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Good night James!

Nine main characters, two tsunderes

Why Falcom, why

Also, Vashiane's new theme looks like something Shirley would use

[/sigh] Tsunderes, honestly...

Oh! It does, doesn't it?


Okay, your new Roxas picture is amazing. I love it.

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that satisfying feeling when your sinuses unclog themselves

right into your arm hair

aaaaaaaaaaaah feels good to breathe

I know right. My sinuses were bothering me pretty bad but they finally unclogged a few days ago.

But having it travel into your arms is rather strange.

Morning thread.

Good morning.

*hugs thread*


I HUGGED THE THREAD THIS TIME. D: Ein is fine with it.

He is.

Metal slimes are very very likely to run away if you see one. Consider it a miracle if one DOESN'T run away within 2 to 3 turns of battle...

Oh yeah, makes sense since MKS stands for Metal King Slime.

Sounds like the Dragon Quest series.


Hi Rey.

Go convince Vincent to add a Florina badge.

We do need a Florina badge. =o

Indeed. Metal slimes are also notable for the massive amounts if experience you get if you can defeat one (which tends to be a big if, since they have a defense that's so strong that short of a critical hit, you're only doing one damage most of the time, and that's assuming you don't miss).

Screw them.
The Blue Dragons reward half as much and often comes nearly every time.
The Red Snakes only run in Mother 1, but they are worth the most exp in the game.

I'm not particularly interested in postgame anyway so kid composition is not really a thing for me

I grinded once for supports and if I want to play postgame stuff I'll go there since I already have a team of Limit-broken murdergods I don't really need more

I play very strictly nogrind during the maingame

Might use Nowi

Man I hate her outfit but at least I don't hate her character

The post game is unique and would like to have many many teams whenever possible.
And how can you possibly hate Nowi's characteristics in the Japanese version?

Yup, I dunno why I bought all the DLC when I don't even use half of them.

Because you want to have full coverage of the game.
I use them all. But for DLC characters that you aren't using, they are nothing more than places to get exp for your army.

It does. ._. Anna's trolling us, I swear.

I actually prefer the first generation over second, oddly enough. Although I do have a soft spot for some of them, I found myself overall preferring the first generation cast over the second.

But I freely submit to the superiority of Future of Despair.

... ... Oh, god, I don't think I can use the JPN title anymore. Curse you Dangan Rompa.

Ah... I see. It's not for me either. Supports > Optimization. All day, every day.

I can't do a no-grind run, I swear it kills me. DX

Eh... I'm not fond of Nowi's outfit either. Not much we can do about that though.

ALL of this.

Why the hell couldn't they have given her Nah's? Or Tiki's!

Anna governs the RNG.
Wellll at anytime that she wants she could turn on us and
That's why that the War thread exists today. xD

Just gotta know how to do it

I'm used to nogrind since I've been playing FE for like 5 years and my playstyle is very blitzy

Grinding only serves to slow me down

I always learn to distribute my experience right to an average army of 12-15 characters per run. Plus you don't get unlimited grinding in FE's 1,3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, 11, 12 without the arenas and bonus exp.

Haha, maybe.

I am doing a "limited" grind run, and it's limited because Reeking Boxes suddenly cost 4800 and I'm not stingy here. :\

It isn't with the Silver Card to make it official. That is if you keep selling the stuff that you randomly get in the encounters netting an average of at least 2.4k every time. Without it, better get MU to get Despoil as MU is one of the only few charaters in the game to have enough luck to make it useful.

1. That's how I beat FE12 Lunatic Reverse. Although not with an AAA. ...I should do that sometime.

2. FE7's good, too.

1. Ugh.
I can't even do beyond H2.
You must be really good.
2. Yes. It is.


Seriously, if I could just STOP getting Anna shops I'd probably have some money already. [/grumbles]

Mmm... I actually really want to try FE7, so I'll definitely consider that.

Start now.

