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the last post of the page curse strikes me agaiiiiiiiiiin

Gender equality classes wouldn't argue that such traits are wrong so much as the expectation of these traits

which are usually considered to imply a supportive and secondary role for women in relation to men

And that's not exactly wrong but then it becomes a question of "what makes a woman feel empowered"

Even if she was right (for the record im not saying she is or isnt since im not there to judge her myself), why is that something to feel upset about?

Yep, raging feminist detected.

I'm glad gender inequality is only 3 lectures long.

Because honestly, interpretation of the traits, like the Sociology class I took last semester was GRAND. The teacher made the class discussion enjoyable.

This isn't a discussion day, this is a freaking LECTURE to belittle the guys.

Edited by shadowofchaos
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So just to make sure: you're going to be doing most of your traveling on foot and/or using the bus/metro right?

I wouldnt know but I'd bet on it too

movie reference, sorry couldnt help it

Gender equality classes wouldn't argue that such traits are wrong so much as the expectation of these traits

which are usually considered to imply a supportive and secondary role for women in relation to men

And that's not exactly wrong but then it becomes a question of "what makes a woman feel empowered"

Even if she was right (for the record im not saying she is or isnt since im not there to judge her myself), why is that something to feel upset about?

But I mean, some people aren't exactly go-getting types. This feels a bit objective, but I'd prefer to be a supportive kind of person. I just have a Type B personality, I guess, and I don't mind helping someone achieve their goals. That's my goal, in a way, and that's what empowers me. Then again, I can't truly speak for someone else, now can I?

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the last post of the page curse strikes me agaiiiiiiiiiin

Hard, eh

take care

it might be harder than ya bargained for mate


O-Oh m-my...

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I hate when the game forces me to do that, too

And it happens a lot during case 1-5 (which is why I don't like it, despite not having anything in particular against the story itself)

I mean, come on.

[spoiler=I don't know if everyone here played the first Ace Attorney] The victim died from a single shot, the witness heard two shots and the murder weapon fire 3 times. How come there's no contradiction there? Not to mention the case is being based on a photo you can barely see anything and the camera should have shot twice when there's really only one photo. Not to mention the victim clearly saw nothing.

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You do remember he tried to challenge me to a "whore duel", right?

I do recall this, yes...

the last post of the page curse strikes me agaiiiiiiiiiin

Hard, eh

take care

it might be harder than ya bargained for mate

... W-What.


Oh hey, I know this song.

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Where is Tedius when we need him

Marthur, I made a whole set of hellstone stuff. Armour, tools and weapons and all.

I think I'm ready to take on queen bee by myself.

Did you find a hive?

I don't think there's one in my world. :(

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Did I miss the Rey/Shota whore-off?

He ignored me.


Oh hey, I know this song.

I did a dance cover of this while I was in Korea...

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I would say everything has been, really. Though I'm curious to know what exactly you mean by that.

But perhaps the public isn't the best place for that, comrade.

Just generally talking about how the respective legal concepts have become ampler and more vague lately.

No place is best for that, though. Anyone who came to me privately trying to discuss about that would raise all kinds of negatives flags.

I'm glad gender inequality is only 3 lectures long.

Because honestly, interpretation of the traits, like the Sociology class I took last semester was GRAND. The teacher made the class discussion enjoyable.

This isn't a discussion day, this is a freaking LECTURE to belittle the guys.

Introduce her to Tedius Zanarukando, sir
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So just to make sure: you're going to be doing most of your traveling on foot and/or using the bus/metro right?

I wouldnt know but I'd bet on it too

movie reference, sorry couldnt help it

Pretty much. I doubt much of the bus/metro because I don't know they work but if I do, I wouldn't mind. Right now, I would say foot for the most part. *coughs* Although right now, I feel like maybe I should go earlier than January..... work is being stupid.

HEY. ;_;

I ... see. I need to watch more movies.

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But I mean, some people aren't exactly go-getting types. This feels a bit objective, but I'd prefer to be a supportive kind of person. I just have a Type B personality, I guess, and I don't mind helping someone achieve their goals. That's my goal, in a way, and that's what empowers me. Then again, I can't truly speak for someone else, now can I?

Yeah see that's what I mean

If that's what empowers you than in the interest of equality, and as I would say to either man or woman, go for it

But when either extreme is argued, that that role is designated, or the opposite of it is

Then it's not really said in the interest of equality as much as it is said as an expression of frustration

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Just generally talking about how the respective legal concepts have become ampler and more vague lately.

