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Because I have my AP Calc tomorrooooow. :c

Very much want to stay tho.

you're already staying

Wait, his daughter?

time travel shenanigans
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Because I have my AP Calc tomorrooooow. :c

Very much want to stay tho.

Oh my.

Right, APs are this week.

Good thing I don't have any... x3

Good luck, though!

Also, don't cram the night before. I don't think it really helps much.

A good night's sleep is better...

Edited by Fruity Insanity
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Reminds me I have another test I haven't studied for tomorrow \o/

What am I doing with my life ;_;

bombing already, tontão?

you can't bluff your way through calculus and shit like that, you know

unlike law

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Of course not, OldMan. It's only Tuesday. I don't drink unless its Friday or Saturday (or if I'm on vacation, which I'm not). And even then, I seldom drink.

But anyway, Hi OldMan!!!

Edited by Frank Castle
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i guess i already know what i'll be doing next week

getting to lv35 should be doable if i'm careful enough and my ping isn't too atrocious

then act upon that knowledge

you don't want to fail in your first semester already, do you

Awwwww, TE is being niiii-

Never mind.

But anyway, it's a random draw. >_>

I hate random draws.

They're so... random.

I like going for things I know I can win.

But then again, charity.

So all's good.

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Only use makeup whenever going to a prom, ...or sometimes at school.


...And hello NTG, Neal and Amelia.

Edited by Barbie
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Awwwww, TE is being niiii-

Never mind.

But anyway, it's a random draw. >_>

I hate random draws.

They're so... random.

I like going for things I know I can win.

But then again, charity.

So all's good.

yes, i'm never nice

and yes, it's a random draw

and while i typically have bad luck with those, i've won one or two random draw rewards every season so far anyway

so, might as well

Of course not, OldMan. It's only Tuesday. I don't drink unless its Friday or Saturday (or if I'm on vacation, which I'm not). And even then, I seldom drink.

But anyway, Hi OldMan!!!

Oh my goodness! Serenes has 9001 members! IT'S OVER 9000!!!! That's still funny and relevant, right?!?!

did the fruit talk to you then
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Hi everybody!!!


Oh my goodness! Serenes has 9001 members! IT'S OVER 9000!!!! That's still funny and relevant, right?!?!


why are you double posting too

are you high?

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Hi Shirley!


why are you double posting too

are you high?

I'll post as many times in a row as I please.

And no. I've never been high in my life.

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yes, i'm never nice

and yes, it's a random draw

and while i typically have bad luck with those, i've won one or two random draw rewards every season so far anyway

so, might as well

But you're helping with charity.

By playing video games.

I guess not many people do it?

I mean, the higher you go up, the better your chances of winning something, I guess.

And a graphics card is something.

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i don't exactly have intel on your private life

But I've said as much before.

Apparently you either chose to disbelieve or ignore it until now.

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Games good so far. :D

(Phoenix Wright: Duel Destinies)

It was difficult to do the first case with no resets as I've got two Guilty verdicts. Especially, when the forged evidence of Candice' death threw me off. Just started case two and looks like the Jammin Ninja. Better download the game as there is no cart for it! The DLC will have to come later as it sucks your money fast and not having any right now for it! Super Mario Bros the lost levels NES is downloadable too and is excited over that as well and Downloaded! Hope they do the same for Fire Emblem 4 in the future.

Edited by Barbie
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