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I've never played a single Castlevania but I heard / know some stuff about it from my friend irl.

And it wasn't convincing at all

That's what you perceive! D:

Man, I should be getting mad at all this lack of Castlevania, but I'm only mildly disappointed and it's Rei Rei instead.

I'm getting old.

Old man Nigymare.

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I'm sad that I only played Mario, too.

And you're not helping.

It's hopeless

I've never played a single Castlevania but I heard / know some stuff about it from my friend irl.

That's what you perceive! D:

Old man Nigymare.

I'd think that my perception is pretty relevant in this particular case


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I thought so.

Hey, I'm not as old as most of you guys.

My gaming career started in 2000.


You need many old school games to try. Here's a few:

Super Metroid (SNES)

Everything in Super Mario All Stars + World (SNES)... except maybe lost levels. It's not for newbies.

Sonic 3 & Knuckles... not "Sonic 3" or "Sonic & Knuckles". SONIC 3 & KNUCKLES (Sega Genesis).

Final Fantasy II & III (SNES) otherwise known as Final Fantasy IV & VI (GBA)

CONTRA 4 (SNES) but you should definitely have a controller of that.

Super Castlevania IV (SNES)

There's more but check those.

Edited by Sirius
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Not saying that it makes the game better or worse, just that people weren't particularly attracted by it. Gameplay wise those games are fine, really.

Harmony of Dissonance is a much worse game and gets half the flak.

Thems fightin' words, buddy.

I'm afraid I'll have to disagree there, comrade

Character art is of little relevance in a game where dialogues are of little relevance

Well, I did mention that there are worse things than the artwork to hate the games over, so I was actually agreeing with you. That's what I was saying, basically, it's silly to hate them just for the OA. The artwork is still terrible though, and it also inspires the goofy aesthetic of the games, which is bad. It's especially jarring seeing as how it's a departure from the much more dignified and elegant games the series previously had.

Edited by Nightmare
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Thems fightin' words, buddy.

No, really. HoD is quite lame. Recycled enemies, useless bonus items, terrible backgrounds, RIDICULOUS backtrack(even more than other installments)

DoS is just a watered down AoS, which is nothing to be ashamed of.

PoR I didn't play so much, too.

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Did it also help that DoS is slower and you often prefer games to be not so face paced "cause bad reflexes"?

He's an Old Man after all

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I thought so.

Hey, I'm not as old as most of you guys.

My gaming career started in 2000.


ayyyy young'n

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Did it also help that DoS is slower and you often prefer games to be not so face paced "cause bad reflexes"?


Though I'll admit that Glyph system pissed me off

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No, really. HoD is quite lame. Recycled enemies, useless bonus items, terrible backgrounds, RIDICULOUS backtrack(even more than other installments)

DoS is just a watered down AoS, which is nothing to be ashamed of.

PoR I didn't play so much, too.

Man see, this is where we disagree! HoD's useless bonus items were neat as hell, you see, but okay I can give it to you for the normal bonus items. But all the ones that paid homage to things? Like Cipher's (actually Sypha's) Charm? Or Bullet Tip (actually Christopher's Soul)? C'mon, that was awesome. Not to mention the furniture collecting, that was the best.

I'm not sure what you mean by recycled enemies, but the backgrounds...okay, some of them weren't so hot. But did you see the ones that had Slogra and Gaibon? And Medusa? And a lot of other things like that?

The backtracking, I can agree with that too, but you know, that's why Juste can dash all over the place. Not gonna excuse it though, but I personally really enjoy the castle's labyrinthine layout. It's very confusing, you know? I actually got lost a couple times, ME! I have the best sense of direction ever! So props to that.

But the other things you're forgetting...the odd, gaudy visuals, the fuzzy, macabre soundtrack, all those neat little bits where you interact with enemies/environment to do something cool, like when you push the giant armour into that machine to make armour, or when you kill a monster and use its dripping blood to make the raft climb the shaft...and then, all the fanservice I mentioned aside, all the other fanservice, in the shape of the Skull Knight from Cv III, the giant bat from Cv I, the Simon Wraiths...everything! It's such a beautifully weird game. So dreamy and light as a feather, that I'm willing to forgive all its shortcomings.

Oops, wall of text. I don't even know how that happened.

I like DoS better than AoS because GBA's sound sucks

And the soundtrack is a big point of Castlevania

I'll give you that one. Not just because of the GBA sound, but also that Aria of Sorrow has an unimpressive soundtrack.