No place is best for that, though. Anyone who came to me privately trying to discuss about that would raise all kinds of negatives flags.


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Let's say they appeared. How would they post?

The tenets of the Tedius Zanarukando doctrine are:

[spoiler=BEHOLD]1. Women should not be fashioned after men. Women should look feminine, not masculine. Women are not inherently like men. In order for romantic love to be a pleasant experience for men, female fashion must comply with male wishes, or otherwise it is hostile behavior. Female fashion that complies with male wishes is called girly girl fashion, and the opposite is called tomboy fashion. Girly girl fashion (such as long hair and skirts) is intrinsically modest and tomboy fashion (such as short hair and trousers) is intrinsically Jezebel. This tenet may sound sexist according to dominant culture, but it is a fact and for your own good. I detest women who look like men, and I do not accept that I am a sexist. You must not view this tenet, adherence to it, or celebration of female beauty as sexist. This rule is a basic element of human civilization. Tomboy fashion may be a tenet of feminist dogma, but it is hostile behavior and merits very disasterous moral consequences. Women should not make themselves unattractive to men or let others make them unattractive, nor should any authority encourage them to do so. Doing so flies against common sense and the normal, natural human desire to please, and it is not the female way. Being like SNK character King is hostile behavior. Women must not rely on personality alone to attract or charm men. Short hair is not the female way. Long hair is the only way to go for women. Women should wear at least bra-strap length hair. Very long hair is the most recommended and must not be frowned upon. Women should not cut off or have someone cut off their long hair, for that is not the female way. They should let their hair decide how long it will grow. No one should encourage any woman to cut or wear their hair short. Contrary to a myth, long hair is easier and more rewarding to take care of than short hair, and it is healthier too. If a source says "avoid long hair" or "do not wear your hair long" or "lose the long hair" or anything that connotes advocacy of short hair, then do not listen to them for they are liars. Long hair has no age limit, thus long hair is practical for any age whatsoever. Women should not wear trousers; that is not the female way. No authority figure should require women or girls to violate this tenet. You must not expel, punish, or terminate a female client or employee for wearing their hair long or for wearing skirts. Such act is called persecution of femininity. Hence, no authority figure should frown upon femininity. Brunettes are more attractive than blondes. Black hair is more beautiful than other hair colors. African-American, Hispanic, Arab, and Asian women look best with black hair. Authority figures, including parents, school faculty, bosses, church leaders, and heads of state, must respect femininity; thus they must not force any female follower to violate this tenet. Parents should raise girly girls, not tomboys. If the government forces violation of this tenet, the human race will go the way of the dodo. FACT

2. There are some things that I am correct in that American culture is incorrect in. Feminist dogma and the nudity taboo are works of the Devil. Some things that feminists consider bad are actually good, and vice versa. Something that is sexist by feminist standards but is actually beneficial is called "beneficent sexism." Errors in American culture have existed in the past and still exist today. These errors include equation of nudity with sexuality and that of antifeminism with misogyny Such equations are wrong. FACT

3. Waterbirth is better than orthodox childbirth. Waterbirth is gentle birth, and it is better practiced nude. People who were born via waterbirth always resolve disputes in a nonviolent way. FACT

4. It is healthy to be attractive. Looks reflect health. For women, long hair is an indicator of health, and short hair is an indicator of sickness. If you look attractive, then you are likely to be healthy. If you look unattractive, then you are likely to be unhealthy. FACT

5. Women must not press false charges against men. Differentiated gender roles are natural and must be exempt from governmental interference. It is wrong to believe that men are inherently oppressive or that men are oppressors of women. The feminist lie teaches that the genders are identical. Feminist laws do more harm than intended good. FACT

6. I am opposed to censorship of the media of any kind. I am opposed to censorship and regulation of electronic games, motion pictures, or television programs in any form, including legislation, regulation, and dictation of taste in games. I condemn advocates of such practice, such as religious leaders, politicians, pro-censorship organizations, and lobbyists. No one should regulate adults' choice of entertainment on religious grounds or for children's sake. No one should intrude upon the rights of adults for the purpose of protecting the children. No one should deprive of the right of the majority to punish the transgressions of the minority. No one should force the majority to bow down because of the whims of the minority. No one should scapegoat any form of entertainment media or its industry or fanbase for aggression or criminal acts. No middle-aged or elderly parent should regulate their adult children's choice of entertainment on the basis of their religious beliefs. Censorship is defined as banning or restricting entertainment media from a home, city, or land for all ages. I condemn the doctrine that what people take in through their eyes or ears directly programs their hearts. The answer to crime, violence, or immorality in society is nudism and antifeminism, not censorship or misandry. I believe that the church and state should not be allowed to regulate the sale of computer or video games or other forms of media. I believe that what are termed "violent video games" have no negative psychological effect on young adults. Electronic games, motion pictures, and television programs do not promote violence, criminal acts, anarchy, illicit sexuality, or access to the occult. FACT

