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Onani Master Kurosawa is done being translated, other than the extra chapter. This doujin is the doujin ever. Way better than any manga about fapping should be.

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Prussia (Gilbert Weillschmidt):

A country that was born to fight the same battles as Austria, but opposite of Austria he managed to avoid any marriages and do nothing but fight, so he’s kind of a hooligan.

He’s very loyal to his leaders, and loves Old Man Fritz.

A young man who’ll use any means to become strong.

He affectionately calls Germany “West”. Also, he hates Russia.

Now THIS is closer to me.

Edited by Dio
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I can't get past the first question because 'faggot' isn't a possible answer.

Emotional/Friendly/Fun Loving might work.

The second question is your bad points, anywho. XD

The episodes are only five minutes long. A shame...

Edited by Asaa
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Pick the words that you think others might see you as!

Now... I know I'm bad in answering this kind of question...

Edited by Fia
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Egypt (Gupta Muhammad Hassan):

An individual young man with a mysterious atmosphere.

He’s got various good conditions and is pretty stubborn, but in reality he’s friendly and family-minded.

Like Greece, if you dig you can find lots of mementoes from his mother, so he thinks it’s fine if he can’t really modernize.

You can’t really observe him talking.


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This is getting ridiculous... I have to ditch rings every now and then just so I can speed this up because enemies are afraid. I'm off to sleep soon >_< .

Oh and this is chapter 4 without any arena btw, that's pretty much for money now and I think I have a good way to deal with Cuvuli.

lol chicken mooks.

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I lol'd :lol:

Mostly just because I played this a LOT with my friends when I was a little kid. :3 Edited by Ren
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A new nation sprouts out of the water! You...

A. Send it my blessings

B. Rush to invade it!!

C. Don't care.

D. Try to figure out why a nation just sprouted out of the water.

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England (Arthur Kirkland):

A young man with an obstinate and sarcastic personality, who has lots of rain and was a former delinquent.

He likes cooking but he doesn't have any repertoire, and his food isn't edible to begin with.

He's good friends with fairies and ghosts, tries black magic and summoning and is a bit of an occultist.

(Even though America calls them illusions...)

His drinking habits are strangely bad. He likes black tea and embroidery.

Also, now and then he likes to paint portraits of of axles.

There's also that one bit about how, ever since forever ago, he's been fighting with France.

Not really fitting...

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<H3 class=aquestion>Cuba</H3>025cuba.jpg Cuba:

A good-humored, nice big brother with strong emotions.

He doesn't get along with America, but with Canada he's pretty friendly.


The ironic part is that I'm the eldest sibling of my family. XD

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Lithuania (Toris Lorinaitis):

Poland’s partner.

It feels like he’s usually just dragged around by him, but he has a good time.

He’s pretty serious with a lot of patience, but he usually thinks too much, gets depressed and gives himself a stomachache.

During the time of the Soviet Union, it was like waking up to a strange theme park being built.

Anyway, after gaining independence from Russia, he’s currently rehabilitating with Poland.

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Someone should get Italy.


Supposedly there's a good bunch of characters for that: Northern, Southern, Holy Roman Empire, etc.

Hell my country doesn't exist anymore ;_;, but Fia's was part of me :wub:

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