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Actually, if you were to talk to me a year ago or even a few months ago I'd be considerably different. But college is a time of soul-searching, yada yada, so now that I'm here things are different.

Oh but I'm still probably just as clueless.

Well...don't get interfered here if you still have alot of work. Ha ha ha....

Yes sir, I don't think I'll ever stop trying to put things in a poetic light. It's too ingrained in me. Which makes me look a bit dumb but oh well, it's fun that way.

It was. I can't even see that life as my own almost, although I know I lived it once.

Can't even begin to fathom that world now. Things are indeed quite different. It helps that I'm in college, and that I'm by myself now, romantically speaking. The two things do numbers on a person's personality.

Although right now I'm extra subdued because I'm really tired.

College does change a person. But...try not to never let go of your real desires if you can.

Honestly what I'm acting like now isn't perfectly representative of my default attitude. It's not like I'm a spaz but I'm usually a bit more wired than this. But 4 hours of sleep and 18 hours of being awake does that to a body.

Love does do that to a person. Especially, if they are sexists.

Ha! I've developed my own degree of distinctly lyrical dialogue and I can agree that it is quite fun that way

Hmmm. I see. I won't inquire further, then




I've been running some nominations for an award show I'm holding for the thread anniversary this year

it would honor me greatly if you'd fill em out and PM it to me

The Greatest Ship:
Least Boring:
Most Boring:
The Greatest Generation:
Most Clueless:
Most Maso:
Top Sadist:
Smoothest Criminal:
Most Sane:
Most Delusional:
Most Manly:
Most wo-Manly:
Most Shameless:
Best at Videogames:
Dead Silly-less:
Captain of Consistently Good Taste:
Chainey: For outstanding performance in role-playing situations:
Dark God of Sexual Horrors:
All-Time Denial Deity:
Best at playing the chew toy:
Most Horrible:
Least Horrible:
Senor Juan-in-a-million: Pungeon Master:
...that guy:

It'll be great once it is finished.

Oh, hey, guys. You all missed Lux, by the way.

Oh, I've seen him just now. ^^

I read about Lux returning.


Yeah, I'm pretty much 'you don't pick me. I pick you.' And when someone expresses interest in me and its someone I didn't 'pick' then for some odd reason I don't pick up on it and I wind up fighting help that's offered to me. Like today, when I got in an arguement with my mom over giving this one guy cashier at a supermarket I go either my phone number or my email address, who is apperantly interested in me... Perhaps, this tells me I'm not ready for a relationship just yet.

You don't ever have to rush at finding one, sweetie.
It's ok.

Yeah, the guy should be the one to ask out you out. That's probably the only way I'd know if someone's interested in me. I do feel better knowing I'm not the only one who would rather find someone to date myself^^ And I am rather subborn at times. I tend to smile and hide my troubles, until I can hide them no longer.


You've got to watch your surroundings first.


... Oh nooooo, he got to you too, Bindi.


fe13 > fe4 and i still feel comfortable here



for me...

I have a better feel for Ayra's character in about 5 lines than anyone in FEA with all their supports

With Donnel. Yeah.

do you like anything at all

EDIT: also reinforcements can suck my dick i play casual mode whatup

Classic all the way for me.
Those games are meant to have difficult problems solved. Casual robs all that away. But...otherwise, the FE12/13 games can be teased.

Titania is like my favorite female in the entire series, no lie.

That outclasses most of the others other females other than FE2 Palla and Catria.

Is that... Sara I see?


Hi. I like your avatar.

Ha ha...
I do too.


Hey all!

Goodbyes indeed are never eternal.

Wait, what, Sara actually came back?

Sit down and enjoy the chat.


I can't even seem to recognize anyone to be honest. Everyone's seemed to have changed their names and I'm just here like. "Hi, uh yes, I knew you, I think."

It's ok. -.-
You'll remember soon.


Featuring the almighty Synchronize and Mega Kick Alakazam!

That was a good match.
Tentacruel really can tank. Chansey with a Evolite made this kind of fight happen. :D

Everyone knows Alakazam is supposed to be a physical sweeper, what do you think those spoons are for?


Oh, it's coming back to me a bit.

