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Taking requests for hi-res movie screenshots (FE9/10)

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Eg. The fateful battle (spoilers)

Just 'cause.

There's only one snag- I can't take screenshots of "The Forest" movie

i.e the one where Reyson and Leanne sing the galdr of rebirth to restore the forest

. Also, this only covers the animated CG movies (includes the Opening movie for both games).

Feel free to link to videos if you don't know how to describe the frame that you want.


Extended to include FE10. Just in case.


Offer is now up for the general public. Please remember to check this page in case your request has been already been fulfilled.

You can e-mail me at: aveyn_knight {at} yahoo {dot} co {dot} uk

Edited by VincentASM
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What does hi-res mean? I don't think it's high-Resistance so what is it?

Think of it as "high quality", like not blurry or anything.

Edited by Fireman
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Yeah, it's meant to be high-resolution. Although to be honest, the images aren't really that clear, since FE9/10's movies are basically JPEG slideshows (for lack of a better analogy).

However, it's the best you'll get unless you infiltrate IS's HQ or something.

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Are these any good? (From 4_2.PNG onwards)

I don't know if the American version has a larger screensize (since they get the 16:9 aspect option).

Edited by VincentASM
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If it's not too much, I have two requests:

- Titania during her attack on Ludveck's rebel force in the Execution cutscene

- Tibarn attacking Begnion Soldiers in the Crossing cutscene

Edited by Mekkah
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Are these any good? (From 4_2.PNG onwards)

I don't know if the American version has a larger screensize (since they get the 16:9 aspect option).

The first one'll do for me.

Anyway, thanks. :)

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Anything in general from the cutscene with Ike+Yune (Is it called "God's End"? I forget) please ;D

Also, a shot of Ike+Gatrie in "The Execution" would be good too.

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Here are some general screenshots from Greil's Fall.

You'll probably want this image : P

Do you mind also adding in transformed Skrimir, particularly his BK fight?

I should have mentioned I'm only taking requests from the CG movies. The Skrimir vs BK battle is just an regular in-game battle, but scripted.

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There is a bit in the epilogue where it shows all the places in Tellius (Castle Crimea, Phoenicis Hall, et cetera). Is it possible to get a picture of all the Hawk laguz in Phoenicis Hall? The bit in question occurs after the movie where Yune un-petrifys everyone.

Sorry to be a pain, and thank you in advance!

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There's only one snag- I can't take screenshots of "The Forest" movie

Damn, I would've asked for that one :(

How about the battle where Ike and the BK are fighting the tower?

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Don't worry, I'm getting there : P

Screens from Life Returns. I'm not sure if you literally meant all the Hawk Laguz, since you'd need two screenshots to capture the most left and the most right Laguz (I was lazy so I took one towards the middle).

Which reminds me, the FE9/10 CG artwork is plain awesome. It's a shame the ones in the above movie don't show up in-game (besides the location artwork), or I could probably rip larger versions from the image directory : /

Finally, we have the BK battle from FE10.

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