It is a good and touching game. It is what got many of us including me to start playing the Fire Emblem series.

Neither do I, but Big Bang is extremely dangerous.

Not when it gave birth to our solar system.


acapella edition

Had to edit a bit because the Be a man bit overlaps so I just recorded them separate

If anyone knows how to make my voice not sound like a mid-pubescent teenage boy I will love you forever

But it's cute, little man.

I would give a lot to have a sexy deep italian accented voice like revelations ezio

Or as far as female voices are concerned

Rosa or Caterina's is nice

Edit: I can mute the be a man part I think I still have the audacity open

Edit edit: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/97876165/beaman.mp3

Oh gods, if I wished for that, I'd never stop talking, just to hear the sound of my own voice! XD


And there goes the funeral.

Hi thread.

Funerals are awful to go to.

There is nothing more for me to say except to PM Rey if you need anything.

Have you been beaten by a pretty stick? xP

^ Still doesn't realize we live in the same time zone. ;P


*hugs Amelia*

Shirley is hug-happy.

*hugs BLS*


I would prefer to have an adult sounding voice but it's hard to find an example of a female voice actress that actually has a similar pitch to mine and I like my voice deep

I don't really care if I sound like man or woman I just don't want to sound like I'm 14

Wow shota voice is deep

But your lucky to be blessed with such an angelic voice, little man.

Good thing for the weekend to be almost here...

Tell me about it.

You told me I could leave it.

He should.


That's very good.
A few of my failed creations like Kishuna being Nergals

…What do you want, monster? You can't fight… You can't harvest quintessence… Powerless and frail, you're naught but a false puppet, a pale imitation. Is this all I was capable of creating in the past…this fool? Absolutely worthless. You are my blunder, my failed morph… You are of no use to me. Go somewhere and rot away into dust.

Yeah cooking is one of the few things I enjoy doing...

cooking guy

Culinary Arts may be something that you will want to try in college.

Gah. Does anyone know of a decent online photo editor? Photobucket is being uncooperative.

It has been pretty buggy lately that you cannot even use your photo links sometimes there.


I still blame you for the sig.

Hey now, if you're gonna blame someone, blame Fia.




/sees Vashiane's new theme

/breaks down because of too much cute

But hey, it's just too cute. Viewer discretion is advised.

Oh no you dint


Ah. =o
Makes sense.
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[/sigh] Tsunderes, honestly...

You sayin' you don't like tsunderes?

Okay, your new Roxas picture is amazing. I love it.

Once in a while, Pixiv will provide something nice. \o/

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Once in a while, Pixiv will provide something nice. \o/

Instead of just two dimensional pictures.

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Once in a while, Pixiv will provide something nice. \o/

Now, there are actually some well-done Tsunderes. And those I like. But Tsunderes are a tricky concept in their very nature - they're extremely contradictory and break the limits usually established for their character. Not only that, but a lot of the traits that fit the tsundere nature are... undesirable to say the least and that combination is usually EXTREMELY off-putting.

Especially since there's been a trend in "manipulative" tsunderes, two traits I'm already iffy about put together is... no.

That's where I got my theme from too!

Oh, and thank you Ein for posting it!

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so I sat in on my friends japanese class today

since this is only their third meeting I was able to keep up pretty well, I think

It's just

what is this feeling

so sudden

and new

I felt the moment

I deciphered one too

these crazy moonrunes

goddamn moonrunes

oh what is this feeling

Anywho, whats up here

yall looking quiet

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so I sat in on my friends japanese class today

since this is only their third meeting I was able to keep up pretty well, I think

It's just

what is this feeling

so sudden

and new

I felt the moment

I deciphered one too

these crazy moonrunes

goddamn moonrunes

oh what is this feeling

Anywho, whats up here

yall looking quiet

yes young man

that feeling is amazing

and even more amazing is that moment when you think "wait, i actually understand what's going on here"

Everybody's in the war thread.

Scared war thread. Edited by OldMan
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