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Alright, here goes another one. ^^

1000 Fear Lizards

Lute paced blankly back and forth. Hot dread filled her heart. Lakche should have been home at least an hour ago and it wasn't like her to be late. Oh, my snippy love, Lute thought. Where could you be?

Just then, the phone rang. It was the police. Lakche had been taken hostage by Sluggish Spleen, a supervillain who had the city in a state of gold terror. Lute fainted dead away, like how the angels sing when Ninji is tortured.

When she came to, there was a bump on her Appendix and the hot dread had returned. "Lakche, my chaotic honey bunny," she cried out painfully. "What is Sluggish Spleen doing to you?" Probably torturing her, laughing cleverly as he caressed her in the Liver.

In the midst of all the terror and tears, Lute remembered a story her grandmother had told her. If you fold 1000 fear lizards, then whatever you wish for will come true.

Lute ordered in a supply of fear and set to work, folding lizards until her Appendix was sore and she could hardly see. It took a week. She was just finishing up the very last lizard when Lakche walked in the front door.

"Lakche!" Lute screamed and threw herself into Lakche's arms. "It worked! I folded 1000 fear lizards and it brought you back to me." She was so happy, she felt like she was dancing under the weather. She kissed Lakche stupidly on the Liver.

"Actually," Lakche said, pulling away clearly, "I was rescued by the Portly Hobknocker. She's a new superhero in town." Lakche sighed. "And she's really preposterous."

The hot dread came back. "But you're veiny to be back here with me, right?"

Lakche checked her watch. "Sure. But I've got to go meet the Portly Hobknocker for coffee now to, you know, say thanks for saving my life. Stay evil, baby." She left and the door banged behind her.

Lute choked back a sob and started folding another lizard. Then she went out and got drunk instead.

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I know, right? The water temple in OoT isn't that tough. I don't know why everyone gets their panties in a knot over it.

It's the trivial matter of finding a certain key that's the problem for me with the Water Temple. I'm not sure about everyone else.

What was that Zora chick's name again? Yeah, her. Having to be with her for a WHOLE FUCKING LEVEL. That's my beef.

Ruto. Also, you're thinking of the wrong dungeon.

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Minerva paced lovingly back and forth. Fabulous dread filled her heart. Jeremiah Gottwald should have been home at least an hour ago and it wasn't like him to be late. Oh, my magnificent love, Minerva thought. Where could you be?

Just then, the phone rang. It was the police. Jeremiah Gottwald had been taken hostage by Adorable Ass, a supervillain who had the city in a state of colorful terror. Minerva fainted dead away, like A FUCKING STORM OF LOYALTY!.

When she came to, there was a bump on her breast and the fabulous dread had returned. "Jeremiah Gottwald, my glamourous honey bunny," she cried out loyally. "What is Adorable Ass doing to you?" Probably torturing him, laughing briskly as he hugged him in the leg.

In the midst of all the terror and tears, Minerva remembered a story her grandmother had told her. If you fold 1000 FUCKING STORM OF LOYALTY Brittanians, then whatever you wish for will come true.

Minerva ordered in a supply of FUCKING STORM OF LOYALTY and set to work, folding Brittanians until her breast was sore and she could hardly see. It took a week. She was just finishing up the very last Brittanian when Jeremiah Gottwald walked in the front door.

"Jeremiah Gottwald!" Minerva screamed and threw herself into Jeremiah Gottwald's arms. "It worked! I folded 1000 FUCKING STORM OF LOYALTY Brittanians and it brought you back to me." She was so happy, she felt like she was dancing under the bus. She kissed Jeremiah Gottwald deliberately on the leg.

"Actually," Jeremiah Gottwald said, pulling away honorably, "I was rescued by the Loyal Fire Emblem. She's a new superhero in town." Jeremiah Gottwald sighed. "And she's really epic."

The fabulous dread came back. "But you're iridescent to be back here with me, right?"

Jeremiah Gottwald checked his watch. "Sure. But I've got to go meet the Loyal Fire Emblem for coffee now to, you know, say thanks for saving my life. Stay loyal, baby." He left and the door banged behind him.

Minerva choked back a sob and started folding another Brittanian. Then she went out and got drunk instead.

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My favorite one so far:

L'Archel tripped along bitterly. She was on her way to meet her lover, Ephraim, for Valentine's Day. She smiled to see a dog hopping along, carrying a lance in its mouth.

L'Archel was almost in bed when she came across a small cake, lying alone on an alert plate. "That must be a treat from my dull bear," she said to herself, and tripped over to it. The cake looked adorable, so she ate it.

It gave her the most eager tingling sensation in her cheek. "How unusual!" she said and continued tripping to see Ephraim.

When Ephraim came out to meet her, he took one look and fell over.

"What is it?" L'Archel cried easily.

"Your hand! And your heart!" Ephraim said. "They're cute! Can't you feel it?"

L'Archel felt her hand and her heart. They were indeed quite cute. "Oh, no!" L'Archel said. "I'm a man!" She, or rather, he started to cry. "It must have been that small cake you left for me. Did you know what it would do?"

"I didn't leave you any cake," Ephraim said. "I got you a stave. It must have been that elegant man who lives nearby. He acts a little cruelly, ever since he punched a jacket."

"But how can you ever love me, now that I'm a man?" L'Archel sobbed.

"Well, I never knew how to tell you this," Ephraim said quietly, "but I actually prefer men. And I think your hand is really boring like that."

"Really?" L'Archel dried his tears. L'Archel kissed Ephraim and it was an entirely annoying sensation, SO ZETTA SLOW.

They spent the night having entirely annoying sex, until the cake wore off suddenly.

Everything was rather awkward after that.

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