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[13:31]	Big_Boss	yaaay
[13:31]	Big_Boss	it's a car key
[13:31]	Integrity	yes Big_Boss she bought me a new mazda!!!
[13:31]	Nightmarre	lol
[13:32]	Big_Boss	=D
[13:32]	Big_Boss	aw kate isn't online to flaunt about
[13:32]	Integrity	no she's out
[13:35]	|<--	Utsuho_Reiuji has left irc.darkmyst.org (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[13:35]	Big_Boss	you know what's even cooler in this photo?
[13:35]	Big_Boss	your leg
[13:35]	Integrity	dude you even see my big toe
[13:35]	Integrity	just peekin in
[13:36]	Nightmarre	lol
[13:36]	kdanger	        scandalous
you both got mad beat tbh

what timezone?

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It's only not good by consuming too much regular soda.

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ooh that sounds interestoing

I don't really know if I am lactose intolerant or not

I can drink milk I just hate the taste of it plain I guess but

I can eat significantly less pizza than I eat stuff like

Chinese food

because of the cheese

like it's fucking delicious but cheese fills me up real fast it's almost like soda

ack soda too much gas. very filling indeed.

hmm i like milk, though i rarely drink it admittedly. i did sometimes have an awkward stomach after milk which probly scared me into not drinking it too much. but i don't know if I'm lactose intolerant, i don't have problems with other dairy. ah it was so long ago. that reminds me i should drink milk more


Soy sauce.

Probably 'cause we're ASIAN.

There are many ways to make delicious tofu.

I wouldn't be surprised. =3

Isn't it the best?

Jenni's even making an avatar to match!

true, soy sauce makes a big difference.

boku no kawaii kouhai~

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i just drink water and tea mostly these days

yeah i drink soda like once every month maybe i mean like i like food better anyway and soda makes me eat less

I've tasted Pepsi Zero before

Its ight

never had that

might try

Edited by Thor Odinson
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yeah i drink soda like once every month maybe i mean like i like food better anyway and soda makes me eat less

never had that

might try

I drink Soda like never


You should. Its a bit toned down, but not bad

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diet soda tastes awful and honestly most sugar replacements are worse for you than sugar

except coke zero that shit actually tastes pretty good but regular diet soda ew no fuck that

Oh, yay, I'm not the only one who thinks this. Some people I had a class with swore by it and thought I was strange for disliking diet soda!

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yeah i always go for the nondiet soda at departmental parties

i accidentally bought diet iced tea once it was kinda painful finishing it but i didn't want to waste my money

Edited by Thor Odinson
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ack soda too much gas. very filling indeed.

hmm i like milk, though i rarely drink it admittedly. i did sometimes have an awkward stomach after milk which probly scared me into not drinking it too much. but i don't know if I'm lactose intolerant, i don't have problems with other dairy. ah it was so long ago. that reminds me i should drink milk more

true, soy sauce makes a big difference.

boku no kawaii kouhai~

Not to mention bad for your teeth...

Well, other dairy products like cheese and yogurt are actually fermented milk, so there's less lactose... And of course, whether your body still makes lactase or not is a factor, too...

It's like salt.

Except it tastes better.


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yeah well starving college student every cent counts

ain't got another 2 bucks for a bottle of soda that goes to dinner

basically, yeah. It's always painful, though

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