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This is funny.

If you speak the truth, have a foot in the stirrup -Kurdish saying

My cheating tally;

Games, I used to all the time. I play to have fun, I'll use it how I think will make it fun. Now it's more satisfaction of kicking a game's ass, which cheating doesn't provide.

Schoolwork, when I felt lazy and didn't want to do homework I would copy some one else, or more often let them copy from me.

People, I wouldnt dream of it, except perhaps those times I didn't care about my prep, judging friends and hung with the loser crowd.

Edited by Crepe Knight
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English - Literacy is the most important aspect of any human being.


Seriously, it's not important, as long as you have the basic, you're okay, and my definition of the basics is done being taught early into Secondary (British High School, I think) over here.

Tell me that again when your wife reaches size 16 and constantly whines to you about the bills.

I will, if she gets bad enough, there's something callled "Divorce", and if I can live with her, I have no need to persue anyone else.

Not to mention that I simply wouldn't let her.

Also, no matter how bad it gets, cheating will never be an option for me.

Somehow I get this feeling you're not going to have to worry about having a girlfriend.

Good! That's weird coming from a straight man, I know, but GOOD!

That will just make it easier to resist temptation! :D

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Good! That's weird coming from a straight man, I know, but GOOD!

That will just make it easier to resist temptation! :D


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I will, if she gets bad enough, there's something callled "Divorce", and if I can live with her, I have no need to persue anyone else.
Psst. Divorce is verboten for you people (since the only even remotely plausible reason for "no sex before marriage" is "believes in imaginary people who care about what you do").
Not to mention that I simply wouldn't let her.
How domineering. You are a sad, pathetic human being, aren't you?
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Psst. Divorce is verboten for you people (since the only even remotely plausible reason for "no sex before marriage" is "believes in imaginary people who care about what you do").

How domineering. You are a sad, pathetic human being, aren't you?

Aww, come off it, Blacken, he's just a widdle 14-year-old, anyway.

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Science - You need to know how your world works. Why? I would hope that's self-explanatory but it makes you a better consumer. Take those parents that think immunizations cause autism. Stupid huh? Well they obviously didn't pay attention or have the opportunity to learn that autism is caused by genetic problems and that immunizations help the immune system, not change your genetic makeup.

Not to mention skills like logic and reasoning, ethics, etc. usually come into classes, whether you know that's what you're learning or not.

Thanks for correcting me. It'll be sad if people still think that when I'm an adult...

And I can't believe I posted that post while forgetting the people who think evolution isn't true. Yeah, science is real fucking important.


Seriously, it's not important, as long as you have the basic, you're okay, and my definition of the basics is done being taught early into Secondary (British High School, I think) over here.

lolno. "Most important aspect of every human being" was an exaggeration. But it is still one of the most important things to learn. It only makes it easier if you read.

Trust me, you still need to learn English even when your school is done teaching it. You'll never get a good job not knowing how to write a job application.

I will, if she gets bad enough, there's something callled "Divorce", and if I can live with her, I have no need to persue anyone else.

Not to mention that I simply wouldn't let her.

Also, no matter how bad it gets, cheating will never be an option for me.

Good! That's weird coming from a straight man, I know, but GOOD!

That will just make it easier to resist temptation! :D

Wow, a lot can happen in a year. I remember when I used to be this naïve.

Divorce is pricey. Wait, you'd turn to divorce when you get a tiny, fixable problem?! lol That's funny you say that. What kind of dream woman are you imagining in that brain of yours anyway?

lol. There is no temptation if you have no girlfriend. You still have your hand though.

Edited by Georges St. Pierre
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In school, I don't cheat and hate it when people try to copy off my paper >__>

In school I was kind of a reverse cheater. I let people look at my homework, helped people with their math when the teacher was out of the room on a test, left my paper for everyone to see. I kind of fucking ruled.

It's not like college where your grade is weighed against everyone elses', so why would you give a fuck if your friends could get a better grade with you?

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