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More like during work at random times. \o/

Siiiiiiiiigh. Hey Vashi, throw me across the country, will ya?

Time to head out now. See ya in a bit whenever.

If I could figure out how on Earth that would be physically possible, I would.

Alright, see you soon then.

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... I did NOT fall asleep on the floor. Damn it, brain.

Okay... fine... updating the dream thread...


Ugh this morning is not gonna be as good as yesterday's. *sigh* Or the day. I can see it already: shitty day to come. And then to get this out of the way:


One more day for me...just...one...more...

Edited by Interest
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Interest, don't even START on dreaming inside of dreams.

The last time I did that I had one of what was possibly my WORST nightmares, thank you very much! Except, you know, it wasn't just a dream inside a dream. I "woke up" about six times that night.

Sooner or later I'll stop having bi-monthly nightmares. I hope.

Oh, and Inception was totally awesome movie regardless. I even understood everything that was going on the first time.

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Good morning, beeezy, Shirley.

Hang in there, Shirley.

Morning, and thanks. :(

If I could figure out how on Earth that would be physically possible, I would.

Alright, see you soon then.


Hi again people.

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Morning thread.

...this is so bad.

"You okay?"
"Yes, thank you so much."

"...I'm guessing you're a little hesitant about going to the meal tent?"
"...A-a little, I guess."

"Want to share a meal with me then? I do happen to have enough for two people."
"We could just find somewhere nice to eat a quiet meal away from everyone."

She blushes.

...realizing what I just said, I must have too.

"I-I'm sorry... I didn't mean to sound so forward. I-I just thought..."

"N-no, that sounds nice. I would gladly accept your offer."

The way she speak so formally... how shy she is...
Honestly, I'd be lying if I didn't say I was struck by how completely cute she was.

We have grown closer as friends. But, as of late... it's been more than that for me.

I have a crush on her. But I don't think I'm brave enough to tell her.

We find a little spot by the river, just outside the camp.
We sit right under the tree as a gentle breeze blows.

While I'm opening the container for our meals I just happen to look over at her. The breeze blows her beautiful hair ever so slightly.

She smiles.

I quickly look back down and got back to what I was doing.
It's a complicated feeling. I feel so uneasy when she's near me.

I think to myself that I should just stop thinking about it.

"Let's start off with the bread while it's hot."

I hand her a piece.

The uneasiness slowly faded away.

It was just a quiet, relaxing moment... just like I wanted.
It was enjoyable.

"Okay, time for the meat."

I hand her a piece of lamb.

And just like when we were eating the bread, it was pretty quiet.

Until I notice the way she ate.

I couldn't stop myself, and burst out laughing.
"E,Eeeeh!? What!? Is something wrong!?"

She looked so flustered.

"Hahaha... I'm sorry... I'm sorry..."
"It's just that the way you're eating..."

"Well, excuse me for eating the way I do!"

"No, really... I'm sorry."
"It's just that you looked like a little rabbit... nibbling at a big chunk of food..."

"Hmph! Why I never!"

That was the first time I've seen that kind of expression on her.

"I couldn't help it... I thought it was..."

"Eh!? Rey-san!?"

...better stop myself from saying anything further. Should divert it to a generic statement.

"Hahahaha. Well, I'm pretty sure the entire army thinks of you as fairly cute."
"...so, are you feeling better?"

"Y-yes, thank you."

"Like I said, the entire army thinks of you as cute... and they want to see you dance."
"And they're nothing wrong with that... until someone's being too forward."
"Only you can decide for yourself whether to do whatever it is they're asking of you."
"I know it looks daunting for you, but if you need to... tell them 'no' firmly."

"I-I'll try..."

"...Also, don't worry. I'll be there for you. If anyone is ever bothering you, just call on me. We're friends after all."

We finish our meals... and head back to camp. We then go our separate ways.

"Well then, see you later."
"Yeah... see you later, Olivia."

I walk back to my tent.
I shake my head while talking to myself.

I say in a low whisper, "At this rate... you'll have more than just my friendship... you'll have my heart as well... or maybe you already have..."

"Hohoho? I'll have your heart just like you have mine?" said a voice behind me.
"Whoa!? Sariya (Tharja) don't scare me like that."

"I told you, you're my first love."
"I'll do anything for you. I'll change however you want."

"...I'm... flattered... thank you..."

She's always creeped me out a little bit, but she seems harmless enough. I just let it go... even though I always feel deathly uncomfortable around her. She *IS* one of us now, so I feel like I can trust her.

"See... you later..."

"Yes. See you later... Fufufufufu."

I keep walking.

That's so adorable.

Let's see if you're right then:

...Before I knew it, I was spending more and more time with her.

...sometimes discussing and working on her dream theater.
...sometimes just having a quiet lunch together.

The funniest part was that we both agreed to not get seen.
Considering my position as the army's tactician, she'd be the subject of rumors all over.

And knowing her personality, it'd quite troublesome. I didn't want her to go through that.

...that honestly didn't help my own battle I was fighting.

I was completely head over heels for her. And yet I don't have the courage to tell her.
I wasn't sure if she felt the same way.
Not to mention I was having trouble with my other duties.

Objectively, I'd call her a distraction. But my mind is far from objective at this point.

...and then the point came when I couldn't stand it anymore. I decided I'd tell her on our next meeting.

