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Chalis, did you ever beat the archery game? I've tried eleven times, and gotten a quiver upgrade, four treasures, and six ship parts. I just... Can't... Reach 2000! ;____;

I have tried, I really have, and I've gotten close but ever since losing my stylus I haven't been able to get a good score anymore.

It's a really tough mini-game, sometimes I just want to shoot the little girls on purpose. ;___;

Ooh, a lost stylus would make it impossible. D: I got 1950 a total of three times, but... Read my previous post. : D

Actually, the reason I won is because I figured the trick out. Only one little girl on the screen at a time, so after she was there I fired away at everything around her, and was able to predict when she reappeared.

Edited by Lux Aeterna
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Whaaaaat? Only thirteen episodes? Is it enough time to flesh out character? ;__;

Gundam 0080 fleshed out its characters in six.

And then 08th MS team failed in 13 and 0083 just plain sucked. Irony, much?

Both of those shows had director changes mid-way.

As did Wing.

I think you can see a pattern here.

What's SEED's excuse?

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What's SEED's excuse?

Apparently unlike Tomino who tended to go against a lot of corporate pressure, Fukuda caved in often, resulting in crap like the very existence of Freedom Gundam. Budget constraints probably resulted in a lot of reused animation in the 2nd half of the show.

SEED Destiny is Fukuda pretty much giving sexual favors to Sunrise, magnifying every flaw SEED had and definining most of the show purely by these flaws. SEED Destiny has no excuse. Instead of improving on the Cosmic Era, they purposely made it worse.

Edited by Brawl Sheeda
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Well, there IS a reason why the SEEDestiny models had shit sales while Astray had some pretty decent sales all around...

Because Astray designs were pretty cool while Okawara's SEED designs tended to be garbage.

And by Okawara, I mean no offense to the guy, but his SEED Designs just aren't good unless it's a "clean up" of someone else's design (which would be the Orb Gundams in early SEED).

Edited by Brawl Sheeda
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Well, there IS a reason why the SEEDestiny models had shit sales while Astray had some pretty decent sales all around...

Because Astray designs were pretty cool while Okawara's SEED designs tended to be garbage.

And by Okawara, I mean no offense to the guy, but his SEED Designs just aren't good unless it's a "clean up" of someone else's design (which would be the Orb Gundams in early SEED).

Well, to be fair, they were better than most of Syd Mead's in Turn A Gundam... What the fuck was with those things?

However, when it actually comes down to it, the best designs in the multiseries are the Zeon designs in UC and the Union's Flag/Federation's GN-X models in 00. Those were awesome looking.

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Well, to be fair, they were better than most of Syd Mead's in Turn A Gundam... What the fuck was with those things?
No way. Turn A designs may be ugly, but they aren't sell out designs. You look at one and think, "This is some weird science fiction crap going on!" Look at Freedom and you see an anorexic Mecha with gigantic wings that does nothing but aimbot everything. Interesting design you have there Cosmic Era! Let's try to copy Gundam Wing's battles instead using Amuro as a reference!

And that's just Freedom. Pretty much any Gundam after the first half of SEED is pretty much, "skinny, angular looking MS. Check. Gigantic backpack. Check."

However, when it actually comes down to it, the best designs in the multiseries are the Zeon designs in UC and the Union's Flag/Federation's GN-X models in 00. Those were awesome looking.
Sieg Zeon! Edited by Brawl Sheeda
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However, when it actually comes down to it, the best designs in the multiseries are the Zeon designs in UC and the Union's Flag/Federation's GN-X models in 00. Those were awesome looking.

Zakus are the best things to happen to Gundam.

Also, I apparently suck with the Smoker, but I'm decent with the Hunter. Go figure.

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Well, to be fair, they were better than most of Syd Mead's in Turn A Gundam... What the fuck was with those things?
No way. Turn A designs may be ugly, but they aren't sell out designs. You look at one and think, "This is some weird science fiction crap going on!" Look at Freedom and you see an anorexic Mecha with gigantic wings that does nothing but aimbot everything. Interesting design you have there Cosmic Era! Let's try to copy Gundam Wing's battles instead using Amuro as a reference!

