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Clearly my king works for the greater good of his land, while your queen only wants to get into Juliu's pants favor by doing child hunts.

She trying to get into his pants Favor has nothing to do with the Genocide of small korean children

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I believe the Harold brigade has ended you civilians may return to you regular life thanks to the manliness of Dio and Ridale.


Edited by Generic Officer
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*Kisses forehead*<3

I know, right? =w=

:D I love you<333 /hug

Ironically my head did start to feel better.

Yeah. I guess there's nothing we can really do about it. >:

...oh, right! /runs off to reply

You did not enjoy the performance of the Harold brothers?

No, well, yes I did, but usually my day has even more stuff like that. D:

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:D I love you<333 /hug

Ironically my head did start to feel better.

Yeah. I guess there's nothing we can really do about it. >:

...oh, right! /runs off to reply

It's magic, Sweetie~<333

Aw. I guess we can only wish for Mumu and Dio to show up later and provide the THREAD with some good lulz. :C


/runs off to practice piano

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