7. Destructive legislation bears rotten fruits. I condemn unconstitutional or destructive laws/legislation. I opposed to grassroots organizations that lobby, petition, or campaign for such legislation. FACT

8. I am opposed to victimless crime laws. The government should not be allowed to regulate the actions of people unless those actions impede on the rights of others. Victimless crime legislation is a passageway to the rise of a fascist regime. FACT

9. The government should focus on malum in se crimes, not malum prohibitum crimes. OPINION

10. The government should not be allowed to enforce religious beliefs. FACT

11. Parents should not be allowed to enforce their religious beliefs on their children or anyone else. OPINION

12. Female participation in the workforce is acceptable only when it is economically necessary. It is impossible for women to have full autonomy with men. Women should absolutely not work factory jobs unless they are female friendly, for women in factories merits disasterous moral consequences. It is risky for women to work in factories in conjunction with men. Women do not feel as comfortable in manufacturing jobs than they do at home or in office jobs. FACT

13. Radical feminism does more harm than good. Radical feminists are enemies of the male sex. FACT and OPINION

14. Body shame is not a family value. The nudity taboo is destructive and divisive, and has no social value. I view the human body as nothing to be hidden, unless the weather demands clothing. Hiding any part of the body in a setting where nudity is practical or requiring anyone to do so is called body shame (or body modesty, as its activists call it). Punishing someone for being nude is also body shame. Censoring access to non-sexual nudity is also body shame. It is all right to wear clothes to protect against the environmental elements, like cold weather, but is not all right to wear clothes for the sole purpose of body shame. God created nudity. Man created body shame. I support naturism, and I find it to be common sense. Unfortunately, posting images of nudity is not allowed on this forum, not because I do not like it, but because it is a violation of InvisionFree Terms of Service. The InvisionFree Terms of Service has a nudity taboo, deeming nudity "Prohibited Content." That Terms of Service thing has sent us the wrong message. Non-sexual nudity must be exempt from censorship and media content rating systems. Nudity is offensive only to people who are trained to be offended by it. Naturist lifestyle is the only way to go, thus common sense. Body modesty (or body shame) only adds to sexual interest and desire. Not saying that I am against women wearing clothing, but clothing makes women look older, emphasizing rather than hiding undesirable features. The birthday suit is the no. 1 outfit ever. Women look better and feel more comfortable nude than clothed, and what they do not realize is that there is freedom in nudity. Revealing attire is more sexually stimulating than full nudity. It is irrational and unconstitutional to prohibit naturist speech. If everybody were happier naked, the world will be a much better place to live. If America converts to a nudist society, America will become a far better place to live. In a nudist society, people who would have never talked to each in a textile society become intimate friends, because there is no initial judgement. Thus, the nudity taboo should be removed from all cultures, religion, and all on-line Terms-of-Service statements. Everyone, both male and female, should break free from body shame that has been rooted into us by society and our upbringing. However, this tenet does not outright rule out clothing. We should be nude when possible, but clothed when practical. FACT

15. It is wrong to discriminate against men or view such discrimination as acceptable. Believing or teaching that discrimination against men is acceptable and that discrimination against women is unacceptable constitutes discrimination against men. Such teaching is called reverse sexist doctrine. FACT

16. Ableism is like racism. Discrimination against autistic people is like discrimination against African Americans. FACT

17. The U.S. criminal justice system is corrupt. FACT

18. There should be money for employment, not warfare. OPINION

19. Widescreen is the only way to go when watching motion pictures regardless of film format. FACT

20. The elderly should live in retirement homes, not with their children. Young single men should live alone, not with their parents or legal guardians. Adult children who oppose their parents' religion, whether they have a disability or not, should not live with their parents. OPINION