And that's just Freedom. Pretty much any Gundam after the first half of SEED is pretty much, "skinny, angular looking MS. Check. Gigantic backpack. Check."

However, when it actually comes down to it, the best designs in the multiseries are the Zeon designs in UC and the Union's Flag/Federation's GN-X models in 00. Those were awesome looking.
Sieg Zeon!

Freedom was actually a Double X expy. And the model kit actually looked pretty damn good. STRIKE Freedom, on the other hand...

And Blitz was the best design the original SEED had going for it. It STILL looks badass despite being the only Gundam to actually be shot down. Remind you of anything? *CoughKampferCough*

Then you had Stargazer, which was actually interesting for a change in CE... Lol Stargate Gundam.

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However, when it actually comes down to it, the best designs in the multiseries are the Zeon designs in UC and the Union's Flag/Federation's GN-X models in 00. Those were awesome looking.

Zakus are the best things to happen to Gundam.

Also, I apparently suck with the Smoker, but I'm decent with the Hunter. Go figure.

Kampfer, motherfucker.

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And Blitz was the best design the original SEED had going for it. It STILL looks badass despite being the only Gundam to actually be shot down.
If you look at a post from earlier though, I say that Okawara's SEED designs are only really good if they're based on someone else's designs, which Blitz was one of these. The first five Gundams were great, but it's because someone else designed them as a prototype.
Then you had Stargazer, which was actually interesting for a change in CE... Lol Stargate Gundam.
Freedom was actually a Double X expy. And the model kit actually looked pretty damn good.
I'm judging it based on how it does in battle and what it looks like officially (not model kit tweaks that make it look better). And not even cross show comparisons, but comparison within its own show. Look at how well Kira does in Strike, doing creative things much like Amuro would to solve situations and actually lost some battles from time to time. Then he climbs into Freedom and he completely forgets how to fight, doing dumb stuff like keeping on shooting at anti-beam reflectors or not even trying to look for weaknesses.

Then you have Yzak, who actually knows how to pilot an MS, actually knows how to fight. He found crazy solutions to take out TWO of the Blue Cosmos MS, that are BOTH much superior to his own Duel. What the hell, Kira? Are you seriously that stupid that you can't win fights with pretty much a hax MS AND with Athrun helping you?

Kampfer, motherfucker.
Kampfer is an amazing design, but I'm going to have to disagree and say that Gouf is the best thing to ever happen in Gundam. TWO awesome Ace pilots use them. Freaking Patrick Norris and Ramba Ral. These guys make MS combat a very beautiful thing.
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12x done.

Took a bit long but I wanted to see if the Dancers with Knight Proof and Warp staff appear even if you do it the short way. CONLUSION: THEY DO APPEAR. BOTTOM RIGHT STAIRCASE. Just don't kill any dancers and you're in business.

Leaf: 14-54: meh

Dagda: 13-18: Captured Trewd

Saphy: 11-40: Warped Lara

Lara: 2-50: I got her a level up out of boredom, really. 15 HP, 1 Skl, 6 Spd, 7 Luk, 3 Bld, 6 Mov

Asvel: 3-97: Torch staff for finding Trewd

Carrion: 15-76: he only mounted

Pahn: 4-72: 32 HP, 8 Str, 4 Mag, 12 Skl, 14 Spd, 11 Luk, 8 Def, 9 Bld, 7 Mov. Given 3 rings, he missed thieves/stole with Elite Sword, etc.

Salem: 6-04: 23 HP, 0 Str, 9 Mag, 7 Skl, 8 Spd, 2 Luk, 3 Def, 4 Bld, 6 Mov

Tina: 1-00

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12x done.

Took a bit long but I wanted to see if the Dancers with Knight Proof and Warp staff appear even if you do it the short way. CONLUSION: THEY DO APPEAR. BOTTOM RIGHT STAIRCASE. Just don't kill any dancers and you're in business.

Exactly what I did in my last playthrough.

Finally finished act 2 with my sorc. Blood Raven's workshop didn't stand a chance, but got me to lv. 39 anyway.

Hmmm static field and time stop

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