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Chances are I might not play it too much after a while anyway because I seldom use my 3DS.

I play so little video games as a whole these days that my GOTY is, seriously, the vampire game that I do with my friends.

Nothing wrong with that

P sure it's 2d.

Dannie is a person. Not Astra.

I forgive you then
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I forgive you then

Don't tell me you still think that I call him "Astra"

Ohh, that's a cute drawing! :3

Phew. Roleplaying. I actually kind of miss it...

I-It's so... embarrassing omg.

I never RP'd before though.

Edited by Amelia
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Don't tell me you still think that I call him "Astra"

I know you don't

I do because Daniel is my late father's name


I'm sure you want to keep your naughty nicknames secret though :P

Also this Edited by OldMan
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Don't tell me you still think that I call him "Astra"

I-It's so... embarrassing omg.

I never RP'd before though.

[/pats] It's okay. If it's any consolation, I used to follow an Apollo Justice blog and geeked out ALL THE TIME. Kind of embarassing. XD

Oh really? Welcome to the wide world of roleplay, Amelia! I shall be your guide!

... Well, okay, never mind 'cause you're already here.

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I'm sure you want to keep your naughty nicknames secret though :P

"Kitty" is naughty?

Man I don't even know what would happen if Dannie did have a naughty one.

I know you don't

I do because Daniel is my late father's name




RP'ing huh... I don't quite miss that much... surprising I'd have that thought.

You guys sure RP lot. :c

[/pats] It's okay. If it's any consolation, I used to follow an Apollo Justice blog and geeked out ALL THE TIME. Kind of embarassing. XD

Oh really? Welcome to the wide world of roleplay, Amelia! I shall be your guide!

... Well, okay, never mind 'cause you're already here.

Haha. I'm more of joking around more than RP though.

However, I do like reading some serious ones. STOWIE TIMES

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"Kitty" is naughty?

Man I don't even know what would happen if Dannie did have a naughty one.



You guys sure RP lot. :c

Haha. I'm more of joking around more than RP though.

However, I do like reading some serious ones. STOWIE TIMES

Ah. Still fun. If I could find a good Awakening one, I'd join it in a heartbeat.

So do I! I love seeing what people come up with.

Who? Nah, it's been long since I've RP'ed.

It's been about a year since I've honestly RP'ed myself...

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Maybe in a few years. I'll let you kids think of a few.

I can imagine

Are you two his wing man or something

3 years and half already



...You know, we've been dating over 3 years now...

Ah. Still fun. If I could find a good Awakening one, I'd join it in a heartbeat.

So do I! I love seeing what people come up with.

Tumblr is blooming but they mostly are silly ones lol.

And hi Ace/Brokuni

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Are you two his wing man or something


...You know, we've been dating over 3 years now...

Tumblr is blooming but they mostly are silly ones lol.

And hi Ace/Brokuni

Yeah, my old roleplay site is overrun by arrogant noobs. I don't even... [/sigh]

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