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About CassieCinders

  • Birthday 09/28/1993


  • Member Title
    Disappears upon appearing

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  • Interests
    Gaming, The FE4 THREAD, Les Mis, music(als), FE4
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  • Favorite Fire Emblem Game
    Genealogy of the Holy War

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  1. I still have that saved somewhere 🥲 nostalgia
  2. I just finished a run where I used everybody (with a goal to get them all to max level at least once in their promoted class). With all the training and corrupted battles going on to keep this manageable without deaths I ended up maxing donation too 🙃
  3. Even better: if Emblem Veronica does a summon she has a chance to summon another Veronica WITH contract, so a 5th attack would be possible then..
  4. I was so hoping for a method to exchange storehouse items for things. These things pile up and with how cooking works in this game I don’t use over half of it. Maybe wave 4…
  5. He does, that's why he returns to Lenster after 'dying'. If he 'died' in Gen 1 however, I recall him showing up with only an iron lance or smth like that.
  6. Just posting so people look at the cat in my profile picture.
  7. Rei Rei's description is insanely accurate.
  8. Well, Faval and Altenna have their holy weapons and don't really need anything else on a casual playthrough. Leaf will probably manage fine if you get him a good weapon asap and Patty is a utility unit anyway and always starts with sleep sword which is the weapon she'll use mostly to gain levels in arena early on, so I think it'll be fine.
  9. Inheritance is swapped for Ethlyn's and Briggid's kids tho, there the son inherits from the mother and the daughter from the father.
  10. Rewatching Legend of the galactic heroes brought me back here. My aging is leading me to reminisce.
  11. The FE3 remake happened about 6-7 years ago, but was never released outside Japan. I still doubt FE4/5 remakes coming to the west, due to obvious reasons (even though in these days they might just put the story out there anyway, dunno), but if Three Houses does well enough it may happen. I think a remake of FE6 is more likely to happen than 4/5 though (because of Roy's renewed popularity with SSBU)
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