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It's not like it's hard. I managed to find a SHITLOAD of advice on using Q on the internet (not that I've been able to put it to good use). I'm sure you can find just as much on Yang. =\

Ah. I'll try.

Have a nice Thursday everyone. This fella is getting some sleep.

Goodnight~ (:

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I personally dislike both of the twins. >_>


Pretty much the only reason I picked from them. And Yang... because he has awesome hair. 8)

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Pretty much the only reason I picked from them. And Yang... because he has awesome hair. 8)

Yang's hair was totally ripped off of Trowa Barton from Gundam Wing.

You'll hate a Yun pro if you ever face one. He'll basically make you look like a volleyball with all the juggling combos.

I've seen that in a few videos. Doesn't look like a fun situation to be in. :|

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Jason's getting good against Dudley. Might have to train some Ryu and make him the anti-Jason.

Yeah, Ryu, Ken, and Akuma I can't fight well against

Edited by Patchouli
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Good afternoon, no, excellent afternoon, everyone~


I just had my first singing lesson in the conservatorium, in which was confirmed that I have an excellent voice for theatre.

I only miss the proper techniques.

Is ma princesse here?

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Good afternoon, no, excellent afternoon, everyone~


I just had my first singing lesson in the conservatorium, in which was confirmed that I have an excellent voice for theatre.

I only miss the proper techniques.

Is ma princesse here?



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Good afternoon, no, excellent afternoon, everyone~


I just had my first singing lesson in the conservatorium, in which was confirmed that I have an excellent voice for theatre.

I only miss the proper techniques.

Is ma princesse here?



It better not be Bananas.

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