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quiet you

We just have sleep problems and I don't even dream so I must be some kind of super heathen.

Unless he really is an insomniac and diagnost with it and not just saying it because he can't sleep very well.


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quiet you

We just have sleep problems and I don't even dream so I must be some kind of super heathen.

Unless he really is an insomniac and diagnost with it and not just saying it because he can't sleep very well.


Not sure, but there are nights that i can't even sleep at all...

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If you want. xD

Dear <USER>
You are Lissa's Husband.
You are an immature thirteen-year-old who loves Lissa, has a girlfriend, hates soc, and lives in the UK. You got your ass banned after failing to follow moderator directions and starting FIVE FUCKING TOPICS about being Gim-Lewis.
Every night, you may respond to your role PM with "fixed, <USER>." You will edit <USER>'s post so that it praises Lissa and denounces any other character, and call it fixed. This will piss off <USER>, but <USER> will not do anything about it. <USER> will be considered marked for the rest of the game.
Alternatively, you may reply to your role PM with: I am Gim-Lewis, bwahahaha! Everyone you had marked will become enraged at you to the point where they all leave Serenes Forest.
You are aligned with yourself (because no one wants you on their faction). You win when everyone leaves Serenes Forest.

Boron. Show me your EO4 party. I gots to know.

I have a landsknecht (female), dancer (male), medic (male), runemaster (male), and sniper (female). They're at level 52 or so. The first three are in the front lines, the last two are on the back lines.

Edited by Sangyul
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Interesting. You have the same party as I did.

You had the same classes and stuff? Cool. What were the subclasses? I rested my characters because I screwed up on the subclasses, so I gave them new ones. Landsknecht-runemaster, dancer-landsknecht, medic-fortress, runemaster-healer, and sniper-nightseeker.

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You had the same classes and stuff? Cool. What were the subclasses? I rested my characters because I screwed up on the subclasses, so I gave them new ones. Landsknecht-runemaster, dancer-landsknecht, medic-fortress, runemaster-healer, and sniper-nightseeker.

Oh wait. Didn't notice the Dancer. I had a Fortress instead because tank.

I had Landy/Runemaster, Fortress/Dancer, Medic/Arcanist, Sniper/Bushi, Runemaster/Bushi.

I ended changing the party quite a bit after getting the third class. The Landy's Runemaster class was for the passive elemental damage since he was a Link Landy.

The others are just for more evasion for Fortress, Healing and status effects for the Medic, and DAMAGE due to Blood Surge and Charge for the other two from the Bushi subclass.

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Oh wait. Didn't notice the Dancer. I had a Fortress instead because tank.

I had Landy/Runemaster, Fortress/Dancer, Medic/Arcanist, Sniper/Bushi, Runemaster/Bushi.

I ended changing the party quite a bit after getting the third class. The Landy's Runemaster class was for the passive elemental damage since he was a Link Landy.

The others are just for more evasion for Fortress, Healing and status effects for the Medic, and DAMAGE due to Blood Surge and Charge for the other two from the Bushi subclass.

I think I focus a lot less on my party's defense and mostly on attack. That, or I have my dancer spam regen waltz during long, difficult battles. Almost replaced my sniper for the nightseeker I was training, but decided against it eventually because it would take him FOREVER to catch up with the rest of my party. I have a few extra characters I use occasionally, but pretty much the same five for main story stuff.

Oh yeah, I think I may have mentioned this, but I did manage to get into the fourth dungeon. It is evil ;_;

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