HP 39/39

Power 14

Mag Pwr 21

Skill 26

Speed 22

Luck 28

Def 11

Res 13

Sword B Staff D

Skills: Move+1, Picklock

Cynthia LV20/10/10 EXP49



HP 77/77

Power 36

Mag Pwr 11

Skill 38

Speed 34+2

Luck 38

Def 33+2

Res 23

Spear A Axe C

Skills: Speed+2, Refresh, Aether, Def+2, Def Cry

Royal Weapon

Adds 10% to Skill activation rates


Recover 30% HP at the start of each Turn

Bow Slayer

Hit and Avoid +50 when the enemy is equipped with a bow

Lightening Speed

Allows the user another full action after they defeat an enemy during the user's Turn (only once per Turn)

Holy Shield

Halves damage from bows, tomes and dragonstones

Magic Slayer

Hit and Avoid +50 when the enemy is equipped with a tome

Hot Start

Hit and Avoid +15 at the start of the chapter. Effect decreases with each passing Turn.

Magic Expert

Magic +5 when equipped with a Tome.

Edited by アイネ
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Tip: Buying Armor, Shield and Sword actually helps tremendously. Unlike in Final Fantasy or other games where you might find the same shit you just bought in the Dungeon you're going into.

It kinda helps there's only 6 sets of equipment for a single character.

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But yet it's ok when other people do it...


What are you talking about? The only thing people consistently tease me about these days is my nonexistent romance with Tangerine. Nobody says anything about me being a rapist. ~_~

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