21. I am opposed to inhumane or destructive laws. Any law that is found to do more harm than intended good must not be enforced and must be repealed. Any legislative proposal that is found to do more harm than intended good must be blocked. FACT

22. Microsoft is inferior to its competitors. OPINION

23. Sony game consoles are superior to their competitors. OPINION

24. In Fire Emblem, the Swordmaster class is superior to the Hero class. OPINION

25. Companies should focus employment on younger demographics (especially vicenarians), not on older demographics (such as sexagenarians). FACT

26. Offshoring of jobs to China or India does more harm than good. FACT

27. I am opposed to my parents' religion, Jehovah's Witnesses, and its teachings. FACT

28. I am opposed to the media teachings of AlMenconi.com. FACT

29. I am opposed to Christian and Islamic fundamentalism. They are very oppressive and threatening. Christian and Islamic fundamentalism are both threats to civil liberties. They fly against common sense. Islamic fundamentalism is the greatest threat to world peace today. I am not against religion, but I am against fundamentalism. FACT

30. I am opposed to puritanism. Puritanism flies against common sense. FACT

31. The Federal Reserve must come to an end. FACT

32. The advent of paper money leads to economic disaster. FACT

33. I despise sepia photography. It is too archaic. I prefer color, but black and white is fine with me. I convert sepia to black and white. OPINION

34. I encourage the idea of audiovisually updating old computer and video games to today's standards. OPINION

35. Final Fantasy OSTs should be made available outside Japan. OPINION

36. It is recommended that housing expenses should be at most 40% of your income. The term "housing expenses" is limited to rent and mortgage. They do not include utility expenses. FACT

37. International copyright law does more harm than intended good. FACT

38. You must not punish someone for telling the truth. That is the same as lying. FACT

39. You must not feed the dragon. "Made in China" label lends itself inferior quality. Companies must not have their products manufactured in the People's Republic of China. No company should outsource manufacturing to the People's Republic of China. FACT

40. Chip music is the worst sounding music ever, and it usually sounds unrealistic for the setting of a video game. OPINION

41. Wal-Mart Corporation is a corporate monster. It must either change its ways or go out of business. FACT

42. It is unwise to put business sense ahead of common sense. That leads to consumer frustration and uprising. FACT

43. The care of human life, felicity, and liberty, and not their destruction, is the object of good government. Nannyism, which includes the destruction of human life, felicity, and liberty, is the object of bad government. FACT

44. Mercy (or lenient justice) bears richer fruits than strict justice.FACT

45. Boys and girls do not mix in academic settings; therefore, the classes should be sex segregated. Men and women do not mix in exercising facilities. FACT

46. Women of color must not emulate the physical appearance of another ethnic group. Therefore, I am against skin whitening and emulating Caucasian facial features. FACT

Most of these beliefs are common sense. I know common sense very well. Before you can comment with me about tenet no. 1, keep in mind that I do not believe in romantic relationship. Regardless of your opinion, tenet no. 1 IS common sense, although it may sound sexist according to feminist dogma. Those who view it as sexist are called butch feminists.

A real woman is nice.

A real woman wears her hair long, never short.

A real woman wears skirts, never trousers.

A real woman is a nudist.

A real woman does not work in factories or warehouses.

A real woman is not a feminist.

A real woman does not hit a man.

A real woman does not rule over a man.

A real woman does not manipulate a man (or marry and then divorce a man with the intent to get him busted).

Women feel more comfortable in settings I consider female friendly than in settings I consider female unfriendly. Women look better and feel more comfortable naked than clothed.

Behavior that complies with the Tedius Zanarukando doctrine is called Tedian (or Zanarukandian) behavior. Behavior that violates the said doctrine is called un-Tedian (or un-Zanarukandian) behavior.


It's okay comrade Edited by OldMan
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also TE please spoiler the Tedius

I cannot handle so much wisdom at once

Pretty much. I doubt much of the bus/metro because I don't know they work but if I do, I wouldn't mind. Right now, I would say foot for the most part. *coughs* Although right now, I feel like maybe I should go earlier than January..... work is being stupid.

HEY. ;_;

I ... see. I need to watch more movies.

Well, whatever you decide just keep me posted

I do enjoy helping people after all


I havent even watched that movie i only know it from jim carrey's the mask

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... For the first time in eleven years, I actually want to cut my hair.

Doing something because someone wants you to do the opposite is to let them rule over you all the same.

I lost it when they said Swordmasters > Heroes and the bit with the FF OSTs.

so fake.

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