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Tales of Symphonia Dawn of the New World (Spoilers!)


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Just beat the game first time. I thought it was pretty good. I enjoyed the story and the voices weren't bad. (Even though I know people were pissed about some of the voice changes) I loved the monster choices and the many combinations to teams. Also how each character finctioned differently (Emil as frontliner, Matra as primary healer etc...)

So... Anything else? I just wanted to put my thoughts....

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I put it above average myself, though I wouldn't call it a ZOMG AWESOME game, but I personally liked it. You know, I heard someone call the Monster Summoning system a Pokemon-esque system.

I'd call it more or less a SMT-esque considering that the monsters fight alongside you, rather than just await your command like the traditional stuff.

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The game was pretty good. Not something like 10/10, but I enjoyed it for the most part. Voice acting was pretty good (the cut-scenes and talking were pretty good... and hilarious). Though the best part was when Emil went crazy on that Knight. That was epic.

Also... Are You Ready?

Edited by Colonel M
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Meh...I thought it was okay at best. I still say it would have been better if they didn't just throw in the old Symphonia characters just to get more people to buy it.

It definitely had plenty of humor, though.

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I know let's make an impotent sissy with a complex and a one sided hate relation with the people around him the main dude they'll never be ready for that shit in a JRPG

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Main flaw with the original ToS characters was 1) it seemed a little... out of place and 2) wtf @ level caps?

3) Why can't I play them1?!1

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Monsters > everyone else in your party... They level faster and just rape. I had mine kill Lloyd in the beginning when you're supposed to lose to him. This game was poorly made IMO. Emil and Marta were annoying and the returning characters capped at certain levels when you got them. The game was mad easy since you could just juggle monsters all day long with Emil and be safe when you land.

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Well, Emil still had to avoid being killed (Marta and ToS characters too but w/e), but yeah Monsters were pretty broken in this game. The game needed a bit more balance, though I haven't played the harder difficulty.

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I should have never bought that 2x EXP at the Grade Shop. DX

Emil and Marta were pretty broken without any grinding whatsoever. My Wolf Heddin and Ravenous also just rape everything in their path with their 4000+ damage halfway into the game. >_>

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