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Sigurd is entranced by the glimmering skin of Diadora's exposed forehead, coming to realize that she may be even more beautiful than he imagined. He knew he had to have her, he was drawn to fall in love far too quickly. He steps over the pile of fresh corpses of Bandits he had slain last turn, which they smell not of death, but of perspiration and mud.

"D-don't come near me!" shrieks the angelic figure shining within the beams of sunlight passing through the overbearing tree leaves, "You're being tempted into my beauty, I am just a trap, a terrible unit!"

Sigurd's eyebrows narrow slightly at this revelation, a quizzical look on his lips, unable to understand. His feet act stubbornly, taking closer steps, and his eyes further inspect her distressed churning of facial muscle, noticing a slight watering of the vast skies that are her eyes.

Diadora quickly looks up to the tall, slender man drabbed in such saturated blue and holy white colors. Fear impasses her, quickly looking away from the nobleman, "Why!? Why do you still come if you know... That I am a waste of EXP..."

Sigurd kneels down, and places a hand that is slightly rashed from the recent swordsmanship of that day, a smile touching his lips. His voice opens, revealing a fatherly tone that had been lacking in Diadora's life for so long, "I love you so much... So much that I don't care how terrible of a unit you may be. I will protect you, and make up for all of your faults through mine own strength. I don't believe in the superstitions of the legends about you, I just want to be with you..."

A soft sniffle is heard in response to his words, slowly looking back to him, reaching her right arm over to place her hand on his own, before smiling, and speaking with such a lovely song, softness and pitch that would make any man, no matter how strong or mighty, melt inwardly "We have only met this day, but I feel like we have known each other for years..." She then pushes herself off of the ground, her silk, lavender tinted dress tainted with the dirt of the spirit forest, as if her surroundings try to cling to her, begging for her to stay.

Sigurd kneels down, and turns his torso to reach both of his arms behind her, one arm around her back, and the other behind her knees. Diadora blinks at this motion Sigurd makes, then suddenly finds her self forced off of the ground, lifted into the air with such ease by the man's arms, which she can now feel are very well built arms while still not being overly bulky, something that was not immediately apparent through such clothing the man wears. Now within Sigurd's carry, Diadora finds herself wrapping her slender, smooth arms around her lover's neck, looking up to his face, a highlight around the edge of his features can be seen through her perspective, the sun shining from above through the trees.

Sigurd looks down to her, smiling warmly, "Thank you. I am sure the rest of the army would love to meet you."


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Anyway, divorcing Fia since this marriage wouldn't troll those already married, and NoName is probably already ticked at everyone else for marrying her.


That didn't take long.

Oh well~

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Oh well~

You still have me and plenty of others to keep you company~

And I think it's time for bed.

I know, thank you Musashi~ <3

Sleep well, night night~

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If NoName finds out about Fia asking to marry yet another person, he might have a tantrum.

The next thing we all know I'm going to marry Nini.

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If NoName finds out about Fia asking to marry yet another person, he might have a tantrum.

The next thing we all know I'm going to marry Nini.

Do it while NoName's on.

Oh lol.

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If NoName finds out about Fia asking to marry yet another person, he might have a tantrum.

The next thing we all know I'm going to marry Nini.

Do it while NoName's on.

Oh lol.

Can't wait.

Mean Sephy~

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I lol'd. There are 4 anonymous users in this forum now and all of them are viewing this thread.

None of them can resist your charm.

One of them already ran away.

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I lol'd. There are 4 anonymous users in this forum now and all of them are viewing this thread.

None of them can resist your charm.

One of them already ran away.

It was probably me.


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I can't say anything more specific than that the overall joke is a pun on the name of the Live staff. I think >_> I just started giggling at Ethlin rocking out and then running away laughing and was all IT MUST BE POSTED


Wait, aren't you supposed to be able to translate stuff? >_>

Well, nvm, thanks for telling me that much.

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