...the day finally came. I was standing outside the tent.

I told myself that I'd be a nervous wreck once I walked in there... but to my relief, I just somehow calmed down.
Probably because... I heard a sigh as I walked in.

"What's wrong, Olivia? That was a pretty heavy sigh just now."
"Recently, I just haven't been able to save up because of my expenses."
"At this rate, I'll grow old and I still won't be able to save up enough."
"Maybe I should just give up on my dream of building a theater."

"N-no! Didn't you already decide what your first performance will be on that stage?"
"I'm sorry, Rey... despite all the support you've given me."
"No, I'll still be here to support you. I told you I'd be with you until your dream comes true, right?"
"Hee-hee, Thank you. I'm happy you feel that way, but I just don't think I should drag a dear friend into a silly dream like this."
"Then... what about if we weren't friends?"

...I've gone this far, I can't back out now.

"I-I... I..."

It's taking all of my willpower to say it.

"I love you, Olivia."
"Not as your friend, but as your lover, won't you let me 'get dragged into this', then?"


I've never seen her face that red.
Even now, I'm being overwhelmed by how cute she is.

"I decided on this a long time ago. You had my heart even longer.
So I finally had this made.

Will you marry me?"

"W-what a beautiful ring..."

"Rey-san... we don't know when my dream will come true...
I can give up at any time... and I may even spout out complaints...
But even so..."

"...we'll always be together. I'll be by your side... always..."

"...and that's why..."

I take out another from my pocket.

"I had two made."
"I know it's unusual... but..."

"There's something engraved on both of them."
"I am yours."

Rey: "And on yours:"
"You are mine."

"Put them side by side... and..."

"Oh, Rey! I'm so happy! I'll try one more time...!"

She puts on her ring.
I put on mine.

"I won't give up! Even if it takes years... or even decades!
If you're with me, my dream will surely come true!"

"I love you, Olivia."
"I-it's... embarrassing... but..."

"I love you too... I'll never say this to anyone but you...!"

We embrace... and...

We share our first kiss.

I was happy. She returned my feelings.

I held her hand.

"Hahaha... I'm guessing you want to keep this a secret at least for now?
I don't think you want all the attention from everyone just yet."

"Ooooh nooo. Please! Just thinking about it... I want to hide somewhere and disappear."

"I'll disappear with you. Hahahahaha."

"Uwaaaa... Please stop, it's embarrassing..."

"...They'll be looking for me soon. The war council should be meeting in a little bit."
"And I'm sure if I don't show up, and they find us here, everyone in the whole country will be talking about us."

"P-please stop it, Rey-san! You're being so mean right now!"

"I can't help it... you're just too cute."


"Okay, okay, I'll stop."

"I'll see you later, then."
"Yes, I'll see you later."

Funnily enough, the war council meeting went smoothly... I was more focused than I had ever been.

"Geez, Rey." (Man I'm just thinking about the localization... Chrom wouldn't saying "Gods" instead.)
"You were on fire in there."

"I guess I was just in a proper mood today. I felt motivated, but still clear-headed."

"You earned a good night's rest. Your mind might be still sharp and motivated, but you sure look like you could use a hell of a nap."

"Yeah... thanks."

I walk to my tent, put my jacket down, get on the bed, and close my eyes.

"If this is a dream... please don't let me wake up from it."

That last line is so ironic XD

...this is where the depressing part begins.

I wake up with a giant headache.

...I don't remember a thing about yesterday. My dream was fragmented...

Bits and pieces of words... images...


"Dareka ni suki to itta?" (Did I say "I love you" to someone?)

"About time you woke up, darling."

I didn't notice her at first, but Sariya was sitting right behind me.

She jumps on me and hugs me from behind, displaying her left hand in front of me.

"Oh this ring looks so beautiful on me. I love it, darling!"
"Look at your hand! Didn't you get matching rings just to say how much you loved me?"

I look at my left hand. It had a ring on it.

I read the engraving out loud.
"I am yours."

"And 'you are mine'" on this ring. Fufufufufu."

It's all in pieces... but yes, I do remember getting these two matching rings.

But it still made me feel uneasy.
Did I really propose to Sariya?

I did get the rings... and she's wearing it...
But... did I really? I don't know anything...

Lol, Tharja/Sariya has the ring XD

Should we tell Hatari that Rey fantasizes about girls he knows online dressed as anime/game characters


I am not missing the point and also.

Surprising if not

I had put you in my ignore list in a couple of days ago also.

Both of you are ignoring the other, Lol.

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Morning Ace...

I'd share my dreams but they're irritatingly chock-full of inside jokes and irony.

Morning, and thanks. :(


Hi again people.

We'd need like a rocket-propelled slingshot or something...

Hihi again.

Interest, don't even START on dreaming inside of dreams.

The last time I did that I had one of what was possibly my WORST nightmares, thank you very much! Except, you know, it wasn't just a dream inside a dream. I "woke up" about six times that night.

Sooner or later I'll stop having bi-monthly nightmares. I hope.

Oh, and Inception was totally awesome movie regardless. I even understood everything that was going on the first time.


[/hugs] I feel your pain.

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I'm always going to sleep at about 2-3am, and waking at about 8am.

I should be dead.

^ This is me, with the addition of originally going to sleep from either 9-11 PM, waking up at 2-3, going back to sleep around 5, and waking up again at 7-8.


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