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well, i did play the game, but i wonder about those who didn't

They probably got a slap in the face


I always felt that Boyd x Mia would've had way more chemistry than Ike x Mia. Boyd and Mia are both kind of obsessed with training and being the best at their jobs. I don't get why they don't have a support where they're sparring or talking about battle styles or something. To me, Ike x Mia was pretty much nothing but "Boss, fight me again! I wanna finally beat you!" "Oh, okay. Sure." Ike just didn't ever seem very enthusiastic about Mia's fawning over his skills. I saw nothing really going on except for a girl loving a guy's swordplay. Mia's even the same way with Rhys lol. She's all "You're my white-dressed rival! Spar with me!" :P

On a semi-related topic, I wrote up a hypothetical Ike x Elincia A support for that list. lol Just for fun. Tried my best to keep them both in character.

Ike: Elincia...

Elincia: Oh, hello, Ike. You look rather flustered. Are you well? You're not feeling ill, are you?!

Ike: No, I'm not sick or anything. I just need to get something off of my chest. Something important.

Elincia: Oh? Whatever do you mean?

Ike: I've been thinking a lot, throughout this whole war. Remembering when we first met and how we became friends through your employment of my mercenaries. I've just been holding something back, something I should have told you a long time ago.

Elincia: Ike... You don't owe anything to me anymore. In fact, I still feel that it is I who still owes you for everything you've done for me.

Ike: No, this is different. For a long while, even before this whole war started, perhaps even before I left your court, I've had strange feelings bothering me. In my head, in my chest, and in my stomach, believe it or not.

Elincia: ...Ike, is this about digestion problems from your appetite? Are you asking me to heal them?

Ike: What?! N-No, no! Argh, this is coming out all wrong... I can't even think straight now!

Elincia: Ah, no, I apologize. Do go on, I'm sure you mean well.

Ike: Well, alright... These feelings, I honestly didn't have any idea what they were. My heart would race when I'm around you. I would feel...warm inside. I would find it hard not to think about you whenever you came to mind.

Elincia: Oh, Ike...

Ike: I-I talked to Titania about it. She's older and has experienced more in life, so I thought she would know the answer. She told me it sounded like how she felt around my father way back when. And that she held affections for him even though he was already married to my mother. ...Elincia...it turns out that I...I'm in love with you. There! I said it! I finally said it! I-I'm sorry. I probably sound like a fool now. I'm so terrible at this...

Elincia: Ike... Oh, Ike! *dashes into his arms*

Ike: Huh?!

Elincia: Ike! I've waited so long...to hear you say those words!

Ike: Wh-What? I-I don't get it.

Elincia: Ike, I love you too... And I always thought that you...never saw me as anything more than your employer and a good friend. You never acted as though you held affections for anyone and you even tried to keep your distance from me after awhile.

Ike: Oh... I am so sorry. I never meant to make you feel that way. I just had no idea how to handle these feelings and I didn't want them to get in the way of the war effort. But honestly, I find that you're the one person I cherish the most in this world. I would give up my sword if it meant you would find happiness.

Elincia: Ike, I would never make you do that... But you treated me as a person and stood by me whatever the cost. You stayed with me and fought until Ashnard lost and I could claim the throne. You showed me a life I could only have ever dreamed of prior to meeting you. I've learned many new things, about the world and myself. Ike, just before my coronation, I said I was very blessed to have met you. I still mean that today. And I was very sad to see you leave my court...

Ike: I... Wow. I really don't know what to say now. One reason I left the court was so I wouldn't have to face those feelings... Yet they kept coming back anyway. I just didn't want to cause any trouble, since the nobles and I have been at odds with one another. And...that lifestyle just wasn't for me. I'm truly sorry...

Elincia: I know, Ike. I understood then, and I still do now... It's just... I missed you so much...

Ike: Don't worry. *smiles* You won't have to anymore.

Elincia: W-What?! You mean you would like to come back? But Ike, you hated it! You detested that life!

Ike: True. But I think that if I have you by my side and I can still do some mercenary work with the others once in awhile...I can deal with it. I've faced worse things before.

Elincia: Oh... Ike! Sniff... Thank you...

Feel free to write your own fan A supports from that list too. :) This might need to become a separate topic...lol

Every time

Edited by Kon
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i wonder why she ships them so hard

Eh, I don't really care.

I just won't have some blind fan trying to shoot down what I believe in and force me to change my mind. I know I'm a major fan of IkexElincia, but I didn't love the pairing so much until AFTER much of the research I did on it (and to help it, I also examined Ike's relationship with Soren and Elincia's with Geoffrey). It's basically BECAUSE of that research that I love it so much.

And this may seem strange, but I enjoy romances and have for so long that I seem to have gained the ability to sense them, sort of like how Spiderman can sense danger with his spider-sense. When this sense goes off, my tummy feels really funny (depending on whether or not I like the idea of the characters loving one another, this feeling is either nauseating or comforting) and a voice in my head tells me "he loves her" or "she loves him" or "they love each other." And so far, this sort of sixth sense has never failed me. Every time I picked up a romantic vibe between two characters before knowing whether or not the two actually were in love/fall in love, I found that those two characters indeed loved one another. I picked up a lot of romantic vibes between Ike and Elincia, and some from Geoffrey towards Elincia (until RD). I'm right that Geoffrey at least had feelings for her, aren't I? I never picked up any of these sorts of vibes from Elincia towards Geoffrey, but Ike is another story entirely. The vibes from Elincia to him just wouldn't stop! I got vibes from Ike to Elincia as well, but these were somewhat less-so. And I picked up these vibes before becoming a fan of the pairing, so it wasn't a love of it that caused this. Not to mention that this sense goes off for other characters as well anyway.

Admittedly, there was one quote of Geoffrey's in RD that did set off my "romance sense," but that quote was so vague that it could've been intepreted in a number of ways. Plus, that's just one quote compared to several from PoR. xP

I know some people are just going to laugh at this, but I don't care. I know it's true and that's what matters.


I come back from my shower to this.

Do you need another shower now? Edited by Kon
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You're just a blind IkexSoren fanboy who can't accept fact. You won't even admit that I'm right that Soren also has an ending with Stefan in addition to Ike. With your logic, Soren also loves Stefan.

Ana is great

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