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Hee hee...

America's gettting this game.

The Nihons fucking love us. :D

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Women should not be fashioned after men. Women should look feminine, not masculine. Women are not inherently like men. In order for romantic love to be a pleasant experience for men, female fashion must comply with male wishes, or otherwise it is hostile behavior. Female fashion that complies with male wishes is called girly girl fashion, and the opposite is called tomboy fashion. Girly girl fashion (such as long hair and skirts) is intrinsically modest and tomboy fashion (such as short hair and trousers) is intrinsically Jezebel. This tenet may sound sexist according to dominant culture, but it is a fact and for your own good. I detest women who look like men, and I do not accept that I am a sexist. You must not view this tenet, adherence to it, or celebration of female beauty as sexist. This rule is a basic element of human civilization. Tomboy fashion may be a tenet of feminist dogma, but it is hostile behavior and merits very disasterous moral consequences. Women should not make themselves unattractive to men or let others make them unattractive, nor should any authority encourage them to do so. Doing so flies against common sense and the normal, natural human desire to please, and it is not the female way. Being like SNK character King is hostile behavior. Women must not rely on personality alone to attract or charm men. Short hair is not the female way. Long hair is the only way to go for women. Women should wear at least bra-strap length hair. Very long hair is the most recommended and must not be frowned upon. Women should not cut off or have someone cut off their long hair, for that is not the female way. They should let their hair decide how long it will grow. No one should encourage any woman to cut or wear their hair short. Contrary to a myth, long hair is easier and more rewarding to take care of than short hair, and it is healthier too. If a source says "avoid long hair" or "do not wear your hair long" or "lose the long hair" or anything that connotes advocacy of short hair, then do not listen to them for they are liars. Long hair has no age limit, thus long hair is practical for any age whatsoever. Women should not wear trousers; that is not the female way. No authority figure should require women or girls to violate this tenet. You must not expel, punish, or terminate a female client or employee for wearing their hair long or for wearing skirts. Such act is called persecution of femininity. Hence, no authority figure should frown upon femininity. Brunettes are more attractive than blondes. Black hair is more beautiful than other hair colors. African-American, Hispanic, Arab, and Asian women look best with black hair. Authority figures, including parents, school faculty, bosses, church leaders, and heads of state, must respect femininity; thus they must not force any female follower to violate this tenet. Parents should raise girly girls, not tomboys. If the government forces violation of this tenet, the human race will go the way of the dodo. FACT

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Yay! Were getting some of this creamy softness like Japan is... :D

But Euro...




Edited by PuffPuff
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The only things that it missed was that bubble gum can destroy hair and that it should have mentioned that


Is what really counts. ^^

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I died.

Feminists claim they are for gender equality, but in reality (as their actions clearly show), they are for female superiority. The equality they are asserting is equality of outcome, not equality of rights. Equality of outcome usually means reverse discrimination. The sex discrimination laws are not about gender equality. They are about female superiority. Female superiority, or female privilege, is defined as preferential treatment for women and the belief that women are superior to men, and discrimination based on that belief. I certainly condemn female superiority and anti-male double standards. By means of deception and dishonesty, feminists seek special privileges for women, produce misandric propaganda, induce misandristic double standards, and push for misandric legislation. Our society teaches that discrimination against men is acceptable but that discrimination against women is not. This is a misandristic double standard, and it is characteristic of the "affirmation action" issue. That is one-sided and evil, and that is what feminism is. Feminism is going for female superiority under the guise of gender equality. By design, men are the disadvantaged sex today, not women. The male sex has been shortchanged in health, in education, in matters of childcare, and in criminal justice. There have been anti-male double standards in infidelity, domestic violence, belief systems, and the media. Men are discriminated against by design through what feminists call "affirmative action." We masculists call it mandated/legislated bias against men, or institutionalized misandry. Women need families, not so-called "Equal Protection." Feminists publicly detest fatherhood. Women deserve equal opportunity, not equal outcome. Therefore, institutionalized misandry is a human rights issue in the United States, Great Britain, and Australia. This is worse in Australia than in the United States. The female sex did not earn privilege through achievements, a vision, and intrinisic merit, it acquired privilege through deception and dishonesty.

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