I always assumed Fia disappeared a lot. I don't remember ever getting the chance to really talk to her more than once or twice.

Sad to hear about Lux.

I saw someone mention NoNameAtAll is still around. What about Ninji?

Ninji disappeared. But comes often.

Fia somewhat left, but came around when FE13 came out.

Lux always had cared for us. Even when he's not around. Ha ha ha...

sara needs to read all the idk how many pages she missed

It would be taking to go beyond (FTTF craziness)normal to do that.

Also why is everyone's weakness Fia

Because she is our savior/motherboard.

Bye Shirley

Because if you can't kill your counters, you make them gtfo.

That is why that wise Pokemon trainers would give many of their Pokemons Roar, Dragon Tail and Whirlwind.

why did I reply now oh yeah because I just saw this and I just woke up from the right nap at the wrong time

because sleepy groggy

oh yeah no one said a word for 50 minutes AWKWARD.

Try to get some sleep if you can, dood.


...And go easy on that strong stuff. Beer.

The zombie thread is visited by zombies again! :o


do you know how many people on this site have a boner or lady boner for that purple color

it's not enough just to see that


I never died, boy.

You, however, are a walking corpse.


But I was always there... watching...


watching you all

But really unless disappearance = death I never decomposed


zombies are pretty overplayed, can I be a ghost

Ninji. ^~^
*Tackle gloomps*
Wb, dood Julius.
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I don't know about any of them but when I first got here I usually waited for a "good night" in return a little bit because... not a clue why! But I did. And maybe some of 'em do too.


That does not manifest itself as fact in the simple post of you saying "hoi there lute fanboy"! There woulda been no way of knowing!

: ))))) jazz hands

but now you know i was never dead... just waiting... SOOn

*gentle elbow nudges*
We could never forget your passion and weaknesses, dood. ^_~

Zombie thread?

I hate everything right now...

*Slashes reappearing zombies*


Man i remember when I thought Sask was black because he was from Greece

And that I thought all Greeks were black

Silly Lux.

Bad DLV, we need those zombies...
Silly Lux

Yes. We do.

But they give EXP!


What did I walk into?

... Mordor? Simply.

In the depths of the dead.

That was so lame that I feel ashamed for chuckling at it.

He's trying to catch up on things.

Oh look, Lux is here again~ ^^

Too bad I have to go to bed soon.

Of course. We all live on. We never die.

The heck it's going on...

to piiiiiiiiiiiii

I hate it too; I worry about my mental health because of it.

The thing is...don't.
Try to be like everyone else by observing and then make your move. I never let mine get in my way.
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You should probably worry about your mental health for other reasons.

shots fired

you are hurtful






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Those are really cool!

Mine are just convenient, and really ugly. ;__;

Also use ropes too.

Well, the lego aspect is more interesting to me than killing monsters and making traps

So I don't really like how the first two turned out

I only "discovered" ropes recently! They're convenient for floating island searching

But then TE (and possibly Vincent) would hate me :<

or should I be afraid of his harem instead?

It's okay Sask

excuse you friend

he's probably sleeping now why did I reply now oh yeah because I just saw this and I just woke up from the right nap at the wrong time

because sleepy groggy

oh yeah no one said a word for 50 minutes AWKWARD.

Sound asleep indeed

But how is my statement untrue

You moved on, like many others

T-Then I need to step up my game.

Good night OldMan, nothing to see there~!

So you aren't even trying to deny it anymore

... oh right

The more they break your heart, the harder you fall for them

I had almost forgotten

but my fists are made of steel am I weak to myself

Since you're obviously a fighting type


I guess the other things are your only choices, then.

Wires are pretty cool, but I haven't experimented with them either. Too expensive. I just have a lot of ideas going around my head, and they're all pretty cool.

Oh right, it's gonna be out on PC. That makes things easier. \o/

Night, comrade. Dream of rainbows and unicorns.

...It's official. Damn, TheEnd never ceases to amaze me.

Yeah, buying wires just isn't functional just like paint, urgh. Collecting them from underground dart/boulder traps seems to be the only feasible way, at least in normal.

In the end, I never played the PSP version. \o/

I-I didn't do anything

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