It's still a far better game as a whole, though.

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I'm trying my bestest to not let Ana bias my view on Frederick... I won't give in!!


No way, I was being nice!! He sounded disappointed that he couldn't feel mad and I figured I could help if he wanted


Okie dokie then~

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Man see, this is where we disagree! HoD's useless bonus items were neat as hell, you see, but okay I can give it to you for the normal bonus items. But all the ones that paid homage to things? Like Cipher's (actually Sypha's) Charm? Or Bullet Tip (actually Christopher's Soul)? C'mon, that was awesome. Not to mention the furniture collecting, that was the best.

I'm not sure what you mean by recycled enemies, but the backgrounds...okay, some of them weren't so hot. But did you see the ones that had Slogra and Gaibon? And Medusa? And a lot of other things like that?

The backtracking, I can agree with that too, but you know, that's why Juste can dash all over the place. Not gonna excuse it though, but I personally really enjoy the castle's labyrinthine layout. It's very confusing, you know? I actually got lost a couple times, ME! I have the best sense of direction ever! So props to that.

But the other things you're forgetting...the odd, gaudy visuals, the fuzzy, macabre soundtrack, all those neat little bits where you interact with enemies/environment to do something cool, like when you push the giant armour into that machine to make armour, or when you kill a monster and use its dripping blood to make the raft climb the shaft...and then, all the fanservice I mentioned aside, all the other fanservice, in the shape of the Skull Knight from Cv III, the giant bat from Cv I, the Simon Wraiths...everything! It's such a beautifully weird game. So dreamy and light as a feather, that I'm willing to forgive all its shortcomings.

Oops, wall of text. I don't even know how that happened.

The furniture was fucking ARGH. All the effort for quite a lot of items, only for what, 2 additional frames? Barely worth it, and barely noticeable. It's quite... unnerving, y'know.

Most of them enemies were recycled from SotN, y'know. Them sprites and all that. Some WERE new, but most were pallete swaps, which is kinda lame too.

Them interactions WERE nice, I'll give you that. That blood elevator was nice and all, and there were other nice interactions with the scenario, but it felt quite pale and lifeless sometimes.


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Regarding AoS soundtrack:

First area's track was good

Inner Quarters was alright but repetitive

Floating Garden was good

The Arena was good

Top Floor's ok

Heart of Fire's on everyone's goddamn list

That's about all I can recall.

Clock Tower, bro.

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I somehow forgot that one. Maybe I didn't spend enough time there.

I know I did, hunting those Lighting Doll souls to kill Death...

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wow so my psych professor just sent me this giant email basically stating how this is the hardest seminar out of all of them and how it focuses on more NBB and evolutionary biology stuff than actual psych so be prepared to do a lot of scientific reading and in class discussions and research papers and dissections what the fuck.

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Regarding AoS soundtrack:

First area's track was good

Inner Quarters was alright but repetitive

Floating Garden was good

The Arena was good

Top Floor's ok

Heart of Fire's on everyone's goddamn list

That's about all I can recall.

Heart of Fire's the only one I really like out of those, yeah.

The furniture was fucking ARGH. All the effort for quite a lot of items, only for what, 2 additional frames? Barely worth it, and barely noticeable. It's quite... unnerving, y'know.

Most of them enemies were recycled from SotN, y'know. Them sprites and all that. Some WERE new, but most were pallete swaps, which is kinda lame too.

Them interactions WERE nice, I'll give you that. That blood elevator was nice and all, and there were other nice interactions with the scenario, but it felt quite pale and lifeless sometimes.


You just need to get in touch with your inner interior decorator, man.

Only a couple were, actually. Like the zombies and the Catoblepas.

That it did, sometimes. The caverns area was not very impressive, for example.

That's a reference to Nemesis!

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You just need to get in touch with your inner interior decorator, man.

Only a couple were, actually. Like the zombies and the Catoblepas.

That it did, sometimes. The caverns area was not very impressive, for example.

That's a reference to Nemesis!

Most skeleton enemies were. And there are quite a lot, dood.


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I'd think that my perception is pretty relevant in this particular case







wow so my psych professor just sent me this giant email basically stating how this is the hardest seminar out of all of them and how it focuses on more NBB and evolutionary biology stuff than actual psych so be prepared to do a lot of scientific reading and in class discussions and research papers and dissections what the fuck.

Sounds fun!!

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